Eastfork Mx Battle Round 8/17-18

Finally, this weekend looks like Ohio Motocross gets a break from all the rain we have had over the last few months. The Battle round this weekend should have full gates, with the Buckeye Series and OMA riders, on the same gate. See you this weekend.

Finally, this weekend looks like Ohio Motocross gets a break from all the rain we have had over the last few months. The Battle round this weekend should have full gates, with the Buckeye Series and OMA riders, on the same gate. See you this weekend.

Planning on making the trip, love the new layout!
We're doing the daggon hokey pokey with one leg out at the momento...surprise I know. Wife has to do the job thing in the morning just to add the feather that breaks the camel's back potentially. So was looking forward to making it. Either talk to you this weekend or next Monday on here... ;)
Can't speak for Sunday, but Saturday was awesome. Track was so fun and Scott did one of the best prep jobs I've seen anywhere, period. For not liking quads he sure put in the effort (kidding). Not dusty, not muddy, and the track ran in great edge to edge. Well done, thanks for having us, even against popular opinion.

P.s. thanks for the sticker DHDS01...you find it on your rig yet?
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Can't speak for Sunday, but Saturday was awesome. Track was so fun and Scott did one of the best prep jobs I've seen anywhere, period. For not liking quads he sure put in the effort (kidding). Not dusty, not muddy, and the track ran in great edge to edge. Well done, thanks for having us, even against popular opinion.

P.s. thanks for the sticker DHDS01...you find it on your rig yet?
Don't kill the messenger !!

Sunday was actually better imo. I agree with Woodrow, track was amazing, both days. Over 600 just on Sunday, I think 200 or so on Saturday. Scott has it going on, I believe a big part of it is his personality, he knows everyone there, helps everyone and is nice to a fault. Put his work ethic on top of that and you have a winning recipe with the geographic area he draws riders from. It's a haul but we'll worth the trip.

Prep was amazing all day, almost no dust, lots of ruts with rough bumps and fun jumps. Austin loves it as well, definitely has become in the top 3 fav tracks in ohio. Sunday we were packed up and heading out by 630. The motos were done when we were pulling out, that's a fantastic and quicker than I expected. These big events you just need to plan on getting out late.

Great job, don't change anything.
Bad weekend for us, but lots of good people at East Fork.

We arrived Friday night - wife, son and dog in motorhome pulling a trailer. I set up in our spot and as I was walking out the door of the RV something underneath shifted (still don't know, leveling pads sliding on wet grass maybe) but the entire RV shifted left and dropped, bending both front levelers. No way to retract them nor move the RV. My pit neighbor came right over and said he had a cordless Milwaukee impact and would help me remove them so that we could get moving at the end of the weekend. We worked on it for about an hour and a half, and honestly, he did 95% of the work. Thank you AJ Shaffer from West Virginia. Would not take payment, beer or even a rum and Coke.

Saturday started good but my son Tanner went out for the second practice and ended up OTB on the big step-up in the rear. Flipped the bike three times. Same type of deal as Matthew at Briarcliff, he had already hit that a dozen times that morning but something went big time wrong. Paramedics were already there by the time me and my wife ran down there. Scott was there as well. Right away the EMT's wanted to life flight him because he was complaining of lower back pain. He was coherent and answering all of their questions and telling them exactly what he had done wrong and why he wrecked. He signed a refusal to transfer back at the ambulance and we were going to pack up and take him to a hospital for X-rays closer to home (Salem, OH). He ended up getting light headed when he tried to get out of the ambulance and started throwing up blood. Scott also came to the ambulance to check on him.

They had him transferred to the local hospital (Clinton Memorial) in Wilmington. My wife was able to ride with him in the ambulance and I went to pack up the RV. Luckily friends Eddie Snyder and Eric Reese helped me pack up quickly, and my pit neighbor on the other side from Marysville gave me his number in case I needed a ride from the hospital or anywhere I needed. Good people at MX races.

Me and the dog soon found our way to the hospital, plenty of parking and seemed like a safe area for the bikes/RV and trailer to sit. Our main nurse told us her family had previously owned Dirt Country and was cool with the whole racing and injury thing. Lots of imaging was done, shoulder and pelvis checked out OK, but catscan showed compression fractures in vertebra and bruised/partially collapsed lung. They told us he needed to be transferred to a Level I trauma center and options were Cincinnati, Dayton or Columbus. We explained we were four hours away and asked if they had anything closer to home. They were able to get him accepted into Akron General.

Strange issue though - two sheriff's deputies had just got there right before me and were interrogating my wife. They wanted to know if she was involved in the "altercation". My wife told them there was no altercation, but a dirt bike wreck on the track. They said they were just at the track and attempted to do the same with Scott and his wife, but he told them they were not needed and to leave. They asked us both a lot of questions, wanted to know if we were turning this into our vehicle insurance, and we had to write a statement. They kept checking back with "headquarters" and asking more questions. We explained this is pretty routine if you or your kids race and this is the first time that law enforcement has ever gotten involved. They seemed to be satisfied and left after a half hour.

When the transport lady/nurse arrived the first thing she did was namedrop Scott Plessinger and said to just ask him about her, they were great friends and he would say he loved working with her. When we let her know that the hospital got us accepted at Akron, she immediately tried to talk us out of it, finally throwing out that we would probably need to pay $2,000 out of pocket for the extra distance. She told us to think about it and she would be back in an hour to pick up Tanner and one of us could ride in the back with him.

