Trump daddy

So for president it's down to this:


Or this:

Obama didn't start that fight. Dimbulb republixxxx state guys did.

I'm sure it was working just fine before Brown vs. Bd of Education too.

It was?

Hillary fancies herself a progressive. Some want her as president.

Woodrow Wilson was the first progressive Democratic president and a racist. He segregated the military and federal civil service. That's after the Republicans had desegregated them during the post Reconstruction period.

Such vile acts are part of Democratic party history. But there are always those Republicans to blame. That's the Democratic party playbook. Create a problem and place blame elsewhere. Straw men abound. Now days, just use some revisionist history, relativism and mix in some Alinsky like tactics to do the job. Sound familiar? Nice try sturd.

Trump put out a nice list today...
Notice he said the list was compiled by talking with party members and conservative constitutional people. This what I believe and hope Trump will do, surround himself with and consult those he believes are the best of the best to get opinions on the right thing to do. But like any politician we need to hope his values match our own and whats best for the country
I think I would want some Muslims or eastern born advisors around me to give a perspective from their view. Help me understand where they are coming from.
Notice he said the list was compiled by talking with party members and conservative constitutional people. This what I believe and hope Trump will do, surround himself with and consult those he believes are the best of the best to get opinions on the right thing to do. But like any politician we need to hope his values match our own and whats best for the country

Obama has appointed something like 40% of the current federal judiciary. Another Democrat and there's no getting it back.

But then Donald states just last week that everthing he says is 'just a suggestion'. I'd hope that Jeff Sessions and the like have some real influence but that is yet to be seen...
Anyone catch the Democrat convention in Nevada? The Bernie supporters are finally figuring out their system is more flawed than the Republicans and Bernie is screwed no matter what. I think they may have way more fire works at their convention than the Republicans. The longer Bernie stays in, the weaker Hillary becomes as a candidate for November. He is exposing her flaws. Never thought I would root for a socialist for any thing, but I am saying go Bernie go. Tear down that Clinton machine. She obviously is not Bill. The media wants you to believe trump can not win, and can not beat Hillary. But the truth is, Trump was the only one of the 17, working within the electoral system that had any chance to beat Hillary.

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So for president it's down to this:

View attachment 52254

Good catch Georgie! The reptile image crossed my mind earlier in our discussion before imaging the freaky caterpillar. But the Randall creature from Monstors Inc. is a much better fit. My grandkids have that on at our house all the time.

Steve Buscemi does such a great job Voicing, and playing the weird and bad actor in his roles, makes a good matchup for a Trump VP. :D
Anyone catch the Democrat convention in Nevada? The Bernie supporters are finally figuring out their system is more flawed than the Republicans and Bernie is screwed no matter what. I think they may have way more fire works at their convention than the Republicans. The longer Bernie stays in, the weaker Hillary becomes as a candidate for November. He is exposing her flaws. Never thought I would root for a socialist for any thing, but I am saying go Bernie go. Tear down that Clinton machine. She obviously is not Bill. The media wants you to believe trump can not win, and can not beat Hillary. But the truth is, Trump was the only one of the 17, working within the electoral system that had any chance to beat Hillary.

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Yea, there's been a lot of grumbling on the radio and media about the corrupt way the Dem Party is running this whole primary election. Sanders keeps getting shafted over and over by his own party.
They were even speculating how if Hillary gets indicted at the last minute, how they would probably try to shoehorn in Joe Biden as the last minute candidate, and then swinging all of the Super Delegates to him.

It's amazing..... These politicians just don't get it! The people of this country are sick of this BS! And this is the whole reason wildcard candidates like Trump exist and is doing so well. For them and all their special interest groups, it's all about keeping the Power, Money, and Control game going without disruption.
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Yea, there's been a lot of grumbling on the radio and media about the corrupt way the Dem Party is running this whole primary election. Sanders keeps getting shafted over and over by his own party.
They were even speculating how if Hillary gets indicted at the last minute, how they would probably try to shoehorn in Joe Biden as the last minute candidate, and then swinging all of the Super Delegates to him.

It's amazing..... These politicians just don't get it! The people of this country are sick of this BS! And this is the whole reason wildcard candidates like Trump exist and is doing so well. For them and all their special interest groups, it's all about keeping the Power, Money, and Control game going without disruption.
Bingo! Washington DC is so out of touch that a billionaire from. new York is more in touch with main stream America.

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Here's all you need to know, reasoned better than I could put together. Endorsed by my buddy Pat, the
Irish middle east scholar:

Some can be argued. Putting my son's, who is draft age, future in jeopardy so some dimbulb can act
macho and "bomb the s**t out of them" isn't an option.

