Newest pony in the corral......
View attachment 7113
And Im living the real American dream! In debt to your eyeballs and not a chance in hell of getting out! Just ask Obama, hes got spending under control!
Wonder how many knew about this?
Wow.....a boatload of lurkers on this one......1818 views but only 80 posts! Wussies! Lol
The electrical union is not perfect, nor are any other of the hundreds of unions out there.
I worked non union electrical construction for 6 years, badly struggled to support my young family and thought of leaving the trade.
Worked first 10 years industrial maintenance of which 9-1/2 I was salary management. I got my fill of being abused there.
I worked close to 2 years for a good size employee owned HVACR contractor, which should of been the ideal situation, but that was plagued with cancerous employee problems.
Then at that point in my career I saw the value of collective bargaining and better opportunities for any chance at securing a reasonable retirement, working both construction and back to manufacturing.
And I have worked enough side jobs to know that contracting is not always all it's cracked up to be.
We all just want to support our families and live the American dream, and not have to struggle our whole lives.
Man......Wish I had a Mustang and my own dirt bike track.![]()
I also briefly belonged to the Teamsters. I hate them even more than IBEW. I found that as an ambitious self starter with great abilities, the unions were a ball and chain on my career with which I had to drag all the dead beats and incompetents that the unions were there to protect. I advanced much faster, and was treated much better by companies that placed their value on me based on my individual merits, so my union jobs did not last long, and were among the worst in my 35 year work history. The value the market placed on my performance was always far greater than any artificial value that could be negotiated by any union that averaged it in with fellow employees with lessor performance.
Your having way too much fun with this Hershey.
A bumper sticker I spotted yesterday made me think of how you feel on this matter.
It said:
" C'mon now, give me the finger like you mean it! "![]()
We've covered the deadbeat issue and know that deadbeats are everywhere. I worked with just as many deadbeats working non-union as union and they were protected too for various reasons, (they were family members of the owners, friends of the owners, incredibly clever and decietful, etc.)
There are different union job types and environments. In industrial maintenance for example, you have a lot of workers with different skill sets that are needed because of that. And their job types and skill sets may not require them to be busting their hump all of the time. And if a worker has been saving the companies bacon when the chips are down with his skill sets over many years, then I will fight for his job as a union brother. Not everybody in your shop is going to learn what has taken him years to learn and to be so skilled at what he does. When I was in maintenance management (salary, nearly 10 years), we were a multi-craft shop. There are plusses and minus's to multicraft. But it never failed, in certain situations out of my whole shop of guys, I would only had 1, or maybe 2 guys who could do what needed done. You protect them! Even when times are slow.
Yes it's great to have guys that are ball busters, but sometimes the slow and steady, who is more thoughtfull, cautious and craftsmanlike can and will do a better job, more efficiently with less waste, and without getting hurt. You protect them. They are producers.
Its about time you figured out what this thread is really all about! Lol
I just got off the phone with Licking Memorial Hospital and negotiated a $1,089 hospital bill (from my broken foot) down to $187.45.
Evidently, collection agency's must charge quite the premium to make harassing phone calls....somewhere around at least $902 or more.
Who says you can't negotiate with hospitals?!!?!?