We decided I would take the RV and dog home, and then drive a car up to Akron, which is about an hour from home. In the mean time, transport did not come back in an hour, but four hours later. When my wife informed her that we decided on Akron the transport nurse then told her that she couldn't ride in the ambulance, and now the additional cost would be around $4,000 out of pocket. Basically stranding my wife four hours from home. If you know my wife at all, you do not want to get on her bad side. My wife and transport nurse got into it, the hospital was trash talking the transport company, saying they always have issues with them, and the transport company trashing the hospital, saying the sooner you can get out of there, the better. My son refused to be transported without mom.

In the end she got to ride along and they made it to Akron about 11:00 PM. Lots more imaging was taken. Four compression fractures in spine and bruised lung, but not bad enough for a chest tube. On Sunday more imaging and the neurosurgeons felt that everything should heal without surgery or braces. Best case scenario and only bad part was transport nurse.

Sorry for the novel, just been a whirlwind weekend and glad to get all of that off my chest.
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Glad to hear Tanner didn't need any surgery. Matthew text me when he heard about it on Saturday. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
Bad weekend for us, but lots of good people at East Fork.

We arrived Friday night - wife, son and dog in motorhome pulling a trailer. I set up in our spot and as I was walking out the door of the RV something underneath shifted (still don't know, leveling pads sliding on wet grass maybe) but the entire RV shifted left and dropped, bending both front levelers. No way to retract them nor move the RV. My pit neighbor came right over and said he had a cordless Milwaukee impact and would help me remove them so that we could get moving at the end of the weekend. We worked on it for about an hour and a half, and honestly, he did 95% of the work. Thank you AJ Shaffer from West Virginia. Would not take payment, beer or even a rum and Coke.

Saturday started good but my son Tanner went out for the second practice and ended up OTB on the big step-up in the rear. Flipped the bike three times. Same type of deal as Matthew at Briarcliff, he had already hit that a dozen times that morning but something went big time wrong. Paramedics were already there by the time me and my wife ran down there. Scott was there as well. Right away the EMT's wanted to life flight him because he was complaining of lower back pain. He was coherent and answering all of their questions and telling them exactly what he had done wrong and why he wrecked. He signed a refusal to transfer back at the ambulance and we were going to pack up and take him to a hospital for X-rays closer to home (Salem, OH). He ended up getting light headed when he tried to get out of the ambulance and started throwing up blood. Scott also came to the ambulance to check on him.

They had him transferred to the local hospital (Clinton Memorial) in Wilmington. My wife was able to ride with him in the ambulance and I went to pack up the RV. Luckily friends Eddie Snyder and Eric Reese helped me pack up quickly, and my pit neighbor on the other side from Marysville gave me his number in case I needed a ride from the hospital or anywhere I needed. Good people at MX races.

Me and the dog soon found our way to the hospital, plenty of parking and seemed like a safe area for the bikes/RV and trailer to sit. Our main nurse told us her family had previously owned Dirt Country and was cool with the whole racing and injury thing. Lots of imaging was done, shoulder and pelvis checked out OK, but catscan showed compression fractures in vertebra and bruised/partially collapsed lung. They told us he needed to be transferred to a Level I trauma center and options were Cincinnati, Dayton or Columbus. We explained we were four hours away and asked if they had anything closer to home. They were able to get him accepted into Akron General.

Strange issue though - two sheriff's deputies had just got there right before me and were interrogating my wife. They wanted to know if she was involved in the "altercation". My wife told them there was no altercation, but a dirt bike wreck on the track. They said they were just at the track and attempted to do the same with Scott and his wife, but he told them they were not needed and to leave. They asked us both a lot of questions, wanted to know if we were turning this into our vehicle insurance, and we had to write a statement. They kept checking back with "headquarters" and asking more questions. We explained this is pretty routine if you or your kids race and this is the first time that law enforcement has ever gotten involved. They seemed to be satisfied and left after a half hour.

When the transport lady/nurse arrived the first thing she did was namedrop Scott Plessinger and said to just ask him about her, they were great friends and he would say he loved working with her. When we let her know that the hospital got us accepted at Akron, she immediately tried to talk us out of it, finally throwing out that we would probably need to pay $2,000 out of pocket for the extra distance. She told us to think about it and she would be back in an hour to pick up Tanner and one of us could ride in the back with him.

We decided I would take the RV and dog home, and then drive a car up to Akron, which is about an hour from home. In the mean time, transport did not come back in an hour, but four hours later. When my wife informed her that we decided on Akron the transport nurse then told her that she couldn't ride in the ambulance, and now the additional cost would be around $4,000 out of pocket. Basically stranding my wife four hours from home. If you know my wife at all, you do not want to get on her bad side. My wife and transport nurse got into it, the hospital was trash talking the transport company, saying they always have issues with them, and the transport company trashing the hospital, saying the sooner you can get out of there, the better. My son refused to be transported without mom.

In the end she got to ride along and they made it to Akron about 11:00 PM. Lots more imaging was taken. Four compression fractures in spine and bruised lung, but not bad enough for a chest tube. On Sunday more imaging and the neurosurgeons felt that everything should heal without surgery or braces. Best case scenario and only bad part was transport nurse.

Sorry for the novel, just been a whirlwind weekend and glad to get all of that off my chest.
Wow glad he’s okay! Compressed vertebrae suck. I did my t6,10,11 last March at grears. I had the LL area qualifier to race 2 weeks after compressing them, and it was the worst pain I’d ever ridden in before. Every time I’d over shoot a junk a bit, hit breaking bumps too hard or be sitting in the seat and hitting acceleration chop, i would lose my breath! Prayers for a speedy recovery