Trump daddy

The establishment on both sides are scared. Scared not of what policy trump will bring to the table, not of the wall, not of trade, not of court appointees. They are all scared he is going to expose all the political corruption inside DC. Most congressman go to congress of moderate means. They all leave millionaires. Does no one else besides me scratch your head bout that?

And isn't it great how Trump calls the only Senator who has taken on the Senate and called out Mitch McConnell as the liar that he truely is, "lying Ted". :rolleyes:
Don't believe that Cruz is an outsider. I firmly believe he is as much establishment as any of them. His wife definitely is for sure. Look at the people working within his campaign. All total establishment.
Don't believe that Cruz is an outsider. I firmly believe he is as much establishment as any of them. His wife definitely is for sure. Look at the people working within his campaign. All total establishment.

Is Ted Cruz the most conservative candidate in the race?
He is conservative. But I am still concerned. Trump is not that conservative, but I support him. I think it is time for a wake up call, and he is that wake up call.

Cruz has MANY insiders working for him, and the way he is being just like the RNC (in my opinion) stealing delegates, makes him no better than the establishment. I like Sean Hannity's opinion on delegates. He said make them caucus states, primary states, which ever. Make them winner take all or proportionate, which ever.........But once the winners share of delegates are handed out, those delegates are bound. That way the peoples vote does matter. As the system is today.......It is a joke.
Seriously, l'll say it again, any real change needs to come from the state level, at least while the Constitution still has some standing.

KO you and Reince Priebus-Reince Priebus-Reince Priebus are thinking on the same wave length, because yesterday morning he said of the "rigged and corrupt electoral system" that it's not the RNC's fault, or the Party establishment, but it is the individual states' faults. They all make their own rules. We don't tell them how to do anything......Yep that's what he said, ahuh!
Allow people the right to vote ? No way. Leave that to the electoral college because the people might be off their rockers. So do we as citizens who vote really have a say or do we think we do--outside of locale elections?
He is conservative. But I am still concerned. Trump is not that conservative, but I support him. I think it is time for a wake up call, and he is that wake up call.

Cruz has MANY insiders working for him, and the way he is being just like the RNC (in my opinion) stealing delegates, makes him no better than the establishment. I like Sean Hannity's opinion on delegates. He said make them caucus states, primary states, which ever. Make them winner take all or proportionate, which ever.........But once the winners share of delegates are handed out, those delegates are bound. That way the peoples vote does matter. As the system is today.......It is a joke.

But, but...

But Cruz is playing by the rules and is far better organized than Trump.

But again, Trump has benefited the most from this primary system (including other caucus states) and only complains when he doesn't win.

But Trump has never been a conservative.

Look what I found in the garage this evening while getting ready to clean a weekend's worth of mud from my bike.
2016-04-18 21.04.12.jpg

My old Reagan campaign button that flips from slogan to portrait.
Again, decades of developing conservative, constitutional principles where involved in Reagan's slogan.
Trump's "very similar" slogan is only backed by Trump's hot air.

Btw, have you checked into the background of some Trump's campaign hires?
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KO you and Reince Priebus-Reince Priebus-Reince Priebus are thinking on the same wave length, because yesterday morning he said of the "rigged and corrupt electoral system" that it's not the RNC's fault, or the Party establishment, but it is the individual states' faults. They all make their own rules. We don't tell them how to do anything......Yep that's what he said, ahuh!

No, not really in agreement at all. Reince isn't trying to fix anything, he's only attempting to affix blame.
When Matt Borges, and Ohio re-wrote all the rules in Ohio to benefit Kasich, they made one mistake they are not likinates g now. If the winner of Ohio (Kasich) would drop out, his delegates get assigned to 2nd place........They did this to protect Kasich in case he got second. Now Kasich is sitting at a lowly 142 delegates, and won only his home state. If he drops out, his delegates fall to trump. All 66. Those 66 delegates could help seal the deal for Trump, so therefore you have a guy with no chance in hell of getting the nomination staying in the race......only to protect those 66 delegates. The system is screwed.
When Matt Borges, and Ohio re-wrote all the rules in Ohio to benefit Kasich, they made one mistake they are not likinates g now. If the winner of Ohio (Kasich) would drop out, his delegates get assigned to 2nd place........They did this to protect Kasich in case he got second. Now Kasich is sitting at a lowly 142 delegates, and won only his home state. If he drops out, his delegates fall to trump. All 66. Those 66 delegates could help seal the deal for Trump, so therefore you have a guy with no chance in hell of getting the nomination staying in the race......only to protect those 66 delegates. The system is screwed.

What? You haven't heard about the Trump/Kasich connection.
Again, check out Trump's campaign hires. Establishment, lobbyist and how about the Kasich campaign manager's business partner? Business with some interesting connections.
Notice how many of the same people and media outlets that pushed Romney are now promoting Trump?
Anti-establishment? Anti-PC? Did you see or hear Donald today?

I can understand and agree to this article, up to a point.
Quote: [ This is not the case with the presidency, which is more distant and more easily corrupted. In the election of a president, we have many layers to keep “bad candidates” out and bring stability to the system. If this is abandoned for a popular and more national vote, then the president would be chosen like a congressman but without the same intimate knowledge and accountability. This would be a dangerous move for our nation, and all talk of it needs to be stopped before our system is transformed and our liberties lost. ]

Really Now?
The system is being gamed right now to prevent Trump from getting elected, and the system is being gamed right now to get Hillary Clinton elected.

As for "BAD CANDIDATES" Hillary is one of the worst! Especially in terms of being corruptible. And for "stability to the system", ....... she and her allies are doing their damnedest to redefine what is considered normal and stable. Seems to me they are selling our country off to the highest bidders. (or highest voters, if you will)

The article is sensible, historically correct and significant, although I think the operating model needs updated, it is highly infected by corruption.
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I had to laugh at this email I got from the Cruz Campaign asking for money.

Donald Trump has access to millions and millions of dollars. Just this week, he dumped an additional $20 million dollars into his campaign and is prepared to spend whatever it takes to buy this nomination. He is willing to say and do ANYTHING to win.

That is because Donald Trump not only represents the status quo and rigged system in Washington D.C., he IS the system!

We may not be able to compete with Donald's personal war-chest, but we can beat him with the people who power Ted's campaign -- his SUPPORTERS like you.

This is funny as hell......I just saw where Trump has spent about 1/4 of what Cruz has spent. Hell Bush spent over 100 million in NH and SC. Trump has has also had about 125 million spent against him in negative ads.

So who really has the war chest of money they are burning through?
This is all such a mess and discouraging. A coworker and I were discussing the national debt, deficit, and Debt/GDP ratio and how quickly it's all escalated. America needs a fix soon. Who's going to do it?
Trump supporters, be advised to pay attention behind the scenes of the Trump Show. Reality may well not live up to the current hype.

Really, he is playing a part? Isnt that what people trying to get elected do? No where, except for Lyin Ted , did it say any one in his team claimed he wouldnt try ot do what he claims he will. So whats the point of your post?

Notice Cruz's numbers have tanked lately?