Malvern AQ

Most people at tracks are cool but there is always assholes also which I prefer to distance myself from. Moto is a hobby which is an escape from the daily grind don't need some chach that's got balls all the sudden cause he's on his dirt bike trying to be a prick because he's miserable he can't rail a corner or hold a line. Or maybe he's mad little Jimmy didn't get first place on his 65 so he takes it out on normal people trying to have fun that day. Keep the bs and don't act like you'd give your last master link but talk to people like they are idiots and your the Moto shaman. Hilarious!!
Lol you changed your screen name a little to late.. I already know who you are. Dont worry tho, I'm certainly not taking anyone out, specifically over this bs..

Who did I talk to like they were an idiot? My public apologies.

I literally made my first post after riding to initially encourage someone else who was struggling like me. They literally said they didn't belong. BS, he too belongs.

You're right, I don't carry an extra master link, but you ask anyone that knows me, they know damn well I'll help just about anyone. The dude who just bitched me out earlier in this thread... In real life I've given my customers his business name if they were looking for his line of work because I know he's solid.. Ive even been JET SKIING with him thanks to an invite from other forum members!! Lol.. petty forum drama is exactly that and holds no bearing to me..
lets talk about jets skis...LOL!!!!!
First off I am not fighting anyone. Why would I take the chance of bruising a beautiful face like this one!

So what's a good fast ski to purchase that can be tossed around and is not a huge 3 seater boat? A middle of the road compromise? No stand ups. After 10 or 15 minutes my back is shot on stand ups.
First off I am not fighting anyone. Why would I take the chance of bruising a beautiful face like this one!

So what's a good fast ski to purchase that can be tossed around and is not a huge 3 seater boat? A middle of the road compromise? No stand ups. After 10 or 15 minutes my back is shot on stand ups.
john...i cant remember the last time a rode a sit down...i am a stand up guy.. got kawi 750sx that no body like ride because it hits to hard... braaaaap!!! :p
First off I am not fighting anyone. Why would I take the chance of bruising a beautiful face like this one!

So what's a good fast ski to purchase that can be tossed around and is not a huge 3 seater boat? A middle of the road compromise? No stand ups. After 10 or 15 minutes my back is shot on stand ups.
I've ridden the skidoo sparxx trixx and it's a freaking blast for a newer unit!
Just because....and it's stupercharged!!!

This one definitely for the cool factor...although not sure I could ride it...???
Some three seaters are like small boats. They are huge.
Rode some stand ups back in my younger days. They are fun, but not good on the back, nor practical really.

Rode some blasters long ago as well. Any of those around probably have tons of hours on them.
You guys are dicks. I was starting to like Juju/Gears.
Its great to hear from people who read for a long time then decide to comment. Come on back and talk to teddy bear.

Since he is gone, I will pick up that big spoon and give it a couple good stirs.... Why do you guys care so much about prep? Everyone rides the same track. Hard pack and dusty. Soft and rutty, mud and slime. A good rider should be good on all. Even if you just racing for fun then the mix is the spice of life.