Roger's Family


PR Founding Father
On February 24th the Roger's family lost their entire home to a fire. Their youngest son Chase did not make it out alive. This family is a great motocross family that has consistently donated their time to the motocross community to help make motocross in Ohio better. Please help them through this difficult time

Those who wish to donate to the Roger's Family, please send donations through paypal to as friends and family. Please write "Roger's Family" in the notes! Thank you everyone in advance. I will let this run for a couple weeks, then transfer the money to the bank, and take it to them.

You can also donate to the “Chase Rogers Memorial Fund”. 100% of the funds will go directly to the family. The bank addresses are as follows:

-Magnolia Main Branch (330) 866-9392
PO Box 415/122 N Main St, Magnolia OH 44643
-Canton South Branch
3221 Cleveland Ave SW, Canton OH 44707
-East Sparta Branch
10045 Cleveland Ave SE, Magnolia OH 44643
I am so sorry for the loss of your home and youngest son Chase. While your home can be rebuilt, the loss of Chase has no measure of the grief you are feeling. My heart breaks for you all. Your family has been kind to me, treated me well, and also helped me when I was in a time of need. I am fond of the times we shared together. Chase was a spunky young man who had a unique personality. He was friendly and always willing to joke around. He was a hard worker and enjoyed his family and friends.

It is times like these, though hard, that offer the opportunity for perspective in life as to what really matters. What matters most is people. In our niche of the world...we love to ride. For years, riding is something we have shared a common love for that has forged friendships that last a life time. We have experienced many hardships as a motocross family through the years by way of injuries and loss of life. It goes deeper with Chase because this is about our life as a whole...with or without’s about our common lives on this earth.

Life is fragile and none of us are promised tomorrow. In situations like is easy to ask “Why?” But...although very difficult, perhaps the greater question to ask is “What can I learn from this?”

In the event of Tanner Stine, a motocross community and family were deeply hurt and grief stricken. We asked then “What can I learn from this?”

The simple truth is that life is short and people matter most. Love those that are in your life. The most we have at the beginning and end of each day is each other. It does not matter pride, possession, or position...only people...each other.

I imagine no words seem helpful in this time...but just know that you...the Rogers Family...are not alone in this time. We have your back and will bear this burden with you. Your in our hearts and prayers. I am sorry for your great loss.

We love you! I love you!

Thank you for all you have done for us, here is our helping hand in return.

We will miss you Chase! Love ya bud!
Words can't describe what they must be going through. Praying for them all.

Glad your doing this, go fund me takes way too much money from the donations.
Prayers to Jason, Tina, Zack and the entire Rogers family. I can not even imagine the pain and shock they must be in, has to be over whelming.

Tragic, makes you remember how life can change so quickly.
I dunno if this ok or not but...

I remember standing in line at the banquet. Me and nearby. He was sayin some things and Cussin like a sailor. And then he turns around and sees pops. Meister and I just lost it laughing. Maybe crute was standing there too. I forget but..... Chase knew it. “Oh boy. I messed up.”

And the best part was, chase was saying exactly what we were all thinking. Im
Gonna miss that kid. When I announced at malvern the Rogers always paid me
More than what my worthless self was actually worth. And chase would remind me that I sucked at announcing at times. Hed take a jab and make fun of me. Saying stuff like “don’t ever say that again you sound dumb”. Again he was right. He was always busting my balls and I couldn’t ever be mad at the kid. He just told it like it was. No sugar coating. And man he had humor. I always had to be careful what I said around him because he could quickly point out how stupid I actually was without much effort. The comments would just roll off his tongue better than a poet. Sometimes he’d say something and then there’d be a shocking moment of silence. Because I truly was at a loss for words. And he’d let you feel awkward for that brief moment and then crack a big smile and say “baker I’m just ______ with ya!!” That’s what made him, him. We all Will forever miss that kid. I think him and my brother are cut from the same cloth.
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I remember that as well. Chase was a unique kid. Could make anyone laugh at about any time, but when he was serious, he was serious.. I wrote somewhere else that he was the perfect smart ass, and I loved that about him. I'm sure that attribute made mom n dad pull some hairs out, but theyve raised some damn good kids (like I told zack, they'll always be kids to me)..

I can't fathom what they're going through. The loss of monetary items and keepsakes is rough, but pales in comparison. My heart hurts for them daily. I've known Jason for a very long time and remember when the boys were babies. Chase will definitely be missed by many.


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I was telling Jason my favorite chase story, I dont have too many, but this stuck out to me. We were setting up in Ashland, and I took Dave Hoover with me to help. All of us are carrying boxes into the hall, and Dave gets a call from client or something Fork Lift Training Systems related so he takes the call. This goes on for a couple minutes. Finally Chase had enough. He looks at Dave, while Dave is still on the phone and says, “Are you gonna help or be on your phone??” Or something like that, it was awesome. 100% Chase. No BS. That was him. I laughed so hard on the way home talking about that!
I was telling Jason my favorite chase story, I dont have too many, but this stuck out to me. We were setting up in Ashland, and I took Dave Hoover with me to help. All of us are carrying boxes into the hall, and Dave gets a call from client or something Fork Lift Training Systems related so he takes the call. This goes on for a couple minutes. Finally Chase had enough. He looks at Dave, while Dave is still on the phone and says, “Are you gonna help or be on your phone??” Or something like that, it was awesome. 100% Chase. No BS. That was him. I laughed so hard on the way home talking about that!
Told ya, when he was serious he meant business. I guarantee ya he learned first hand about that saying from Jason though. Lol.

The guys a Vert mx graphics are close to that $ as well in funds raised. They were there tonight with many helping hands getting stickers all ready to go.
Last call!!!! For anyone interested in donating. I will be taking the biggest chunk up to Jason hopefully today. But I can definitely take more if we more is given. Thanks again!
I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody, the kindness everyone has shown has been unbelievable through this difficult time. I have not posted a single thing on any social media prior to this. Honestly I never thought in my lifetime I would ever have to try to figure out how to deal with something as difficult as this is and I just have not been able to open that door publicly. I guess what it boils down to is whatever I type just never feels right and it ends up getting deleted. But genuinely, thank you all!
And I guess this is what I mean by whatever I type it doesn’t seem right. After reading that back I want to make sure everybody understands that while I do appreciate the money I also equally appreciate all the phone calls, messages, cards, even just the prayers. It all helps.
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