Trump daddy

So Trump is meeting with Paul Ryan on this Thursday. I think Trump takes in poll results that show Ryan in down to his competitor in the August primary for his House re-election. Trump then looks the RINO who pushed through Obama's omnibus budget, and tells him he gets on board if not, Trump and his rich friends will fund the campaign, and take Ryan down in August.
I hesitated to put this here as the republican party needs to be buried but those of you that can still look at other views and decide for yourselves should read Bret Stephens column in the WSJ today. sorry I can't figure out a working link. You may need go find paper or be a subscriber.
Newt Gingrich endorses Trump:

I've been a long time fan of Gingrich, as he is one of the absolute most knowledgeable men in American politics, and played a prominent role as well during his term.
I initially thought that he would make a good VP running mate for Trump, but feared others would frown on it due to Gingrich's rocky past. But then last week I was driving home in my truck, listening to Sean Hannity and he commented the same that Newt would be a really good match up.

I now think it could work. Newt Gingrich knows how to get things done through Congress and has the balls to take a stand when the situation calls for it.

Yea, again I thought the same thing.
But.... bad baggage hasn't stopped Hillary from running a very effective campaign ?

Trump needs a Power Player that knows how and what levers to pull to get things done, particularly in working with the Dems in congress.
Newt would be a great choice. Many trump supporters and Americans have long forgot about any of newts baggage. Newt will either be VP or Trumps Chief of Staff.

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As far as the presidential campaign race goes, there probably isn't a better ally to have than the very person that took a stand against Hillary's husbands administration when the Clintons were in office the first time. Newt made big time history against the Clinton administration.

This could get very interesting!
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Donald Trump is considering Newt Gingrich for vice presidential role

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump has discussed in recent days the possibility of selecting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as his vice presidential running mate, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has been asking confidants for input on Gingrich as a potential pick, including during conversations Wednesday at Trump Tower in New York, according to a person familiar with the discussions.

The presumptive Republican nominee told The Associated Press that he has narrowed his vice presidential list to "five or six" candidates, and has named Corey Lewandowski to head up the vetting process "with a group" of staffers. Others said to be under consideration include Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, all Republicans.

Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who this week concluded his role in helping compile the list of possible running mates for Trump, also recommended Gingrich, according to a person with direct knowledge of the list.

There’s a strong rationale for Gingrich, said Rick Tyler, who was an aide to the lawmaker for 12 years in Congress and during Gingrich’s 2012 presidential bid. He has substantive policy-driven views and knows the world, Tyler said.

Tyler said he's "confident" Gingrich is being considered, and could see him acting as a senior adviser in a manner similar to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Gingrich didn't respond to two calls for comment.

There are several approaches that can be used to selecting a vice president: pick someone who compensates for a candidate’s weaknesses or echoes a strength. Gingrich might do both. Gingrich could help activate the Republican base, but likely would do little to gain support from minorities or independent voters.

Gingrich has been a behind-the-scenes cheerleader for Trump in recent weeks and has sought to serve as a liaison between Trump and Washington Republicans. Earlier this week, he pushed back against speculation that another Republican should run as a third-party candidate. "You can be for the Hillary Clinton team or you can be for Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton. There’s no honest, realistic third choice," Gingrich told Time magazine.

Gingrich is often credited with infusing his party with new ideas, and his presence may comfort conservatives who say Trump's campaign has been light on policy proposals.

The former U.S. House speaker is both bomb-throwing outsider who built a career running against the establishment, and a skilled Washington insider who knows about government.

A historian by training, he holds a doctorate in European history and he’s known for his intellectual curiosity. He also knows how to play political hardball, and has gone toe-to-toe with the Clintons, having helped lead the calls for former President Bill Clinton's impeachment over his marital infidelity with Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich later admitted to having his own extramarital affair.

While in Congress, he immersed himself in policy, military affairs and security intelligence, and has a resume of accomplishments, including an overhaul of welfare.

"Trump needs a VP who will sing from the same hymn book he does on the campaign trail, pacify conservatives and can pull the right levers of power in D.C. to get things done once in office," said Ford O'Connell, former campaign adviser to 2008 Republican nominee John McCain. "Gingrich, without question, fits that bill."

Gingrich's presidential ambitions ended after his own unsuccessful 2012 White House run. During that campaign, he sought to portray himself as a more conservative alternative to eventual Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, but was ridiculed by Romney for floating the idea of building a permanent outpost on the moon for "science, tourism, and manufacturing" by the year 2020.
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Don't forget draft dodging, tree hugging, Hispanic wall building, flag burner, to get the California vote.
I am as conservative as they come. I am chair of the Greene County Republican Central committee and have been for Trump from day one. Trump is the one candidate that could win states no other candidates could win. Without the Republicans winning Michigan, Ohio, PA, NJ, and Florida....we don't win. No way does Cruz ever win those states. Cruz never brings in independents and Democrats to vote for him. So Trump is the right candidate. He will now build a solid cabinet around him, and could be a very very solid administration.

The alternative is a disaster. That is why the Bushes, Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham and mitt Romney are crazy stupid. Get in step with our party now, or you will have Hillary appointing 3 possibly 4 supreme court justices for the next 30 years. That is the true disaster of a Clinton Administration.

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Yea, I'm sure that the establishment GOP leaders in both chambers are still stunned and confused, not to mention dragging their feet.
Can you see them all floor pacing in private smoke filled rooms in Washington panicking and scrambling for a way out ?

He's going to take donations for the general election, as he should. To win a general election now is in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion dollars. Isn't that crazy? Perhaps when trump is elected there can be spending limits put on campaigns. This is why the system is so corrupt. But as a Trump supporter it should not be all his responsibility to pay for a general election campaign. The party has access to millions of dollars that can be spent. Super pacs can spend Money, and perhaps trump just fund his portion with campaign material, staff, etc.

Trump has spent about 1/4 of what Cruz spent, and I believe even Jeb Bush the short time he was in, spent more than Ted Cruz. Jeb averaged something like $3600 per vote he received.

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Reince Priebus is now shifting his views and being more supportive of Trump, as are other members of Congress. He says Trump has brought us a campaign that is unlike any we have ever seen before. And it's working.

Newt Gingrich has gotten some media attention, with both Bill O'Reilly as well as Foxnews, where he's been heavily questioned about the Trump campaign, the Clinton campaign, as well as his position and if he's open to play a part. He gave really good and informative interviews (as usual) and is definitely open to the idea of being a Trump running mate.
If Clinton can get off on treason, how can we keep her out of the White House?

I think she was promised to be president next, like calling shotgun on a road trip.

I am preparing for 8 years of Clinton and then the end of the world. I already have my shipping container.