hershey comment?

I have been over too his house. He has alot of nice stuff prob cause he dont pay his workers crap. Mustangs bikes track.......etc
Pfffttt... You make more than I do sleeping half the day and getting in trouble for working too hard....
But as a union member you are encouraged to buy american not foreign regardless of union affiliation! LMAO!

The electrical unions now have a CE program. Hire non union electricians into a union shop , pay them a hybrid wage between union and non union, NO TRAINING REQUIRED, solicit his work as UNION labor ( all the standards of a union shop is why you pay the higher rates for them on your project) all to expand the union labor force and compete with the growing and COMPETENT non union labor force. Talk about pissing off your union labor force! They have effectively started a non union labor force within the union stealing full blooded union members jobs!

Oh but UNIONS are always looking out for their members! Blah

The CE/CW program is new to me. Had to read up on it a little.
It doesn't look much different than the IJ (intermediate journeyman) program, which has been around for years.
Still just a pathway to get workers with electrical experience and some schooling up to the Journeyman level, with more schooling and training. If it is different maybe someone can bring me up to speed on it. (I've been out of the construction side for 10 years).
We've got half a dozen electricians working with us out of the local right now, I'll get their take on it as well.
I’ll give the union supporters in NY and NJ credit for their loyalty. They would rather sit in the dark and freeze than allow non-union volunteers or non-union FEMA contractors restore their power. That’s dedication! Not very smart, but dedication. As a former disgruntled IBEW member, I’ll take the “scabs” any day.
The electrical union is not perfect, nor are any other of the hundreds of unions out there.

I worked non union electrical construction for 6 years, badly struggled to support my young family and thought of leaving the trade.

Worked first 10 years industrial maintenance of which 9-1/2 I was salary management. I got my fill of being abused there.

I worked close to 2 years for a good size employee owned HVACR contractor, which should of been the ideal situation, but that was plagued with cancerous employee problems.

Then at that point in my career I saw the value of collective bargaining and better opportunities for any chance at securing a reasonable retirement, working both construction and back to manufacturing.

And I have worked enough side jobs to know that contracting is not always all it's cracked up to be.

We all just want to support our families and live the American dream, and not have to struggle our whole lives.

Man......Wish I had a Mustang and my own dirt bike track. :)
Newest pony in the corral......


And Im living the real American dream! In debt to your eyeballs and not a chance in hell of getting out! Just ask Obama, hes got spending under control!
Yea but you got a coooooool car.
I drive an 1986 nissan sentra. :)

I haven't had a traffic light glance from a pretty girl since I was 17.
Got to love the gov!

Taxes already up, tax deductions taken away for next year ...... Hope all you Obama loving people are happy! This is just the beginning!
BTW....A residential union member I know from here is in NJ still.... working 16 hr days at $84 hr. He just text me this morning from out there.

Im sorry but that is RAPE. You can be as pro union as you want but it only hurts everyone who pays for electricity. Paying a person that rate to do grunt work ( only because he doesnt have the first clue about high voltage work ) is ridiculous. Imagine how many people are out there making that wage right now.

Tell us how you feel when you have to pay attorney fees...:) :) :)
Talk about Rape!

Wonder how many knew about this?

Oh yea......FOX news was all over this story "Before" the election.
I was amazed that the general public didn't go nuts over this.
Okay Mr. Know it all Union hating Hershey,how much were you charging people at the last National disaster that you were at to help people? Since people always seem to know what all the Union members wages are why don't you dig up all the non-union waged people that are doing "grunt work" also? You seem have to have a lot of extra time since all you do is dig up this info & post on Pitracer! I'm sure there are plenty of non-union people there making lots of money for the work they are doing...