Like the layout. Once it gets run in in some areas and isn't so soft, it should be sweet. Also, those rocks in the back newer section get cleaned up a bit., Noting major. I give it a B+. I give this rider a C-. Take that for what it's worth.
Like the go big or go home layout, but also that most sections are forgiving for those not wanting to go big nor go home. Only section I have a suggestion on is the big gap step up in the back and the step off shortly there after. Going with the not going big or not wanting to go home theme, you might wanna flll the gaps in a bit, but keep the distance between them if that makes sense. The "V" out between the step up got rutted and wasn't so easy to get through and for those of us not familiar with step off's, I was a little tight in the buttock area when I hit that a couple times...
All in all, a fun track. Told me I need to get out to a few tracks now to get familiar with a few different obstacles, I'm not so ready to race yet, and I sooooo need to get the bikes suspension redone. Fork seals were leaking so bad late in my ride day that it was affecting my front brake stopping power.

I'll hit everything next time or two I'm out there. Nothing I haven't done before, except the step off dealio, so all good. Was kinda cool having the whoops although I was not fast through them, I can see trouble once I "think" I can, and good luck keeping them in shape. All good though.
Thanks again!