Stark Varg


PR Founding Father
Sounds liberal-ish

Women’s racing bike ?
Electric bike ?

Next thing you’re gonna tell us all is you race electric bicycles in the woods or something too!
Under 60 minutes and that’s in mud. Also she rides MX and for all the more track time you get at locals batteries aren’t an issue. The quick charger will fully charge in 45 minutes if we need it.h!


PR Addict
Under 60 minutes and that’s in mud. Also she rides MX and for all the more track time you get at locals batteries aren’t an issue. The quick charger will fully charge in 45 minutes if we need it.
Damn the cobra’s battery must be better I just have heard all the ktms at Loretta’s die before the 15 minutes is up . Wish I grew up riding Staycs and e-bikes these kids are going to be so far advanced. Plus can ride in the neighborhood and not get the police called on you everytime riding a grass field


PR Addict
Damn the cobra’s battery must be better I just have heard all the ktms at Loretta’s die before the 15 minutes is up . Wish I grew up riding Staycs and e-bikes these kids are going to be so far advanced. Plus can ride in the neighborhood and not get the police called on you everytime riding a grass field
The Cobra is a much better e50 than the KTM. The batteries are liquid cooled so they don’t overheat.


PR Member
Damn the cobra’s battery must be better I just have heard all the ktms at Loretta’s die before the 15 minutes is up . Wish I grew up riding Staycs and e-bikes these kids are going to be so far advanced. Plus can ride in the neighborhood and not get the police called on you everytime riding a grass field
You’re f-ing kidding? So far advanced? How! Going from an electric motorcycle to a gas? Totally different riding style!!! That’s a fact! Want to learn how to ride a dirtbike? Race a 2 stroke! There is nothing on this planet that will teach like a 2 stroke! Especially a 125 !! I know your young so I’ll give you a free pass but please don’t ever say a kid growing up learning on an electric dirtbike will be advanced , if anything will be behind.

What do you think Georgie? Liberal? Absolutely!!! Lmfao!!!
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PR Addict
You’re f-ing kidding? So far advanced? How! Going from an electric motorcycle to a gas? Totally different riding style!!! That’s a fact! Want to learn how to ride a dirtbike? Race a 2 stroke! There is nothing on this planet that will teach like a 2 stroke! Especially a 125 !! I know your young so I’ll give you a free pass but please don’t ever say a kid growing up learning on an electric dirtbike will be advanced , if anything will be behind.

What do you think Georgie? Liberal? Absolutely!!! Lmfao!!!
When I was a kid I used to rip a field in the middle of a neighborhood and get the police called on me all the time. Police would drive by and I’d keep riding they didn’t care. But now a days you ain’t getting away with it. These kids riding these e-bikes can rip there backyard in a neighborhood and no one even know. Staycs teach how to use a throttle and have that balance before ever touching a pdub. I don’t agree with it all going electric. But for kids to learn before gas bikes the key basics I think it’s great. Also not much maintenance either just charge and go. Kids riding ebikes are going to just keep elevating the sport. I haven’t ever rode anything electric but based off what I see and the thought behind it I think it’s great for kids. Teaching basics and techniques from the start of 3 will change the game. They get on a track or a pdub and will think it’s easy


PR Elite
You’re f-ing kidding? So far advanced? How! Going from an electric motorcycle to a gas? Totally different riding style!!! That’s a fact! Want to learn how to ride a dirtbike? Race a 2 stroke! There is nothing on this planet that will teach like a 2 stroke! Especially a 125 !! I know your young so I’ll give you a free pass but please don’t ever say a kid growing up learning on an electric dirtbike will be advanced , if anything will be behind.

What do you think Georgie? Liberal? Absolutely!!! Lmfao!!!

Stark VARG Derangement Syndrome is real!

I might just celebrate with a little 4th of July ride later today.


PR Member
When I was a kid I used to rip a field in the middle of a neighborhood and get the police called on me all the time. Police would drive by and I’d keep riding they didn’t care. But now a days you ain’t getting away with it. These kids riding these e-bikes can rip there backyard in a neighborhood and no one even know. Staycs teach how to use a throttle and have that balance before ever touching a pdub. I don’t agree with it all going electric. But for kids to learn before gas bikes the key basics I think it’s great. Also not much maintenance either just charge and go. Kids riding ebikes are going to just keep elevating the sport. I haven’t ever rode anything electric but based off what I see and the thought behind it I think it’s great for kids. Teaching basics and techniques from the start of 3 will change the game. They get on a track or a pdub and will think it’s easy
Oh boy! Let me find the energy!! First off you should go to downtown Cleveland, Detroit etc and watch the jigaboos ride there non electric dirtbikes, 4?wheelers down the road and the police don’t stop them. Lol. Next… I’ve ridden electric dirtbikes, I’ve driven an electric car. Please don’t ever tell me it teaches to use throttle. An electric throttle or gas pedal is instant power. No delay, no hesitation. So when little Johnny hops off his e-bike and goes to a real dirtbike(gas powered) he’s gonna have to learn throttle control all over again. It is not instant power and also has a sweet spot where the bike makes peak power. Something electric does not have. One of the reasons riders who jump on electric dirtbikes think there faster is the instant acceleration power! Now let’s get into the maintenance. The ideology that I have an electric vehicle/motorcycle that requires no maintenance. So electric is bulletproof? Lmfao. Nope. They breakdown just like anything lease… best part is if there’s a problem with the electric bike do you have any clue how to work on it? Maybe it’s lagging, maybe not accelerating like it should, maybe not shifting properly, maybe getting really hot, maybe not charging correctly? My guess is nope!! Have no clue. Should I keep going? I have more!


PR Addict
I am holding out for a green hydrogen dirt bike, or better a matter-antimatter warp drive. Ideally I want a garbage using Mr. Fusion. I saw a documentary back in the 80s about banana peal consuming Mr. Fusion and as soon as I hit 88 MPH I can time warp to a podium finish. Imagine the unlimited black hole shots and GNCCs that race to Mars and back.

On a more serious note, I do a lot of work with battery producing giga factories, spodumene and lithium hydroxide refiners, and also with integrated energy companies like XOM, Valero, Marathon, P66, and Chevron. I have a hard time seeing EVs as a permanent, scalable replacement for fossil fuels - think it is more of a stop gap on the way to something else (maybe a 30-50 year stop gap but not the technology that wipes out the use of gas). I look at what companies like XOM and Chevron are investing in hydrogen and wonder.