

PR Founding Father
Professional motocross starts are nothing like they used to be. You have hole shot devices pulled down 8 inches. Launch control. Metal grates. And the starting blocks.

I am ok with the launch control, that's just bike technology evolving. I am ok with hole shot devices even. But other that making it easier for track maintenance, get rid of the grates. I say go dirt or concrete and no grates.

Then the one I think is ridiculous is 3/4 of all riders now use starting blocks. You're a freaking adult and professional. No starting blocks should be allowed. They now have the blocks so high they keep their feet on the pegs and the tips of their toes on the blocks so they don't have to lift their feet up. It's ridiculous.

Just my opinion, but get rid of blocks!
I’m a fan of the grates, no gate packing for this guy! I got plantar fasciitis last year from repetitive stomping. Lol.
Professional motocross starts are nothing like they used to be. You have hole shot devices pulled down 8 inches. Launch control. Metal grates. And the starting blocks.

I am ok with the launch control, that's just bike technology evolving. I am ok with hole shot devices even. But other that making it easier for track maintenance, get rid of the grates. I say go dirt or concrete and no grates.

Then the one I think is ridiculous is 3/4 of all riders now use starting blocks. You're a freaking adult and professional. No starting blocks should be allowed. They now have the blocks so high they keep their feet on the pegs and the tips of their toes on the blocks so they don't have to lift their feet up. It's ridiculous.

Just my opinion, but get rid of blocks!
Some of these guys are getting innovative the start blocks. Tightly gripping the bike barely using the big toe to keep them upright and just straight send off the grate.

I do agree there’s an art to packing the gate. And the rider mechanic relationship starts right there. My dad and I have the best process and built it for many years. I do miss the nostalgia when I line up to a grated start. But I will say there’s also technique to these grates. All being the same etc. but with them all being the same the best gate usually remains the same. With dirt it could cup out and turn into the worst gate. Gate selection also nostalgic.

Concrete just sucks. Dirt or grate I’m ok with. Blocks are just advancing the technique. Now it’s transitioning back to be foot down and tightly gripping the bike. Where it used to be the first shift was your heel. Now that’s no longer a thing. Roman febvre (sp?) had a pretty sick start reel last week. I can’t find it but he’s progressing because here’s him talking about using it initially.

He didn’t use a block in this one. Now he’s using a block and his big toe is barely touching it. He’s so tight to the Bike and comes off the line incredible with that technique. Wish I could find it again.
I’m a fan of the grates, no gate packing for this guy! I got plantar fasciitis last year from repetitive stomping. Lol.
Fan of the grates also. COCR has them. Wish they had the side wings as they are a smidge narrow.
Also, gate prep shifts from the rider to the club as theirs need to be cleaned out.

Never used the starting blocks, but open to trying them.

My big issue on starts is my response time :)
I feel start is all preference and technique. I have always been a good starter. Whether it’s concrete,dirt, or grate. All technique and mindset. I obviously would never use start blocks but my technique I had my feet in the foot pegs before I cross the gate. Once again everyone had their own style that’s just what has always worked for me. And getting that shift to third to pull down the straight
I’m glad we don’t have to worry about grates in gncc. Yesterday we started in 8” of mud. I love the dead engine starts, it’s the great equalizer, the flag moves a smidge you start and go. Managed to grab the holeshot yesterday at the penton and led most of my race until a stuck lapper tipped over and hit me as i was passing and sent me down a hillside off trail, that killed my whole race, up until that point i had a solid 30+ second lead on 2nd place.
I haven't looked into this, are there rules and regulations for these starting blocks? They appear to be the only allowed external devise that could effect the outcome of a race. A clever design could optimize the racer's launch with the standardized gate and grate setup.
Fan of the grates also. COCR has them. Wish they had the side wings as they are a smidge narrow.
Also, gate prep shifts from the rider to the club as theirs need to be cleaned out.
If you are familiar with the original COCR Sugar Grove layout, they have one if the most excavated and engineered starting areas around. That was once a hilltop and hillside where the flat start sets now.
I love the dead engine starts, it’s the great equalizer, the flag moves a smidge you start and go.

Not here, its the start of all the woods races I wish they would revamp. I don't feel like your starting everyone on the same playing field. I'd like to see something that holds everyone at the same line, even just a straight bar like bmx style.

I made a hillbilly gate for the boy to practice starts last night actually, mom and I said "Both feet down". I may eat my words after watching the febvre vid, that is impressive and deff unique.
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Not here, its the start of all the woods races I wish they would revamp. I don't feel like your starting everyone on the same playing field. I'd like to see something that holds everyone at the same line, even just a straight bar like bmx style.

I made a hillbilly gate for the boy to practice starts last night actually, mom and I said "Both feet down". I may eat my words after watching the febvre vid, that is impressive and deff unique.
How so? On gncc they make sure every rider has their front tire on the chalk line, and everyone has the same opportunity to start their bike as soon as the flag waves. If you jump before hand you get DQ’d. Only way it’s not fair is if you have a Suzuki lol
Now if this becomes a thing, and it won’t, because it probably won’t catch on and really from a fans perspective probably won’t work, but if it does in the words of my friend Steveo, it’s “mines”. What about dead engine gated starts in moto? Gate drops means start it up. Now when this takes over and is popular you heard it first here.
Ever since the MXGP guys started doing starting blocks a lot of dudes state side have also. I’ve seen tons of people now at local races and amateur nationals doing it. I mean if you feel it gives you an advantage go ahead. But I feel like it wouldn’t be for me because body positioning with your legs and everything would change so in order to adapt to blocks you would have to change your technique
How so? On gncc they make sure every rider has their front tire on the chalk line, and everyone has the same opportunity to start their bike as soon as the flag waves. If you jump before hand you get DQ’d. Only way it’s not fair is if you have a Suzuki lol

I was just going towards as in the judgment of "when" the flag waves vs. having an object holding everyone at the same line. The dead engine deal is cool, im on a estart now lmao!