Local Track Closes and Forces Schedule Change

Doubt he would wanna attend the races with only 2-3 people in classes. Just like everyone else up north they would rather drive 2 hours plus to race the buckeye series and have bigger gate drops
Doubt he would wanna attend the races with only 2-3 people in classes. Just like everyone else up north they would rather drive 2 hours plus to race the buckeye series and have bigger gate drops
Ehh not me. Not driving hours to race. I’ll always support my local northeast Ohio tracks. To me that’s a good way of just giving up for our series up north…
Clearly that’s the whole point of this. Malvern obviously messed up the timing of this whole schedule drop and that’s why clay felt he needed to say something. Cmon Dave, be a little smarter than that?
Sorry I'm late to this party, just hearing about all this. When you suggested about not seeing Dave at Viva rounds I wanted to see the schedule and the page was not to be found.
I'll try to be a little smarter for you next time.
Ehh not me. Not driving hours to race. I’ll always support my local northeast Ohio tracks. To me that’s a good way of just giving up for our series up north…
You’re one of very few. Seems like the northeast guys are all pro practicers anymore. Unless it’s merp seems like many don’t even wanna bother with viva. Correct me if I am wrong but did any races last year exceed 300 entries. Buckeye series im pretty sure draws over that weekly. Also like to add that I can see more riding OMA this year because they are making a effort to go south
Blocked because you’re such d-bag. Typical vet rider who cries about everything. How about Clay standing up for his business too?! Big fan of Malvern but nothing like waiting until the last minute to pull out for the year. You don’t think that leaves Clay scrambling to BRING US ALL races around the local area? HERSEY are you starting a league? Are you trying to bring Moto back to this area? Oh, no??? Thought so, go take a seat in that fancy Motorhome of yours pal and load up to race some CRA, OMA or buckeye series. I hope we won’t

Clearly that’s the whole point of this. Malvern obviously messed up the timing of this whole schedule drop and that’s why clay felt he needed to say something. Cmon Dave, be a little smarter than that?
Malvern didn’t drop the schedule ….Clay did ..I believe he is the face be hide Viva correct?
Dave's focused on his kid racing now. Your race schedule revolves around the races you want your son to race and sometimes as a parent you race, sometimes you don't. The priorities is the kids gates. Matthew is 100% correct though. If you want big gates, you go to the Buckeye Series. A small race anymore is 350 entries.
Blocked because you’re such d-bag. Typical vet rider who cries about everything. How about Clay standing up for his business too?! Big fan of Malvern but nothing like waiting until the last minute to pull out for the year. You don’t think that leaves Clay scrambling to BRING US ALL races around the local area? HERSEY are you starting a league? Are you trying to bring Moto back to this area? Oh, no??? Thought so, go take a seat in that fancy Motorhome of yours pal and load up to race some CRA, OMA or buckeye series. I hope we won’t be seeing you at any Viva Rounds…
Tanner Ritchie, nice reply.

You know Clay, you know Clay knew long before he posted the schedule that Bobby was selling. Facts hurt feelings.

I'm glad for Bobby, he did one of the best jobs or running a track that anyone has. He left a legacy of memories and good times for thousands of people. He did his time and wants to move on from this chapter to the next. Good for him, he deserves it. People like you are just jealous you can't make a life for yourself that you're proud of. Maybe someday you'll learn that real wealth is time. Time to live how you want to and not how others think you should. Bobby has.

Take it easy there big guy, I have to go back to my rv and stream a movie through my starlink. No worries, you won't see me at viva. I'll be at what ever track my family thinks we will have the most fun at. I've done a pretty good job of making a life full of time that I'm proud of too.
How does anyone expect local racing to grow when the series and promoter just gets bashed on here? Everyone complains about turn outs but instead of helping a series grow, they just bash it.

