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  1. TwentyThreeMX


    thats one thing i havent gave into yet. theres just not enough season for it. i already have a motorcycle i ride twice a year and a jet ski that i ride once or twice a year.. i dont need another once or twice a year toy. i can think of maybe 10 days it would have been good conditions to ride...
  2. TwentyThreeMX

    OMA 2018 More Updates

  3. TwentyThreeMX

    OMA 2018 More Updates

    says the new guy that said he just got into the sport 3 years ago. when i was on 80s/125s 10 would be a LOW number of riders in most classes.. i would be bummed if there was "Only 10" now I'd be thrilled to have 10 guys in my class!!!
  4. TwentyThreeMX

    OMA 2018 More Updates

    i never really considered 25 to be 'vet status' ... once i crossed 30 i really felt old (31 now)... im sure it only gets worse from here lol. but i think the same rider at 18 is going to be the same competitively at 25 and probably damn near close to up to 30 too. if your worried about getting...
  5. TwentyThreeMX

    OMA 2018 More Updates

    i agree that summit was an awful place to base a decision off of. also that my input is very invalid as i havent really been an active racer in a while. i somewhat want to change that this year (i say that every year though)... but was definitely looking forward to the change. I do not have fun...
  6. TwentyThreeMX

    Summit Indoor preview ..Round 2

    decent temps this weekend too, that will be a nice change!
  7. TwentyThreeMX

    Indy, anyone book an extra room?

    oh ill be there one way or another lol..
  8. TwentyThreeMX

    Indy, anyone book an extra room?

    Seems like every year I come across a few people that for whatever reason booked a room and arent going or booked an extra room and no longer need it. Seems like everything is sold out except for some pretty damn expensive rooms that i dont see me coughing up that money for 2 nights lol...
  9. TwentyThreeMX

    any update on OIR

    yeah i wasnt dissing anyone else running it, was just saying it was definitely in its prime when hands had it. there were some good days and bad after. id never want to run a track, thats for damn sure...
  10. TwentyThreeMX

    any update on OIR

    your opinion doesnt count then... 2014 was not the OIR that we all loved. no offense to those that ran it after Hands, but they had that place dialed and it used to get packed for a reason!!
  11. TwentyThreeMX

    Old D-12 Results Still Online

    Ha funny we all 3 have on those helmets i remember wanting mine sooo bad.. the langston edition!!! They still make helmets, who knew..must be bigger over seas.. havent seen one here in ages. no idea what happened to simpson.. that was the ugliest set i had for sure, the others werent as bad...
  12. TwentyThreeMX

    ALTA Redshift Price Drop.

    i cant imagine it being much harder than jumping off of a 450 and going to a 125.. as far as noice engine breaking etc.. i used to really struggle with switching back and forth but now i barley have to adjust at all. must just be the fact that i go a lot slower these days and it doesnt make a...
  13. TwentyThreeMX

    Shoei Helmet

    i dig it, even those colors. arai looks sick too.
  14. TwentyThreeMX

    any update on OIR

    nooo its closest track to home, im a pro practicer not willing to drive more than 2 hrs to ride on a weekend these days.... running out of options that dont get boring week after week lol.
  15. TwentyThreeMX

    any update on OIR

    Just curious if anyone has heard anything, good or bad, on the status of OIR for this year?
  16. TwentyThreeMX

    Vicki Golden Wreck

    i was about 50 ft away walking towards it when it happened, so i didnt see it but heard it. the sound of bike dropping into concrete like that was not a good one. glad that's all that was wrong, she wasnt moving for a while and when they put the curtain up i got pretty nervous!
  17. TwentyThreeMX

    Hoosier Tires

    agreed that bike looks sick... hmm maybe new color theme for the 150!
  18. TwentyThreeMX

    Ken Roczen is ready to make his return

    i feel like one of these weeks peick is going to sneak into a top 3 spot as well...
  19. TwentyThreeMX

    What are you paying for health insurance?

    off the top of my head like $140 a month for medical/dental either $500 or $1000 deductible (changed this year cant remember) and i think 3200 or 4k max outta pocket i think...
  20. TwentyThreeMX

    Anyone missing this bike?

    saw on fb that it was sold and then whoever it was sold to had it stolen from them..and that guy still had the title. prob long gone by now anyhow.