Trump daddy

Donald gave Cruz some props just hours after whipping up another lyin' Ted Twitter storm. That's how he builds good teams that support him?

No but the twitter storm it is how he is winning the primary by a landslide. Honestly KO, after reading up on historical campaigns this one is far from the worst. Many presidential elections were much more harsh. Making up names for candidates like Crooked Hillary and Lyin Ted is not anything new to the arena and I think Trump did his home work on branding opposing candidates to help him win this primary.

If you study up you will see Trump has a long record of building up people around him and creating great people and teams. You claimed his campaign want near as well organized as Cruz..... looks like you miscalculated and underestimated Trumps team.
As for Cruz's father, while he may not be connected to the JFK assignation, no one has denied that it is him in the photo with Oswald. Didn't they always say that Oswald had Cuban connections? May sound crazy. but the Enquire has been correct on many other huge political stories in the past.

Back to reality time yet?
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No but the twitter storm it is how he is winning the primary by a landslide. Honestly KO, after reading up on historical campaigns this one is far from the worst. Many presidential elections were much more harsh. Making up names for candidates like Crooked Hillary and Lyin Ted is not anything new to the arena and I think Trump did his home work on branding opposing candidates to help him win this primary.

If you study up you will see Trump has a long record of building up people around him and creating great people and teams. You claimed his campaign want near as well organized as Cruz..... looks like you miscalculated and underestimated Trumps team.

Over time campaigns have been very nasty, nothing new there. But just who does Trump appeal to with that "lyin' Ted" schtick? Some now think that Ted's dad was with Lee Harvey Oswald just because Donald brought up a bizarre hit piece from his good friend's tabloid. Trump was back on it today, mentioning that he had nothing to do with it and only referred to it because the senior Cruz had said bad things about him.:(

I've said that Trump is a master manipulator. That includes planting stories about what a great guy he is to work for and deal with. He has purchased more loyalty that most.

Cruz was much better organized for the convention. That was his plan all along. Conservatives studied and understood the system and we're poised to take control of the convention. But the Trump media enabled propaganda machine would have just spun that to Trump's advantage. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you are allowed to disregard the rules. But that's exactly why the country finds itself in a post constitutional mess.

Cruz counted the votes and did the right thing.
Cruz counted the votes and did the right thing.

???? Is that why he lost?

The real question is now ...... Who is better for the country between our 2 picks? I heard a statistic last night, Trump has the largest percentage of voters that dont like him in the history of the primaries, Hillary is a very close 2nd. How do the 2 least liked candidates get the nominations ( assuming Hillary does ) ????

And now we are left with a choice between these 2?

Personally its a no brainer for me, there is no way I would vote for Hillary. Unfortunately too many republicans would rather see Hillary in office instead of Trump out of hatred and not issues.
Cruz and Kasich working together was a joke. Cruz says he is a non establishment true conservative, but yet hooks up with a definite establishment guy like Kadich who's positions are way more liberal than Donald Trump. The American public figured out that they both were full of crap and didn't care about the voters but themselves.

This campaign like no other in history is about the American voter. On the GOP side, voters are sick and tired of excuses. they are done with controlling the house and Senate and nothing getting done. On the Democrat side they are.....well clueless and the voters are still proving in states like Indiana they do not want Hillary.

The number that should scare hillary, is that the GOP is up 71% with voters in the primaries. The Democrats are down 32% This will not be good for them in November.

I also did not believe polls stating Cruz had a better shot at beating Hillary. A far right wing guy or a more moderate Republican. The more moderate is always going to have a much better shot at flipping blue or purple states like WV, New York or PA into Red states. I believe you will see Trump do this, and that is why he will win in November.

He's already flipping Vicente Fox, who had apologized to Trump for his comments to him and inviting him to Mexico. Don't tell me Mexico won't help pay for that wall to keep trade and tourist going to Mexico.

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???? Is that why he lost?

He's a man who realizes that there are things bigger and more important than himself. It's about principles, not just a guy winning or losing. Or even the country winning as a course that leads to liberty will ensure that.

Trump ran a fine propaganda campaign, demonizing and defeating his opponents. But he refused the opportunity to debate the issues. What are hIs principles? Will he govern through constitutional principles? Again, this country is where it is due to the neglect of those principles. If Trump doesn't get that, at the very best he will just delay the next Hillary, if not much worse.

Trump keeps things interesting. Let's see, as of just yesterday, Trump says he's the 'King of Debt', now open the raising the minimum wage and is considering Cruz as his VP. Wonder what today will bring?
This campaign like no other in history is about the American voter. On the GOP side, voters are sick and tired of excuses. they are done with controlling the house and Senate and nothing getting done.

So Indiana votes both Trump and McConnell's chosen Senate candidate?
Unfortunately too many republicans would rather see Hillary in office instead of Trump out of hatred and not issues.

Probably so regarding non politician citizen voters. But for Repubs that are prominent public figures and Politicians, I would say they will support Hillary simply because she doesn't pose the same threat that Trump poses when it comes to exposing scandals and damaging the establishment of business and politics as usual. Bureaucracy, love it, or hate it!

It's about principles.

Are we talking about the same Government here ? ? ?
Not sure we are.
We needed another Republican debate like we needed another hole in our head! I know Cruz wanted one, but they became the same crap over and over. How many times can you ask the exact same questions.

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On a lighter note...

On a higher note...

'The Art of the Jump'

Trump does not scrub, “I like thinking big. To me it's very simple: if you're going to be jumping anyway, you might as well think big.”
Beautiful! Executive order? :D

Don't forget this one, "I would build a wall jump like nobody can build a wall jump."
So fast, and it will be great. I have the best wall jump builders, the best so many , so many.
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Trump is either very smart, or he is being well advised.

Back in the 90's, during the Clinton menstruation, impeachment trial, and Lewinski scandal, I was glued to the news, mostly in disbelief that we were witnessing first hand, history taking place.
The Lewinski scandal was accompanied by Clintons prior record with Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey as well as others. It was very clear through all of this that his relationship with Hillary was strictly a smokescreen for both of their political ambitions. I even remember after the Ken Starr investigation release and the impeachment, during his next state of the Union address he had to address his transgressions and lies publicly, and then he lip motioned "I Love You" to Hillary who was in the audience. My immediate reaction was " God... Make me sick... He honestly believes everybody is that stupid and can't see through all of that BS ".
And then, she took advantage of the wifey-victim situation, playing it up in the media, that she's standing by her man. And once again, all political!

Fast forward 16 years:
Trump is now bashing her for playing the women's card in her campaign. And rightfully so and smart, Trump is dragging her and her husbands history with women back out in the public.
As soon as I heard him on the news, I thought..... THANK YOU ! The general public is so ignorant and lazy that they have completely let all of this slip from their memories. Not to mention all of the current voters who were too young or not even born when all of that crap took place. Bill and Hillary are MAJOR LEAGUE POLITICIAN SLIMEBALLS!

Go Trump... Let her and Bill have it.. Tear Her Up!