Trump daddy

Trump sweeps all 5 states. wins 100% of all counties in all 5 states. That's a clean sweep. managed to also get something like at least 36 of the 54 unbound delegates elected that will support him on the first ballot.

Now onto Indiana. Trump is campaigning with Bobby Knight, who is like God in Indiana, much like Sabin in Alabama. I predict a major victory in Indiana. Hell Cruz called it a basketball ring in a speech today! It's a hoop Ted, a hoop!

Trump will get to 1237. He already has 2.5 million more votes than Mitt Romney had at this same point 4 years ago. The establishment is waking up to this movement. Voters are not stupid. Voters are pissed off at career politicians. They are changing the way a Republican will run for Congress and the Senate right now.

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This primary season has been very revealing. All those supposed conservative individuals and sources that are actually anything but.

Bobby Knight is such a disappointment. He was at my house when I was a little kid. I attended his basketball camp when he coached at West Point and visited his home there. Too bad my dad isn't around to send him a note...
Dad? Know about this guy?

Sorry but he's a convicted felon. No more political finance involvement but in NC he should be able to vote again.

Timothy Leary's dead but old Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) lives on. Many years ago at a U C San Diego holistic health conference, white robe clad Ram was perched before us on a soapstone lab/lecture bench. Many seemed enthralled during his supposed conciousness raising presentation. I wasn't impressed. A conciousness razing con man may have been an apt description. His NC son, a chip off the old block?

You two are side tracked...... Going to have to separate you. :D
This primary season has been very revealing. All those supposed conservative individuals and sources that are actually anything but.

Has me thinking American politics and our government has become one big Grand Illusion for the masses. With a few new do-gooders always trying to mess it up.
Yea, I caught it, and almost called a foul play.
You hurt my feelings tying Trump to McAuliffe.

Has me thinking American politics and our government has become one big Grand Illusion for the masses. With a few new do-gooders always trying to mess it up.

How's this, I'm even replying to myself.

With this huge public push for Trump, It raises the concern about just where is conservatism in America today?
It's as though Trump is really an Independent, but dressed as a Republican. He certainly doesn't represent conservative principals, but does represent some elements of long lost American pride and boldness.

And Cruz and Ben Carson are likely the most conservative candidates, but neither get the support. Wonder if conservatives are just too outnumbered on voting day?
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Has nothing to do with conservatives or liberals this year. Everyone in the Republican party is angry and feed up with the party. They say one thing and do the opposite with 10 excuses. Trump is exactly what the Republican party needs right now.

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Has nothing to do with conservatives or liberals this year. Everyone in the Republican party is angry and feed up with the party. They say one thing and do the opposite with 10 excuses. Trump is exactly what the Republican party needs right now.

With that being said, It would be interesting to know how many true Democrats are jumping the fence and voting for Trump as well for the same reasons you mention?
And those numbers are exactly why it would be political suicide for the RNC to try to steal the nomination from Trump. Someone with common sense should be telling cruz and Kasich to step aside and unite the party now!

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Cruz is trying to stop the bleeding. He's severed an artery and he's putting Carly fiorina on it as a last ditch effort!
Has nothing to do with conservatives or liberals this year. Everyone in the Republican party is angry and feed up with the party. They say one thing and do the opposite with 10 excuses. Trump is exactly what the Republican party needs right now.

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Has nothing to do with conservatives or liberals this year. Everyone in the Republican party is angry and feed up with the party. They say one thing and do the opposite with 10 excuses. Trump is exactly what the Republican party needs right now.

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Yea that's what I recall my relatives fighting about making the same argument for when bush 2 was elected....this craps all the same just different years and faces. Well some different faces.
Yea that's what I recall my relatives fighting about making the same argument for when bush 2 was elected....this craps all the same just different years and faces. Well some different faces.


That worked out so well...

And now we are being asked to abandon conservative principles to save what?

That worked out so well...

And now we are being asked to abandon conservative principles to save what?

What conservative principles are we being asked to abandon?
Economic? no
2nd Amendment? no
Immigration? no
Foreign Policy? no
What conservative principles are we being asked to abandon?
Economic? no
2nd Amendment? no
Immigration? no
Foreign Policy? no

Trump has been cleverly positioned so that he supposedly can't be vetted. He essentially has no history to review. His excuse is that as a businessman he had to support and fund Democrats and liberal causes. And of course until recently he was a Democrat. But now he is all new and can be cast as a Republican conservative. He can now say and do as he pleases, with conservative positions and all.

But a true principled conservative could never have lived the life of Trump. After almost 70 years on earth did Trump experience an epiphany and suddenly change his ways to run for president?
But a true principled conservative could never have lived the life of Trump. After almost 70 years on earth did Trump experience an epiphany and suddenly change his ways to run for president?

What life? A successful business man who used the government to his advantage? Name me one "true conservative" president who hasn't done that????

Again, give specifics please.
What life? A successful business man who used the government to his advantage? Name me one "true conservative" president who hasn't done that????

Again, give specifics please.

So the Trump's "successful businessman reset" extends to the denial that Donald was a liberal Democrat?

You need go no father for an example than Trump's recent abortion aberrations during this campaign, well after his "reset". The man had never taken the time to think through the issue and he got himself in trouble. It has come up during this thread. His campaign has been busy walking back his statements on this and so many other issues. This happens when you still shoot from your liberal hip as a fake conservative.
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I know people have become conservative lately because of all the issues with entitlement. A good friend of mine was extremely liberal last year and now is a conservative. It is possible. To say Trump is a hard line conservative is a stretch for sure but I also believe he has been more of an independent believing there are good qualities on both sides of the fence, much like I do and many others. In my mind any one who claims they only believe in the values of one party is part of this countries problem, and congress too. The stall on passing important bills has been the strong divide there and the lack of working together on what is reasonable.

Do you not believe anything the democratic party has to offer in values is justified and a good thing for the USA?