TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022


PR Founding Father
No idea. The funny thing is that that wasn't part of the "proposed" class changes at all! It just showed up on the final list! I wonder if it's a typo?

The also changed the R+classes a little as well.
Just noticed the R+ stuff. Pretty wild regular +30 got dropped to a r+.


PR Founding Father
Regional + classes. Classes you can run but not actually qualify, they’re support classes
Thanks. I was just looking them up and going to add to my post asking if they were support classes. If only I was ever faster than a snail and had ridden in the last 2 years and lost some weight instead of gained 15 lbs and lost 20 lbs of muscle...


PR Founding Father
Ricky & Cliff make it regardless, it's those Ralph's & Robert's you gotta keep an eye on --
Hard to see them from so far behind...until they lap me. Is the only challenge (and win) I charge myself with these days is to not get lapped in the race. Thing is, we aren't doing it locally in our classes so it's just 30+ (A, B, C, D, E, F) otherwise and I have to watch out for Gibby and the like as well... Tough life being a squid in MX. Still a good time, just use a different scoring system than the leaders... :)


PR Founding Father
Scoob, BC will have Senior (40+) C as an R+ class
None of them will be in it -
Dont bet your jitney on it
Yeah, we're planning on leaving for Silver Lake Sand Dunes that weekend anyway. Unless something happens to where I am actually better than I think I will be, there won't be any concern anywho. Focus on Spencer's 2nd season anyway. My MX days are definitely on the down slope. None existent at the momento. I did get the bike going a couple months ago with some new plastic, so getting closer, but man, the bike was a lot taller and peppy than I recall...lol. ;)


PR Elite
Hard to see them from so far behind...until they lap me. Is the only challenge (and win) I charge myself with these days is to not get lapped in the race. Thing is, we aren't doing it locally in our classes so it's just 30+ (A, B, C, D, E, F) otherwise and I have to watch out for Gibby and the like as well... Tough life being a squid in MX. Still a good time, just use a different scoring system than the leaders... :)
Who are you kidding? When is the last time you raced?



PR Addict
I posted this elsewhere also, but the one thing I don't understand is that several weeks ago they sent out the "proposed" list for comment. I actually did reply to that and comment.

Then suddenly BOOM, here's the final classes and changing 30 Sportsman to 30BC was never one of the proposed changes. It has completely blindsided a lot of people on both sides of the fence with no chance to comment one way or the other back to them.

Also, again I'll say that enforcing this is going to be a nightmare.


PR Founding Father
Who are you kidding? When is the last time you raced?

2019 ish??? Have to look at the OMA archives.... Yeah, your right, they'd lap me...twice maybe...lol You might even beat me Hershey... :(
I will have a regional plus class list in advance of the event, but honestly I can’t see needing that many C classes at a regional
Or a vintage class ......
I'll need the 45+ C/D class thank you.... ;)

It could be better than that once I get back on the bike a few times, but at my age given my history, you stop planning for the best and not thinking the worst will ever happen to planning for the worst and hoping for the best...lol.

Kinda like going from "when in doubt gas it out" to "when in doubt, roll it out"...