Ive been up all night, government healthcare

No no, dont tell Sturd that! His articles know better than personal experience!!!!

Personal experience is...personal. Collecting data and finding trends aggregates that but is different.

Sturd, the problem with your article is that they look at the national health care stats not Ohio, or Stark county Ohio. My broker is talking from their companies experience, another broker in my town I talked to had the same experiences, I have had those as well as Georgie. Face it, as much as you want to say how great the ACA is ..... it isnt.

On of them says Ohio is below the national average. Go look. I'm not going to go look for Stark County for you either.
If you want to believe the guy that makes money selling you insurance, go for it.

Note that you may very well have experienced much higher costs, I believe you there. I think really only one guy can do anything about
that and it's not BHO.
Personal experience is...personal. Collecting data and finding trends aggregates that but is different.

On of them says Ohio is below the national average. Go look. I'm not going to go look for Stark County for you either.
If you want to believe the guy that makes money selling you insurance, go for it.

Note that you may very well have experienced much higher costs, I believe you there. I think really only one guy can do anything about
that and it's not BHO.

You can site articles all day long, what happens in the real world is what matters. If I ran my contracting company based on articles I read about the work climate and not my personal experiences I would be out of business. Sounds like you have swallowed the Obama Kool Aid. Maybe swallowed something else of his too!

Every small business owner I have talked to has had the same problems with increases in premiums and reductions in coverages I have experienced. My office managers husband is a teacher and same deal with them.

I guess since Obama said the ACA wont cost the consumer anything means it must be true, just read the article about that.

I sit back and laugh at your reasoning, I hope you dont run your work by the same ethics. Just because you read it on the interweb thingy doesnt make it true!
If the government demands $x.xx is required to do a job and only pays that for a service but then the tradesman provides the service but runs into a plethora of other problems during the service tht costs more than $x.xx then what do you expect is going to happen ???

Medical people can't just stop working on someone because it's worth less than Theyll ever get paid. It's not a car worth $1,000 that we can drag to the junkyard after we find out its gonna cost for more than the $2500 estimate...

So how the hell is it gonna not cost consumers elsewhere? Hospitals won't go bankrupt because of that. They're going to pass it onto the consumer and insurance co. Who raise rates. ......
Just because you read it on the interweb thingy doesnt make it true!

I got the bills to prove my costs have risen at, or below, the ohio average, if you want to talk about anecdotes.

Talking to folks at the chamber of commerce last month I was surprised how many were worried the
supremos might kill the ACA by throwing people that have insurance now off of insurance subsidized
by the gov't. Same guys that complained about rising costs mostly.

By the way, I pay the medical device tax that partly pays for the ACA subsidies. Sucks.

Oh hey! At least the republifucks are finally, permanently, pushing back the only cost cutting that is in
law now, as they have for 16 years, because the doctor lobby whines and cries and gives
more money to re-election campaigns than the folks paying the bill - you and me. Welcome to
the new balanced budget republifuck majority.
Sounds like someone has met the chamber of commerce establishment Republican and is not impressed. Constitutional conservatives are not impressed either. But for entirely different reasons.
Have you gone with a self-insured type plan to help keep down costs and avoid some of Obamacare?
I have not read most of this thread at all. But I have experienced increases on my personal insurance the last three years. Last January it was $37 a month in all the NEW ACA fees listed right on my Medical Mutual bill. Listed as "new" Federally Mandated Fees. Medical Mutual obviously wanted their customers to know what the fees were and how they were broken down.

There is NO government subsidy. It is a TAX PAYER subsidy. All of us paying for insurance, and taxes are funding others that have lower incomes. Period.

ACA has forced MILLIONS onto the government system also. Oh, you qualify for Medicare. Go sign up. More people on the system.

Now people are filing their taxes. Many who thought they would get refunds, may not. They received subsidies, and once they file their taxes and made more than they reported, they have to pay those subsidies back. That will make some people real happy I am sure.

Everyone knew it would take a little time (a few years) for people to start realizing the affects of ACA law. Give it time, people are not going to be happy with the results.

Their ultimate goal is for ACA to be so screwed up that they say "Hey, that did not work, but a single payer system would be much better".
Notice how your medical benefits show up on your W-2 this year? You do not pay taxes on them yet. I do because I am the primary.
But wait until next year.....Some of my employees have $24,000.00 in that little box. So at a 25% tax rate it cost you $6000.00 of your NET income.

