T-Rex throttle?


PR Member
I just purchased a gently used KTM 50 for my son. The throttle has more drag and is harder to turn then i feel it should be. After some cleaning i still wasnt happy. So i went to google, stumbled across the T-Rex throttle assembly. Its expensive. Is it worth it? Does it actually free up the throttle any?
I got a trex on my son’s ktm mini . Feels like a 8th turn compared to stock . The turn seems easier too . And the 150$ is a deal compared to what everything at the grocery store costs !
This sport is monkey see monkey do . And if every kid on the line has a trex throttle you best get the trex throttle
Customer service is awesome u can talk directly to the owner .
yes. good quality and like tyler mentioned, owner is cool, puts his cell phone # on a sticky note with your order! and depending on the path your take with bikes and the throttle size you can move it to the next bike or 2 after.
Thanks for the input guys, $233.00 later, mines on the way. Monkey see monkey DO!
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