Rich Taylor - X Brand Googles


PR Founding Father
Think most people know who Rich Taylor is in MX. This guy sounds like a piece of crap. Tried to take a track down. Sued and got a $750,000 settlement from LACR. Cheated by racing as his son in a regional to get him into Loretta's (admitted to it in court). Damn, what a great guy to support, not. I never used X Brand goggles, nor will I.



PR Founding Father
Lots of inaccuracies in that video after digging in a little bit. Notable points, wasn't a lorettas regional. Kid waa more broke than just pelvis. Wasnt a few ft berm, more reports say 30-40ft cliff.

Still a dirt bag taking a track for 750k at the end of the day, but that cooksey is a moron too..


PR Founding Father
i stopped watching it at "I might have some facts wrong".. that guys an idiot.

im sure theres some truths to it and others not. ive seen that he didnt ride for him, I've heard it was a different track alltogether, etc and with lawsuits and stuff, who knows. it could have been their insurance company going after the track and they had nothing to do with it (thats why you always crashed in your own back yard, not another track or someone elses house, right?)

i've worn x brand for a long time and they are one of the only gogles I've tried that I don't get dirt in my eyes for some stupid reason, and Rich has always been super cool and hooks me up well. No plans to switch goggle brands here. hopefully the truth comes out about this.

if he DID ride his bike and DID sue the track personally, that's absolute s**t, but I'd bet that's not the case.


PR Member
Sorry but bunch of bullshit. If we are going to get insurance companies involved then the sport might as well fold. You throw your leg over that bike you no what risks your taking. And as a parent I know the risk my kids are taking. If they get hurt Or they die from an accident at a motocross race I sure as hell ain’t blaming the track owner. Don’t care how sketchy a section is it’s part of racing. As a parent if you walk the track with your child and you both see a sketchy section then you discuss the challenges of that section. If something happens then it happens. It part of the sport. I didn’t see Ken roczen insurance company coming after feld, or sma, or Honda, or whoever because of his serious accident he had yrs ago. 13 surgeries later you think his insurance company would want to recoop the loses. Rich Taylor is a c********r for going through with the lawsuit and not telling the insurance company it was an accident at home riding in the yard. Motocross is a dangerous sport, we all know this. Now someone is cashing in on it. The future is grim.


PR Founding Father
I personally believe the story. All should be easy to research. And rich Taylor is mum on all of it. Why? Because its probably all true.


PR Founding Father
im sure someoen has but i aint got time to play internet detective.
I personally believe the story. All should be easy to research. And rich Taylor is mum on all of it. Why? Because its probably all true.

either all true or hes following legal advice which I would bet at the time would be to keep his mouth shut

hopefully it comes out that its false and he sues cooksey's dumb ass for deformation


PR Founding Father
Seems as tho it was his decision to move forward.....

Here is a statement from Rich Taylor regarding the LACR lawsuit...

Rich Taylor - "Dear Motocross Family: Thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown us despite the widespread speculation surrounding our family and company in the last days. The hundreds of calls and texts showing your continued support, especially from friends and industry professionals, mean more than any of you will ever know. While what we are allowed to say is limited at this point, I hope to provide some clarity about the false information that has been spread. Did we bring a case on behalf of my son? Yes, I did, and trust me, this was not to benefit me or my company. It was what was right for my son under the circumstances.

I started my motocross journey at the young age of 10. Just like most of you, I had a dream of becoming a professional racer. I quickly worked my way up the ladder and turned pro when I was 16. Since that time, I have been fortunate enough to race all over the world, riding in some of the most unique, beautiful, crazy, and challenging tracks. I can genuinely say that I devoted my entire life to our sport, including racing, testing, and developing motorcycles and products for over 40 years.

More than 7 years ago, my son got seriously hurt under circumstances that were far beyond the “norm” for our sport. He fell more than a two-story drop on the backside of a highspeed bowl turn during his last moto of the day at an AMA-sanctioned Road to Mammoth race. From the fall, my son broke 28 bones, including his pelvis, back, sacrum, both arms, both legs, ankles, feet, and ribs, punctured a lung, and tore his internals, which caused severe bleeding and required blood transfusions. In the days, months, and years following the crash, my son had to undergo many surgeries and will continue to have lifelong internal issues.