Just wait Boma lovers, The worst wont be here until they put the next poor SOB in the white house and point fingers at him for destroying America.
Everyone knew it would take a little time (a few years) for people to start realizing the affects of ACA law. Give it time, people are not going to be happy with the results.

More likely and already happening, there are at least 10 million people with some form of health insurance
now that didn't have it before. Do you really think that the insurance and medical provider
lobbies will let that get killed? Ten million people that can't pay their emergency room bill

Best of all, red states have, in general, higher numbers of new people with obamacare insurance
than blue states. Will be interesting to see how and if that effects anything.
More likely and already happening, there are at least 10 million people with some form of health insurance
now that didn't have it before. Do you really think that the insurance and medical provider
lobbies will let that get killed? Ten million people that can't pay their emergency room bill

Best of all, red states have, in general, higher numbers of new people with obamacare insurance
than blue states. Will be interesting to see how and if that effects anything.

What are the numbers of pre ACA privately insured vs post. I got two young buddies who find it cheaper to pay the penalty and now don't have insurance......
What are the numbers of pre ACA privately insured vs post. I got two young buddies who find it cheaper to pay the penalty and now don't have insurance......
Who was forcing them to get insurance before? I don't understand?

NY Times said back in November there are 10 million with ACA insurance that didn't have any insurance
before. Numbers are probably higher now but I don't have time to research.
It is all lies and BS. Here is a website. http://obamacarefacts.com/sign-ups/obamacare-enrollment-numbers/ (whoever these guys are)

Obama Care facts, but all they can do is estimate.

I Estimate that Bubba is going to do 3 gear starts and win all championships next year.

  • 8 million enrolled in the Marketplaces during 2014 open enrollment (Oct 2013 to April 2014).
  • 11.7 million are estimated to have enrolled in the Marketplaces during 2015 open enrollment (Nov 2014 to Feb 2015). This includes 4.5 million who re-enrolled from 2014.
  • It’s estimated that 5.7 million young adults (aged 19-25) stayed on a parent’s plan until age 26. That is 2.3 million who stayed on their parents plan from 2010 to 2013 with an estimated 3.4 million gaining coverage from 2013 to 2015.
  • As of March 2015 a total of 16.4 have enrolled in a Marketplace plan or stayed on their parents plan.
  • 10.8 million more enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP since Oct 2013. Not all who enrolled were ineligible before the ACA. Uninsured rates dropped lower in states that expanded Medicaid.
Who was forcing them to get insurance before? I don't understand?

NY Times said back in November there are 10 million with ACA insurance that didn't have any insurance
before. Numbers are probably higher now but I don't have time to research.

And the best part is even if those number are correct we are paying for that ins anyway. We were before when they didnt have it and went to the hospital for free and we are paying again because the same people get a credit on their taxes now. To top it off the rich folks they counted on paying for everything through their high premiums have opted out and self insured. That is one reason for the dramatic rate increases.

Unless you are a Sturd and believe the rates have actually dropped.
And the best part is even if those number are correct we are paying for that ins anyway. We were before when they didnt have it and went to the hospital for free and we are paying again because the same people get a credit on their taxes now.

Exactly. Why did it take passing ACA and giving this money to insurance companies to get some
people to understand this? We were paying before. We are paying now but a little more so insurance
companies can get their take.

I wish I had a lobby like that.
Who was forcing them to get insurance before? I don't understand?

NY Times said back in November there are 10 million with ACA insurance that didn't have any insurance
before. Numbers are probably higher now but I don't have time to research.

Nice dodge.

Paying before. And paying after. And if you're in healthcare you're payong twice through budget cuts and chip chip chip away pay cuts. Unless you're a ceo. Then your salary nearly doubles.
Poor George, he can't help it, born with a big government, establishment Republican mindset and to this day garnering all sorts of blame. The Tea Party even came to be because of his spending.
Of course an all powerful central government, unleashed from Constitutional restraint should take over and remedy this healthcare mess. Obviously perfect people at the top in charge in D.C. , always truthful with never a hint of cronyism or corruption.
Now, the really smart public servant types don't bother with lobbying. They use their name to start a charitable foundation and let the donations flow. Those good hearted donors are so generous. Influence peddling? Quid pro quo? Never!