Clay is a good dude who only wants to help racing in NE Ohio grow. He’s got cool things planned like 20 min motos and 2 day, 3 moto format planned. More bang for your buck which is another common complaint of local racing. Go talk to him when you see him at the track. He’s open to suggestions and willing to have conversations about stuff. It does nothing good for the series for him to come online and argue with people.

Let’s face it, without Viva there is no mx racing in NE Ohio. As my kids get older and more involved in things, time is limited to travel 3+ hours all the time to race. I’ll continue to support Viva and I’d think anyone that wants to see local racing grow in the NE part of the state would do the same.
Tanner Ritchie, nice reply.

You know Clay, you know Clay knew long before he posted the schedule that Bobby was selling. Facts hurt feelings.

I'm glad for Bobby, he did one of the best jobs or running a track that anyone has. He left a legacy of memories and good times for thousands of people. He did his time and wants to move on from this chapter to the next. Good for him, he deserves it. People like you are just jealous you can't make a life for yourself that you're proud of. Maybe someday you'll learn that real wealth is time. Time to live how you want to and not how others think you should. Bobby has.

Take it easy there big guy, I have to go back to my rv and stream a movie through my starlink. No worries, you won't see me at viva. I'll be at what ever track my family thinks we will have the most fun at. I've done a pretty good job of making a life full of time that I'm proud of too.

, ! You know I know Clay real well, so well that I talked to him today and learned that your story doesn't quite add up. . Just like your December post, "Worry not, Malvern is still on the schedule for racing next year. It hasn't sold, now the rumor mill can stop." Seems like again you know about 80% of the info and run to tell the world. . Again, I think Bobby did a great job. We will all miss Malvern and the many memories that we all have at that place. I was simply stating that in order to protect the reputation of his business Clay felt responsible for letting people know that Malvern Mx is not on the schedule and there will be a major schedule change because of it. He feels like it is very unprofessional to be releasing and/or making serious changes to a schedule this late in the year and had to let the message out. Again, I respect Bobby and what he did for our moto community but he had time to come out and tell people. Switch to the flip side, Clay is on a ticking clock trying to put something together for the 24' Season with .

, . First of all, I think it's very LOW of you to wish bad upon Clay, his name, and his series. How old are we? And again, ARE YOU MAKING A SERIES FOR OUR NORTHERN OHIO AREA? If you want to go race the RACE OHIO SERIES and drive hours for good turnouts cool, but don't drag someone down trying to make Northern Ohio Moto great again. And to your "People like me are just jealous that I can't make a life for myself that I'm proud of." ' . Again, telling the world about things when you don't even know the full story. I'm very proud of how far I've come in my personal life and definitely my ability on the track. ;) College Degree, a good job, my own LLC at 23, and providing good to the world with positive energy. I'm not over here trying to drag other individuals down or drag other business owners down until they mess with my people. #1 The fact that I know Clay has gotten you work for electrical jobs and you still want to slander his name/business shows me ... #2 The fact that you, a grown man is trying to compare yourself to a 23-year-old kid while putting my name down when you know nothing about me, again shows me . I feel stooped down and on your level of low for even arguing online like this but you know sometimes people just need to be put in their place. Enjoy your starlink and movies, it's a long drive to the RACE OHIO SERIES!
, ! You know I know Clay real well, so well that I talked to him today and learned that your story doesn't quite add up. . Just like your December post, "Worry not, Malvern is still on the schedule for racing next year. It hasn't sold, now the rumor mill can stop." Seems like again you know about 80% of the info and run to tell the world. . Again, I think Bobby did a great job. We will all miss Malvern and the many memories that we all have at that place. I was simply stating that in order to protect the reputation of his business Clay felt responsible for letting people know that Malvern Mx is not on the schedule and there will be a major schedule change because of it. He feels like it is very unprofessional to be releasing and/or making serious changes to a schedule this late in the year and had to let the message out. Again, I respect Bobby and what he did for our moto community but he had time to come out and tell people. Switch to the flip side, Clay is on a ticking clock trying to put something together for the 24' Season with .