After his injury, a former Daytona Supercross winner reached out to us and told us that he informed people on the very morning of the race that the backside of the turn where this occurred was very dangerous and needed to be changed (he even filed a declaration with the Court stating so under oath). I unfortunately did not know this prior to the crash or that the area where my son crashed even existed. It was not until I was on the back side of the turn tending to my son that I saw the drop and started yelling at the people around me about why something like that would even be allowed to exist on a track . An injury report from that day, which is mandated and is on record with the AMA describes the extent of the injuries my Son received and corroborates how my son fell 30 feet onto the flat ground. Had my son crashed on the big triple or in the whoops or anywhere on the actual racetrack and suRered the same type of injuries, we would not be here. Those types of crashes are part of our sport. This was not.

The attorney filed the case on my minor son’s behalf and I was named as his guardian. The Judge considered both side’s evidence/arguments and allowed my son’s case to go forward, which eventually led to it being settled without a trial. I am sure that you all know that my son only gets a portion of what the case settles for since seven years worth of attorneys’ fees, out-of-pocket expenses, along with medical bills/insurance reimbursement have to be paid.

In summary, my son raced, was severely injured, and went to the hospital. I did not attempt to suit up and
pretend to be my son. He crashed in his last moto of the day and the race results prove that. Fortunately,
today the track is not closed and I have friends who ride there every week who say it’s better than ever.
I want you all to know that we love and will always love the sport and do all that we can to make sure that we promote its continued safety for everyone, including riders. Misinformation and untruths do nothing but
tarnish our industry. On behalf of my family and I, I thank you again for your continued support and hope we all strive to make our industry better and safer.


PR Founding Father
I don't disagree it may have been a dangerous section. But everyone signs a waiver that they look at the track, examine their abilities and assume all the risk. That's the problem, in today's world, even though you sign a waiver, people still sue.

JO built the triple up from the time before the last time my son was on the track and he came up short. Broke his back. Did me or my wife even ever think of suing JO? Never. You assume risk when racing. Period.


PR Founding Father
i can see both sides to this. im bummed to hear he is backing the lawsuit.. hopefully the track had good insurance that covered a lot of that settlement and that it didnt financially impact them too bad.

shame on the track though if that section is really that sketchy and they ignored it for so long... yes the answer is "dont ride there".. but come on. its a dangerous enough sport, leaving something like that is asking for it.

i think im up to 26 or 28 bones... never once have i thought about a lawsuit. shitty deal the whole way around.


PR Founding Father
If you go over to Vitalmx there are a couple YouTube videos that show the corner and the berm he went over. Watch the videos though. There are jumps on the track that if you went off the side of you would be screwed too. Glen Helen is the same way if you got off track.

You take on the risk when you sign up. I absolutely don't see this as something that he should sue the track for negligence. Taylor filed the suit it's on him.

The corner is on the right in these photos. Like I said other parts of the track look just as bad. Just the design.


PR Founding Father
Heres another set of screen shots that are pretty telling... These are during the actual race and he can be seen after crash..



PR Founding Father
ugh. thats a leap down there for sure. i always hate when i see a giant berm facing another part of the track or something.. in my head im always looking at stufff thinking what can go wrong (probably why i dont ride very fast lol) and stuff like that always seems like an accident waiting to happen.

but, like others have said.. i gear up and ride it, knowing s**t can happen. thats like signing up at summit and then complaining when a random bike takes you out.. like, 90% chance thats going to happen to someone over a weekend lol...


PR Founding Father
Same. I just cant get on board with willingly suing a track for any reason like that. I tried to think of any "acceptable" reason. Honestly the only thing i could think of, is if the track worker says it's open and clear, then you come over a big hill or gap and hit or land on a dozer or bobcat and end up with life altering injuries. If i wasnt too hurt id just wanna fight the operator or person that sent people out. Lol. Any shapes or hills on courses is our responsibility to deal with. The back side of that berm doesnt look horrible if you accidentally went over it. Could slide right down it. If he hit any jump on a track wide open and whiskey'd off it, he could flat land in the same manor.


PR Founding Father
Yeah. Rich Taylor isn't coming off the best on this one. He hoped it would fly under the radar 100% for sure. He testified in court he actually suited up and tried to ride at some race for his son, but it got caught or something.

He was looking for a payday on this one. I have to agree with the Cooksey guy. The motocross media is licking rich taylors balls and covering for him.

I don't listen to too many MX podcast ever. I can't stand listening to Mathis. To me that guy is a jackass.