Growing our Sport ?


PR Addict
I haven't had a chance to read all this, but I have to say... Jeremy, you have been a huge part in making 'District X' what it is. I remember the discussions we had back then... you can take a lot of credit for the improvement in Ohio motocross. Don't be so defensive. I barely know you, but guess that you are a savvy business person, educated, intelligent and above all else someone who genuinely loves and cares about advancing Ohio motocross. Seriously, you are owed a lot of credit for how great Ohio Motocross has become (Still can't wrap my head around Chilitown as the best Ohio track, but oh well, you'll have that when voting becomes a popularity contest. lol. And Chilitown has an amazing setup to put on really fun moto weekends)

The LL area was amazing. You did a great job. Agree with Hershey tho that you should open up the C track for pdubs at a discount to get them hooked. Used to be the fair series that got them hooked. Why not a pdub series on the c track?


PR Addict
[QUOTE="Truth is I see very few promoters who see growing the sport as a potential for more patrons. Most are too busy trying to get the riders from somebody else's track to come to theirs. Everybody wants a bigger piece of the pie. Nobody wants to make the pie bigger.[/QUOTE]

I respectfully disagree. Briarcliff and Chilitown have worked tirelessly to make the pie bigger.. and successfully, at that.

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Sorry I showed up to the party a little late but I haven’t had a lot of time to devote to internet stuff. After getting caught up on all the threads I’m not sure what I can add to the practice track value for PW50’s topic since we don’t provide a separate track and only have but the one main track. What I can say is that Chillitown is committed to growing the sport while adding value to each and everyone’s race day experience; That has been our mission since day one. Over the years we have offered a lot of ways for riders to race and get into our facility for free to see what we have to offer. We give away hundreds of dollars worth of free admission passes, open practice passes, race entry passes and camping passes each and every event. We also try to pin point classes we would like to see grow and offer those classes for free like we did this past race with the girls and womens classes as well as the 50+ class. We also re-invest profits to put on a show for our spectators by offering things such as free pro class sign up to insure that we get a nice big gate of pros to get everyone excited about coming out to watch.

As mentioned earlier in the thread we have offered a free 50cc open class to draw out the little guys to give racing a shot and that was a huge success. Another thing we pride ourselves on is giving awesome awards to our racers. The little kids absolutely love getting our trophies. We have even had pros come up and ask us if they can have them as well because they are so cool. Providing awesome looking trophies always gets the kids pumped up. We had one parent tell us that their son decided to race because they saw their friends trophy and wanted to win one. The last couple of years we have been making and distributing free admission passes for small kids much like you see time to time with the traveling circus coupons given out at the cash registers at local retailers. We have placed them in high traffic retailers around the county and have even sent stacks of them to the schools in hopes to spark an interest and get more people to come out and see what they are missing.

At CTMX we are always looking for ways to grow our sport and get the riders to the track and we welcome any ideas that will help promote newcomers. We will continue to offer a top notch facility that the riders can come to and have a great experience not just on the track but off the track as well. We believe that the formula we have been using is the main reason we won the popular vote on the Motoplayground Best Track contest. You can have the most amazing track layout with the best track prep but without riders and spectators walking away feeling like they had fun for the money they spent they won’t be back. Value is everything!


PR Addict
Just when I decided I was finished with this thread.

CTMX, that is awesome! Thanks for posting that. I can now exit this thread with a little more hope and optimism. I truly hope your investments in the sport come back as returns to your business, but it looks like that has already happened.


PR Elite

TV land this am. Full prep on the pee wee track and 10 bucks a kid. Way to go Trevor!!!

C Hudak

PR Addict
My boy rode from the time we got there till the time we left, thanks Trevor. Tracks were real good shape, and fun to ride.


PR Elite

Kids had a great weekend! Both are hooked now and loving it. That's what it's all about, family fun!

All it takes is one or two times and a family will be there as much as they can. 10 bucks a kid and now you have a mom who will go just because her kids love it. So instead of me bringing the boy when time allows a track now gets a weekend with 4 people spending money to get in....on concessions ....the shirts ect. 3 racers paying entry fees .... I spent almost $300 at TV land this weekend. That's growing the sport. We will be back for sure, of course not all tracks have a great swimming pond with a slide to get the kids coming! Lol.

Double D

PR Founding Father
Dave, You can post as many facts and realities as you want. The tracks that grow the sport with the kids will keep doing it, and the others will continue to ignore you. as I try to.

One more regional and Nick and I are back on tour. In the truck heading to FLA. gonna order his 65 on the way back.


PR Addict
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Kids had a great weekend! Both are hooked now and loving it. That's what it's all about, family fun!

All it takes is one or two times and a family will be there as much as they can. 10 bucks a kid and now you have a mom who will go just because her kids love it. So instead of me bringing the boy when time allows a track now gets a weekend with 4 people spending money to get in....on concessions ....the shirts ect. 3 racers paying entry fees .... I spent almost $300 at TV land this weekend. That's growing the sport. We will be back for sure, of course not all tracks have a great swimming pond with a slide to get the kids coming! Lol.
I am glad you posted these...when I seen these on FB, I thought this thread would be a good spot for them.

Awesome cheeser`s.