, . First of all, I think it's very LOW of you to wish bad upon Clay, his name, and his series. How old are we? And again, ARE YOU MAKING A SERIES FOR OUR NORTHERN OHIO AREA? If you want to go race the RACE OHIO SERIES and drive hours for good turnouts cool, but don't drag someone down trying to make Northern Ohio Moto great again. And to your "People like me are just jealous that I can't make a life for myself that I'm proud of." ' . Again, telling the world about things when you don't even know the full story. I'm very proud of how far I've come in my personal life and definitely my ability on the track. ;) College Degree, a good job, my own LLC at 23, and providing good to the world with positive energy. I'm not over here trying to drag other individuals down or drag other business owners down until they mess with my people. #1 The fact that I know Clay has gotten you work for electrical jobs and you still want to slander his name/business shows me ... #2 The fact that you, a grown man is trying to compare yourself to a 23-year-old kid while putting my name down when you know nothing about me, again shows me . I feel stooped down and on your level of low for even arguing online like this but you know sometimes people just need to be put in their place. Enjoy your starlink and movies, it's a long drive to the RACE OHIO SERIES!
So you bashing me without knowing me is what? And your "few decades of mx" at 23 years old is what, not a lie? Don't come on here bashing me and not expect a reply.

At the time I posted Malvern wasn't sold, it wasn't. It was up for sale like it has been. But this winter things changed as life does. I know Bobby very well. And facts are facts, Clay had a chance to buy Malvern for some time. He can say what ever he wants but the fact is he knew Malvern was in a deal to be sold prior to posting the schedule. Clay also had no business announcing Malvern had sold yet since the deal.isnt completed and worse yet its not his track or place to say so. If you think it is ok for him to do that, you have no sense of right and wrong either.

I've put hundreds of hours into helping ohio mx. I've been donating time and money to NE ohio mx tracks and organizations since before you were born. What's the odds that you've been to Davefest at malvern? Im pretty sure I've seen you there on the Ole #313. And I don't recall you coming to me to thank me or Bobby for the free ride day.

My only beef is with Clay trying to blame Bobby for this scheduling mess when it was Clay's doing. My story adds up just fine when you know all the facts. If you want them all, go see Bobby and talk to him face to face about it. Don't hide behind a key board like Clay did. Until then, just stop spreading rumors and lies.
Tanner Ritchie, nice reply.

You know Clay, you know Clay knew long before he posted the schedule that Bobby was selling. Facts hurt feelings.

I'm glad for Bobby, he did one of the best jobs or running a track that anyone has. He left a legacy of memories and good times for thousands of people. He did his time and wants to move on from this chapter to the next. Good for him, he deserves it. People like you are just jealous you can't make a life for yourself that you're proud of. Maybe someday you'll learn that real wealth is time. Time to live how you want to and not how others think you should. Bobby has.

