Trump daddy

Btw, Rubio is still beating Kasich. is capitalism. Let some be billionaires I Don t care.
But create jobs. Let the guy that does whatever he has to do to create jobs.
If there are no jobs, there is no ladder to climb, to be a rich capitalist evil whatever the public sees a business owner as.
The reason Cruz isn't generously supportive is because he invested 1.2 million to get elected to the senate to beat very popular and superPAC rich former Texan governor....and the entire race everyone counter him out and said there was no way he would be elected. Well he got elected.
It looks like Hellery may have to deal with Bernie at the convention.

They all make me angry when I look at them.
The reason Cruz isn't generously supportive is because he invested 1.2 million to get elected to the senate to beat very popular and superPAC rich former Texan governor....and the entire race everyone counter him out and said there was no way he would be elected. Well he got elected.

Im talking about his personality not wallet or politics. There arent stories of how he has helped people just because, there arent stories of people that know him best telling how friendly and down to earth he is or supports them through building them up personally. There are plenty of stories like those about Trump, not just now but prior to last year.

Cruz is a little whinner, did you watch the video above? There was another I saw to day a reporter asked him why he was still in the race since he had previously promised to drop out once he couldnt win. He wouldnt answer that either, just simply kept crying about how he WILL beat Trump at the contested convention. He said he didnt care about himself that if Trump won we would lose the 2nd amendment and Trump was no better than Hillary for American conservative values.
Cruz keeps bringing up the 2nd amendment and Obama care. Trump supports the 2nd admendment and wants to replace Obama care. He also is saying trump supports the Iranian nuclear deal. Where is he getting thst. I've never seen where trump supports that all. He said it was crazy for Iran to have weapons. Cruz is telling blatant lies.

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I have many, many, good many. More than anyone. So good. So very good. Just ask me. Better than anyone.

He is funny. Good speech LSAT night. I believe him. AON , America one news plays his speeches
Trump views:

Government should do public works & safety & little else

Common sense tell us that the two basic principles of governing should work anywhere they are applied. First: Get government out of activities it can’t do well. (A list of thing government doesn’t do well is a very long list.)
Second: Get government back in the business of providing for public convenience (transportation, public works) and safety (police and firefighters), and make sure it does so efficiently. Then judge its efforts by visible, definable results and fine-tune as needed.

Establishment Republicans upset at the prospect of billionaire Donald Trump becoming their party’s nominee aren’t looking at the bright side. If Trump were to win the White House, he could help the conservative movement achieve one of its oldest goals: dramatically shrinking the size of the federal government.....
Although it is a negative article it points out Trump wants to shrink the gov. .....source

"We're going to make many cuts in business. We're getting rid of -- we're going to get rid of so many different things. Department of Education -- Common Core is out. We're going local. Have to go local. Environmental protection -- we waste all of this money. We're going to bring that back to the states. And we're going to have other … many things. We are going to cut many of the agencies, we will balance our budget, and we will be dynamic again." ..... Again , he would need to look deep into doing this correctly but obviously this isnt a candidate who is looking to enlarge the government.

I thought better of you than this KO, your falling for propaganda and not looking at the candidate himself on many issues.
If he could just shrink the size of government the savings in salary and benefits would be huge.

My sister works for a state University. She honestly does not have enough work to keep her busy. She got a 6.5% raise last year, and almost pays nothing for health insurance. Her boss decided he was taking off between Christmas and new years, so he gave everyone in their department off also with pay, since he did not want to work.

This same state university which is a very successful school is now running a 28 million dollar deficit, but yet no one seems worried about losing their jobs.

I could go on for hours just talking about waste in xenia ohio, where we have a million dollar deficit. But for years the only two councilman who screamed about it, got ignored. now it's reality and their solution is a 4 mil tax levy or they lay off 6 Police and 6 fireman. Holding tax payers hostage.

Government is broke at all levels. and a majority of the people working as paid government employees don't get reality of how to run an efficient work place. They think the money will never stop.

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Fox News:
Clinton confronted by laid-off coal worker at West Virginia campaign stop

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was confronted Monday at a campaign stop in West Virginia by a laid-off coal worker over previous comments she made that “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”

Clinton was attending a panel discussion with residents and Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin in Williamson, W. Va. when she was asked a question by Bo Copley, who told her he was a laid off worker in the coal industry.

“I just want to know how you can say you’re going to put a lot of coal miners out of, out of jobs, and then come in here and tell us how you’re going to be our friend, because those people out there don’t see you as a friend,” Copley said, sometimes breaking into tears, as the chants of the protesters were heard outside.

Clinton however said her comments in March were a “misstatement,” and that she has been talking about helping out coal country “for a very long time.”

“What I was saying is that the way things are going now, we will continue to lose jobs,” Clinton said Monday. “That’s what I meant to say, and I think that that seems to be supported by the facts. I didn’t mean that we were going to do it, what I said was, that is going to happen unless we take action to try to and help and prevent it.”

Clinton released a $30 billion plan last fall aimed at aiding communities dependent on coal production and she's promised that her husband would focus on revitalizing the region.

4 or 8 more years of: "Bill & Hillary Rides Again".
Who didn't see this coming ? ? ?
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I thought better of you than this KO, your falling for propaganda and not looking at the candidate himself on many issues.

Give me a break mr ted Cruz is slimy. You're doing the same thing with Cruz. He's slimey. He's a liar. Blah lag lag blah
LMAO. Find the video of her saying she is gonna put coal miners out of business. It was not a miss statement. She was probably speaking to a bunch of "green" people, so she was pandering for votes.

One thing about trump, it is a pretty consistent message, no matter which state or who he is talking to.

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Government is broke at all levels. and a majority of the people working as paid government employees don't get reality of how to run an efficient work place. They think the money will never stop.

This right here.....

And I know in government construction projects contractors bid to get the jobs ( which are over priced prevailing wage rates) and make their real money on the extras. They know since its government money they can charge double or triple the normal rate.

And prevailing wage should be abolished on government jobs, what is right about it? If an open shop can do just a good a job as a union shop why should the government pay a premium? They got rid of it in school projects and saved 487 million in 4 years. Imagine the savings across the board .......
Give me a break mr ted Cruz is slimy. You're doing the same thing with Cruz. He's slimey. He's a liar. Blah lag lag blah

No, Im backing my beliefs up with actual quotes and videos of Cruz. Im not posting Meme's some one made up at the anti trump convention.