Pro motocross


PR Founding Father
I wonder if Deegan is not taking something. I mean a lot of them guys are VERY good and he is just there when most people are fading a bit at the end.


PR Founding Father
Kids definitely able to push to the end. His last couple laps in moto one were there with jett n sexton.


PR Addict
What great races!
That track was manly!
So great to see Nicoletti back on the bike and pull 2 holeshot
Sure seems like Jett is out there playing with the other racers
Masterpool...after all that family has been through, what can you say plus Mitch Payton's 300th win.
Mark Fineis, never heard his name but bet we will hear it more

Ugly reality...when you see where Jett's quali time is 30 seconds faster than
some of the very fast local riders attempting to qualify...
Not dishing on them. Props to all for their efforts!


PR Addict
Fineis will be up in the top consistently I think here soon, he just seems to have been getting better and better with age. I have heard he was a good cart racer as well.


PR Member
Is Kitchen hurt? He is always braggin how he loves deep rough rutted tracks and i assumed he'd be up there towards the top 3, not the top 10...


PR Addict
The "dealing with drug testing" is most likely a non story. Assuming that it is a pee test, he may have issues after a race. I remember one time it took KW about an hour or so to give a sample after a race.


PR Founding Father
Watching Gypsy Tails with Davey Coombs. Funny he mentions his "good friend" Jeremy Hand, when he was talking about the Supermotocross series and additional money to the riders. He said Jeremy took the $30,000 he made extra and bought a radio controlled lawn mower. His quote "He is one of the top 20 supercross riders in the country, and because he is a privateer, he has to have a side Hustle on the side to make money".

Hey Davey.........take some of the freaking MILIIONS that MX Sports is making and actually pay the riders in the night show or on the 40 man gate. They are the show! I would love to know how much Davey pays himself, Cotter and his sister. Because they make Millions off the amateur program and pro motocross. And they still pay the pros nothing.

He also called MX Sports their "little family business". laughable. Multi million dollar business based in Morgantown, WV.


PR Member
Nothing gonna change without a riders union!! That chance has passed as with big James tried and pushed for a riders union and the factories just ran him out of the pits!! Get over it. And until the consumer stops giving the Coombs family money, aka the racer or family , he’s just gonna keep laughing at you morons!!! So stop complaining! Coombs sr is rolling over in his grave!!! So sad!!