Yeah, we're not there yet by no means. He's trying them all out. He's decent to good at all of them. Funny to watch some of the motohead only kids throw or try to catch a football, etc. at the races. He'll definitely have to make a choice if he wants to put in the time to be great at any of them, but chances are, he'll not go pro in any. It's all hobby at this point and may always be that way. MX by far being the most expensive, but most fun for me personally. I hope he sticks with MX and at this point seems as if he will, but he hasn't had any major challenges yet.
That all said, definitely a pain in the arse trying to schedule/do them all. This year (at least I am saying this right baseball will take a backseat to some race weekends, etc. I mean, I have the moto schedule right now. We won't have the baseball schedule until a week before the season starts!
Basketball has to a minor extent this winter as we rescheduled one game and let the coach know we might be late to the game this last weekend's game because of racing earlier in the day. I however know the rescheduled race was an exception and some coaches will take a stand that he cannot play at all if he's late. Besides, this is biddy ball right now which can sometimes not be called "real ball". Once we get into the "big leagues" and the pro parents get worse, oh boy. I will have to practice caution in opening my mouth I
Is what it is. More challenges to come, right?