Take it easy there big guy, I have to go back to my rv and stream a movie through my starlink. No worries, you won't see me at viva. I'll be at what ever track my family thinks we will have the most fun at. I've done a pretty good job of making a life full of time that I'm proud of too.
David Smith, thanks I thought so too! You know I know Clay real well, so well that your story doesn't quite add up. Just like your December post, "Worry not, Malvern is still on the schedule for racing next year. It hasn't sold, now the rumor mill can stop." Seems like again you know about 80% of the info and run to tell the world. My reply was never about Bobby. Again, I think Bobby did a great job. We will all miss Malvern and the many memories that we all have at that place. I was simply stating that in order to protect the reputation of his business Clay felt responsible for letting people know that Malvern Mx is not on the schedule and there will be a major schedule change because of it. He feels like it is very unprofessional to be releasing and/or making serious changes to a schedule this late in the year and had to let the message out. Again, I respect Bobby and what he did for our moto community but he had time to come out and tell people. Switch to the flip side, Clay is on a ticking clock trying to put something together for the 24' Season with very little time. My reply was completely about YOU. First of all, I think it's very LOW of you to wish bad upon Clay, his name, and his series. How old are we? And again, ARE YOU MAKING A SERIES FOR OUR NORTHERN OHIO AREA? If you want to go race the RACE OHIO SERIES and drive hours for good turnouts cool, but don't drag someone down trying to make Northern Ohio Moto great again. And to your "People like me are just jealous that I can't make a life for myself that I'm proud of." Just beacuse you have inside knowledge to see my screen name doesn't mean you know anything about me and my personal life. Again, telling the world about things when you don't even know the full story. I'm very proud of how far I've come in my personal life and definitely my ability on the track! A College Degree, a good job, my own LLC at 23, and providing good to the world with positive energy. I'm not over here trying to drag other individuals down or drag other business owners down until they mess with my people. #1 The fact that I personally know Clay has gotten you work for electrical jobs and you still want to slander his name/business shows me how low you really are... #2 The fact that you, a grown man are trying to compare yourself to a 23-year-old kid while putting my name down when you know nothing about me, again shows me how low you really are. I feel stooped down and on your level of low for even arguing online like this but you know sometimes people just need to be put in their place. Enjoy your starlink and movies, it's a long drive to the RACE OHIO SERIES!
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Last year I didn’t make a single trip north except to ride malvern and bcliff for the qualifier and 62. Never rode a single race. Reasons behind it were 1. Didn’t wanna have 4 membership cards 2. Made no sense to drive that far to have maybe 2-3 dudes in my class. 3. I also have zero interest in night races. Those three reasons made me not race any of those races this year between OMA and Viva. I raced the Loretta’s stuff a few big races and buckeye series. Didn’t chase points or anything but everytime I went I knew I had about 10 dudes in both my classes every race. That’s what makes it worth it. To me I just call it how i see it and I see buckeye series still running strong as always, D12 is in its own category and has its totally different group on that part of the state and does decent, OMA is rebuilding and I can see it getting big again and Viva well I don’t see much happening at all.
Clearly that’s the whole point of this. Malvern obviously messed up the timing of this whole schedule drop and that’s why clay felt he needed to say something. Cmon Dave, be a little smarter than that?
And this isn't bashing Bobby?

Clearly what you think the meaning of bashing and what the real meaning of bashing are 2 different things
So you bashing me without knowing me is what? And your "few decades of mx" at 23 years old is what, not a lie? Don't come on here bashing me and not expect a reply.

At the time I posted Malvern wasn't sold, it wasn't. It was up for sale like it has been. But this winter things changed as life does. I know Bobby very well. And facts are facts, Clay had a chance to buy Malvern for some time. He can say what ever he wants but the fact is he knew Malvern was in a deal to be sold prior to posting the schedule. Clay also had no business announcing Malvern had sold yet since the deal.isnt completed and worse yet its not his track or place to say so. If you think it is ok for him to do that, you have no sense of right and wrong either.

I've put hundreds of hours into helping ohio mx. I've been donating time and money to NE ohio mx tracks and organizations since before you were born. What's the odds that you've been to Davefest at malvern? Im pretty sure I've seen you there on the Ole #313. And I don't recall you coming to me to thank me or Bobby for the free ride day.