Hillary has always stated that she fully supports and defends Obama's handling of our middle east conflicts, and yet we get this:


Former defense chief Gates blasts White House for 'semantic backflips' on ISIS mission

President Obama’s former defense secretary Robert Gates accused the White House on Thursday of “semantic backflips” for refusing to use the word “combat” to describe U.S. troops’ fight against the Islamic State, in the wake of another casualty.

"I think that is incredibly unfortunate not to speak openly about what is going on," Gates said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

He continued, "American troops are in action. They are being killed, they are in combat and these semantic backflips to avoid using the term ‘combat’ is a disservice to those who are out there putting their lives on the line."

Gates speculated that the reason for avoiding the term is political, as it fits the narrative that combat operations in Iraq have ended. He said current Defense Secretary Ash Carter acknowledges the troops are in combat, and it’s “unfortunate” the White House can’t do the same.
Bingo! Washington DC is so out of touch that a billionaire from. new York is more in touch with main stream America.

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DC is out of touch but what voter discontent has Trump tapped into? Voters attempted to counter Obama by giving Congress to the Republicans and nothing changed. So the voters go for Trump and for returning the same members of Congress to DC. Where is the sense in that? Is the consent of the governed even an issue?


This guy is a prime example of lying, dirty deal making, nothing changed, Obama agenda supporting, insider Washington DC. Republican McConnell follows in Democrat tradition of mousy appearing but extremely liberty damaging Senate majority leaders. He controls the funds for Senate candidates. Conservatives do not get his backing. But Trump backs McConnell.

Just yesterday, using clever cover votes, McConnell shut down conservative attempts to stop the Obama agenda, this time they are nationalizing the suburbs. Just change whole communities. And bathrooms are a big deal?

John McCain has a conservative challenger in Arizona this time around. What will those voters do?
Just yesterday, using clever cover votes, McConnell shut down conservative attempts to stop the Obama agenda, this time they are nationalizing the suburbs. Just change whole communities.

I've missed this one, can you educate me here?

On the Repubs taking over Congress, correct me if I'm wrong, but Boehnor tried pushing for the conservative agenda and ended up stalling all cooperation and communication from the White House. Then the resulting pressure and responses from that eventually led to him stepping down as the Speaker. Boehner had quit negotiating and compromising with Obama, and stuck to what the far right wanted on issues. But it didn't work out so well. Paul Ryan, stepping in, made statements that, hard core conservative is fine, but we have to negotiate and compromise to get anything done. And that's where we currently are today.

Off subject question: How does Fasttraxx handle the time keeping/scoring during their GP's ? Is it helmet sticker also? As it stands right now, I'm planning to race Sunday. ( likely coming down by myself).
DC is out of touch but what voter discontent has Trump tapped into? Voters attempted to counter Obama by giving Congress to the Republicans and nothing changed. So the voters go for Trump and for returning the same members of Congress to DC. Where is the sense in that? Is the consent of the governed even an issue?


This guy is a prime example of lying, dirty deal making, nothing changed, Obama agenda supporting, insider Washington DC. Republican McConnell follows in Democrat tradition of mousy appearing but extremely liberty damaging Senate majority leaders. He controls the funds for Senate candidates. Conservatives do not get his backing. But Trump backs McConnell.

Just yesterday, using clever cover votes, McConnell shut down conservative attempts to stop the Obama agenda, this time they are nationalizing the suburbs. Just change whole communities. And bathrooms are a big deal?

John McCain has a conservative challenger in Arizona this time around. What will those voters do?

I'll bet Cruz still voted no and voted not tochange the number of votes. They do this s**t all the time. It's ridiculous
I've missed this one, can you educate me here?

On the Repubs taking over Congress, correct me if I'm wrong, but Boehnor tried pushing for the conservative agenda and ended up stalling all cooperation and communication from the White House. Then the resulting pressure and responses from that eventually led to him stepping down as the Speaker. Boehner had quit negotiating and compromising with Obama, and stuck to what the far right wanted on issues. But it didn't work out so well. Paul Ryan, stepping in, made statements that, hard core conservative is fine, but we have to negotiate and compromise to get anything done. And that's where we currently are today.

Off subject question: How does Fasttraxx handle the time keeping/scoring during their GP's ? Is it helmet sticker also? As it stands right now, I'm planning to race Sunday. ( likely coming down by myself).

This will educate.

Don't know where you got that former Speaker of the House misinformation???

Would be great to see you at Fast Traxx. Sending a PM.