Malvern Mx Track Layout Changes

Brappp Jason!! I may get into some moto this spring...summer..fall...umm season I hope. Keep this type of stuff up and it will help to make it happen...
New changes def make the track more technical and not high speed. I think it will help show who the faster riders are. I will def have to work on my corner speed now :(
I actually had a lot of fun my last 2 sessions! Scary, Hershey is saying he really had fun and liked the changes at Malvern. I would suggest the triple gets some attention though. I called the 2 broken ankles before it happened.

Man did I have fun last night, thanks for all the hard work. The weather turned out perfect too!
More technical ? Not high speed ? Need to be able to corner ? Hmmm , wonder how that will affect attendance ? Hopefully better or at least the same . Don't want to see the changes amount to a hill of " Beans " .
what's up with the triple? Two broken ankles already?

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When he says more technical I believe he is referring to the corners. There are a couple that are slightly off camber, basically there are a couple that are no longer 30mph wide open sweeper with a berm around the outside. There is nothing new jump wise that is technical. Some of these new corners are slower, safer and will lead to more passing opportunity and better racing. Last night was a good test, we will tweek a few things.

Triple, we had about a dozen guys jumping it and I saw it cased a couple times with no problems. The guy that broke his ankles was on his first lap (I was told) and was doubling it. Apearanly he overshot the double by a good bit and nosed into upside of the third hill. That was the only incident on that jump last night.
I think the triple is well built. Just didn't want to test the 144 distance. Lol

Its built perfect as long as you dont over jump the double , or come up short on the triple. I called it before it happened and it did. Just need to make it more forgiving if that happens. Just fill between the double and triple to make it a step up / over. Problem solved. If not keep the ambulance close by!! Lol. Felt bad for that guy, he was in serious pain!!!
The whole sense of accountability comes into my mind. By technical I meant corner technical. Finally there will be some separation. My little engine that could can eat up some 450 in the corners now and not worry about getting walked away from.

I like it. Need Ktm brakes to stop after the triple though.
More technical ? Not high speed ? Need to be able to corner ? Hmmm , wonder how that will affect attendance ? Hopefully better or at least the same . Don't want to see the changes amount to a hill of " Beans " .

I dont think anything will scare people away, if anything I think more people will like it because it has been slowed down. I like it much better just for that reason alone. I also believe the changes make for better racing. The start will be interesting though on the drop off right hander!! I can see a lot of fun there!!
Its built perfect as long as you dont over jump the double , or come up short on the triple. I called it before it happened and it did. Just need to make it more forgiving if that happens. Just fill between the double and triple to make it a step up / over. Problem solved. If not keep the ambulance close by!! Lol. Felt bad for that guy, he was in serious pain!!!

Al la table to table. Just fill the whole thing in. Still a solid leap, no worries about coming up short or overjumping.