My only beef is with Clay trying to blame Bobby for this scheduling mess when it was Clay's doing. My story adds up just fine when you know all the facts. If you want them all, go see Bobby and talk to him face to face about it. Don't hide behind a key board like Clay did. Until then, just stop spreading rumors and lies
Hmm my side can be seen on the Viva Mx Facebook posts, you know the one you can't see? I've never been to Davefest in my life. And I pride myself on walking up to each and every track owner after races and telling them the track was good. I believe I've told Bobby the track was good numerous times and thanked him. Thanked Mr. Osborne several times for his track, Route 62, Rogers, Scott Plessinger, the list goes on. Again, do not act like you know me Dave.
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Hmm just talked to Clay a little bit ago, my side can be seen on the Viva Mx Facebook posts, you know the one you can't see? I've never been to Davefest in my life. And I pride myself on walking up to each and every track owner after races and telling them the track was good. I believe I've told Bobby the track was good numerous times and thanked him. Thanked Mr. Osborne several times for his track, Route 62, Rogers, Scott Plessinger, the list goes on. Again, do not act like you know me Dave.
And dont pretend to know me. Have a great evening Mr few decades at 23!

Good night.
Sorry I'm late to this party, just hearing about all this. When you suggested about not seeing Dave at Viva rounds I wanted to see the schedule and the page was not to be found.
I'll try to be a little smarter for you next time.
All good. Thanks Dave!
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Last year I didn’t make a single trip north except to ride malvern and bcliff for the qualifier and 62. Never rode a single race. Reasons behind it were 1. Didn’t wanna have 4 membership cards 2. Made no sense to drive that far to have maybe 2-3 dudes in my class. 3. I also have zero interest in night races. Those three reasons made me not race any of those races this year between OMA and Viva. I raced the Loretta’s stuff a few big races and buckeye series. Didn’t chase points or anything but everytime I went I knew I had about 10 dudes in both my classes every race. That’s what makes it worth it. To me I just call it how i see it and I see buckeye series still running strong as always, D12 is in its own category and has its totally different group on that part of the state and does decent, OMA is rebuilding and I can see it getting big again and Viva well I don’t see much happening at all.
Matthew buddy. I respect you as a rider and seem to think we have a good relationship. I can totally see your point of view. Keep in mind. I am born and raised in northeast Ohio, not southern Ohio. I grew up in a time where the racing series around here were very strong. In the recent years our northern part of the series seemed to fade out but it’s up to the ones who still care (in this case Clay) to bring it back to what it once was. I don’t blame you for sticking to your southern based series for good turnouts and close drive. For me, the close drive part and the pride of our local moto scene will keep me rooting for Viva for as long as it’s alive. Hope you’re well!
Matthew buddy. I respect you as a rider and seem to think we have a good relationship. I can totally see your point of view. Keep in mind. I am born and raised in northeast Ohio, not southern Ohio. I grew up in a time where the racing series around here were very strong. In the recent years our northern part of the series seemed to fade out but it’s up to the ones who still care (in this case Clay) to bring it back to what it once was. I don’t blame you for sticking to your southern based series for good turnouts and close drive. For me, the close drive part and the pride of our local moto scene will keep me rooting for Viva for as long as it’s alive. Hope you’re well!
Totally get what you’re saying. Hope all is well with you also. The Problem is when you have 3 series within such a tight geographical area and people have to pick between them they will usually only ride one. Problem with the northeast Moto this past year was everyone use to work together and now they don’t. There was a reason when me you and everyone else rode the OMA races they had at briarcliff, malvern etc. there was big gates typically for all the battles etc. but it also was either you ride OMA or you don’t race at all up there. Too many series, to many choices. I don’t wanna see northeast Moto go because I like the tracks but if they don’t start working together the turnouts will not change and sooner or later their will be zero series up there. I’ve also realized from pretty much everyone up north it doesn’t seem like they really enjoy any series at the moment and the only one they chase or ride is MERP which is killing it. That’s just how I seen it from my point of view. Obviously I live south and am able to get to buckeye races but the consistency of the turnouts is what makes it worth it and when I look and see 2-4 dudes in my class looking at results last year in OMA and VIVA I just say not even worth the drive I’ll just stay home. And typically like you said I know most track owners and series owners but never have met clay don’t know him or even what he looks like. I respect trying to make a series work and I like some of his ideas but in order for them to come to life they need riders and turnouts and like I already said people are fed up with 5 series and 4-5 memberships to race.