Langston is done announcing

I am not anti-vaccine, but have to agree with Hershey 100% on what he is saying about the vaccine. We know several people that had reactions to the vaccine. And now with booster shots, it will be interesting to see what the percentage of people is that get the booster. Because I speak to many that got the vaccine like my parents, and some close friends, that say they are done. They will not be going back to get boosters.

Thoughts? Are all these people that got the vaccines, are they going to line up every 6 to 8 months to get a booster shot? Do we know it is safe to continually put this in your body over and over again? That has not been tested at all.
Sure--let's start with a breakdown of vaccine doses administered.


Pfizer: 209,073,174 (56%)
Moderna: 145,108,915 (39%)
J&J: 14,330,970 (4%)
Total: 368,513,059

mRNA: 354,182,089 (96%)
Traditional: 14,330,970 (4%)

Let's look at immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) first, which was one of the first well-publicized side effects and one that worried me initially.

Cases of ITP post-vaccine: <5,000 (trying to find the exact number) = 5,000 / 368,513,059 = 0.001% or 1.35 per 100,000
Cases of ITP in the population
: 3.3 per 100,000

ITP occurs at more than 2x the rate in the general population than it does after a Covid-19 vaccine shot.


What about myocarditis and pericarditis?

Source: are many possible causes,cases have been mild.

Cases of myocarditis or pericarditis post-vaccine: ~1,000 = 1,000 / 368,513,059 = 0.00027% or 0.27 per 100,000
Cases in the population: 10 to 20 per 100,000 for viral myocarditis source

Viral myocarditis alone occurs at 37x the rate in the general population than it does after a Covid-19 vaccine shot. Add pericarditis and the numbers for the Covid-19 vaccines look even better.

Any other side effects you're concerned about?
I have had to post medicate for Malaria, Dengue Fever, and other ailments. I never thought of these as impingements on my personal freedoms or choice. I thought of them living, working, and being part of society. Maybe some kid or old man didn't die because I took a shot, didn't get sick, and didn't spread some disease.
What's "post medicate" mean ?
What where the "impingements" ? Were you inoculated ?
Sure--let's start with a breakdown of vaccine doses administered.


Pfizer: 209,073,174 (56%)
Moderna: 145,108,915 (39%)
J&J: 14,330,970 (4%)
Total: 368,513,059

mRNA: 354,182,089 (96%)
Traditional: 14,330,970 (4%)

Let's look at immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) first, which was one of the first well-publicized side effects and one that worried me initially.

Cases of ITP post-vaccine: <5,000 (trying to find the exact number) = 5,000 / 368,513,059 = 0.001% or 1.35 per 100,000
Cases of ITP in the population
: 3.3 per 100,000

ITP occurs at more than 2x the rate in the general population than it does after a Covid-19 vaccine shot.


What about myocarditis and pericarditis?

Source: are many possible causes,cases have been mild.

Cases of myocarditis or pericarditis post-vaccine: ~1,000 = 1,000 / 368,513,059 = 0.00027% or 0.27 per 100,000
Cases in the population: 10 to 20 per 100,000 for viral myocarditis source

Viral myocarditis alone occurs at 37x the rate in the general population than it does after a Covid-19 vaccine shot. Add pericarditis and the numbers for the Covid-19 vaccines look even better.

Any other side effects you're concerned about?
The site you reference won't let me see anything without agreeing to this : By clicking “Allow all”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. -
Ha-ha, welcome to the machine ......
The site you reference won't let me see anything without agreeing to this : By clicking “Allow all”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. -
Ha-ha, welcome to the machine ......

every site you visit is storing cookies on your PC/phone. some ask for your consent, some don't. pitracer doesn't. what point are you trying to make here?
That one won't even let you in unless you agree.... to help ......"assist in marketing efforts "
What are they marketing ???

Your interest in what they have compiled. Not necessarily facts, just some data collected from like minded folks.

Welcome to the machine .....
It was doxycycline for a few weeks after returning from Chad.
So, is that a Vaccine ? it's an Antibiotic, no?

What about ---- "Malaria, Dengue Fever, and other ailments." Been vaccinated for them?

You Said - "Maybe some kid or old man didn't die because I took a shot, didn't get sick, and didn't spread some disease." So what "shots" have you had??
Edit: doxycycline is in pill form - no?
Last edited:
That one won't even let you in unless you agree.... to help ......"assist in marketing efforts "
What are they marketing ???

Your interest in what they have compiled. Not necessarily facts, just some data collected from like minded folks.

Welcome to the machine .....
again, every site is storing cookies on your device. some ask for your consent, some don't. being upset about something you don't understand is pretty on-brand for this thread though so... i guess i appreciate the irony.
Godfree Roberts - Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)
Answered 1 year ago ·

Is the data available from Statista reliable? NO!
Statista is not a data source, it is an image source.

LOL -!

Statista is a German company specializing in market and consumer data.
The data provided by the company cover, among other things, advertisement, buying behavior or specific industries.

Sorce: Wikipedia
Godfree Roberts - Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1973)
Answered 1 year ago ·

Is the data available from Statista reliable? NO!
Statista is not a data source, it is an image source.

LOL -!

Statista is a German company specializing in market and consumer data.
The data provided by the company cover, among other things, advertisement, buying behavior or specific industries.

Sorce: Wikipedia

oh you're trying to discredit that source (and not by googling "is statista reliable" and cherry picking the results you like -- got it. go ahead and google "covid 19 vaccination stats" if you need to get them from somewhere else.
My Freedom that I am obviously willing to give up?????
Your post seemed to say having the gov force a vaccine on people to you was just part of living and working. Maybe I read that wrong. Maybe you meant just having the personal choice to do do was part of living and working.
oh you're trying to discredit that source (and not by googling "is statista reliable" and cherry picking the results you like -- got it. go ahead and google "covid 19 vaccination stats" if you need to get them from somewhere else.
No trying to discredit anything.
Pointing out that everything is presented with commerce as it's driver - that's all.
Ok I have some observations to share.
Remember back before covid, when all we heard was, free heroin needles to stop the spread of whatever, Safe zones for addicts and all that long line of crap. Now why would the government aid a drug addiction rather than try to stop said addiction?
Because somebody was making a killin on Narcan shots.
Clearly there’s not enough heroin addicts for that to be a fast enough profit for big pharma companies. But if we had a real pandemic..!!... and people had to be vaccinated.
holy s**t!!! That’s BIG money.
yeah we will force the whole world to take it and make a s**t ton of money.
Seems like a good plan to me.
that’s what’s happening.
Why else would the world be vaccinating for a .5% killer?
Sorry but a vaccine for a .5% killer doesn’t pass the smell test for me.
So for some reason I feel the need to elaborate on my couple of post. I am pro choice and for someone to state that anyone that doesn't get the vaccine should be responsible for paying all their medical bills is crazy. This is no different than requiring you to pay all of your medical bills if you get hurt on say a dirt bike.
We do not know the adverse reactions of the vaccine or long term effects yet but we do know COVID is real and some vital statistics, most of them already stated. The vaccine works and it seems to be safe. It decreases the risk of hospitalization, critical care and death. It is not only the old that are dying and if you have co-morbidities like a BMI above 35 (even with a high muscle mass), diabetes, hypertension or lung disease then it would be very wise of you to get the shot.
Ego's will kill a lot of people as well as elongate this pandemic...FACT. Get the damn shot. I know you won't, but anyway...moving on...