Trump daddy

Don't know where you got that former Speaker of the House misinformation???

There was a lot swirling in the news around all of this before Boehner stepped down. And then Frontline (on PBS) done a documentary on it. As usual It was quite interesting to me. A person can certainly try to dispute if the documentary is accurate or not, but it's kind of hard when it's all supported by what's in the news on a daily bases, particularly when the different news stories are somewhat consistent.

Here's the transcript of it.
Frontline : CliffHanger

And people wonder why rand Paul and Cruz are hated by their fellow republican RINOs. Demonize the true conservatives with BS. "He looks slimy. I don't trust him" buuuuttt you trust tenured republican congressman that "well we did something" which was made to look like something but turns up being worse than nothing because it basically takes away the negotiating (which everyone calls for/-hershey comes to mind) and really this s**t is just a CAVE to the BS left policy..... Lmao.
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There was a lot swirling in the news around all of this before Boehner stepped down. And then Frontline (on PBS) done a documentary on it. As usual It was quite interesting to me. A person can certainly try to dispute if the documentary is accurate or not, but it's kind of hard when it's all supported by what's in the news on a daily bases, particularly when the different news stories are somewhat consistent.

Here's the transcript of it.
Frontline : CliffHanger

Sounds like Frontline. :rolleyes:

John is no conservative. He functioned as a Washington insider and a climber. And a crying drunk to boot. :(

He loves Nancy.

And claims that Trump is his buddy?
Hate it when someone shatters my allusions.:D

That must be an edited picture of him kissing Nancy Pelosi. My god, the woman was born in 1940.
She's a bit aged as you can see.:oops:


I read a Rolling Stone political column article once after they got some insider news and interviews of the Washington elite. They said that in front of the camera, and at press conferences, they will take political sides and posture the hell out of each other , for show. But then when it comes time to negotiate legislation, they all go privately behind closed doors and " **** " like Jackrabbits. I do believe!
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There was a lot swirling in the news around all of this before Boehner stepped down. And then Frontline (on PBS) done a documentary on it. As usual It was quite interesting to me. A person can certainly try to dispute if the documentary is accurate or not, but it's kind of hard when it's all supported by what's in the news on a daily bases, particularly when the different news stories are somewhat consistent.

Here's the transcript of it.
Frontline : CliffHanger
What?. The news is bought and paid for! No facts there.... Ever.
Always being suspicious of scandals and conspiracies isn't a very pleasant way to face life each day, and nobody really wants face each day living that way, but unfortunately they are without failure teaching us this is how the system works and how they operate.
so Trump calls the air Egypt crash Terrorism. All the talking heads go crazy. Comes out today, evidence is showing the plane blew up. Looks like Trump was right yet again.

Few months ago, Trump said bomb the hell out of ISIS. blow up their convoys of oil Trump said....people laughed. Then the Paris bombing, and they blew the hell out of ISIS oil convoys. No one was laughing then.

Anyone see a pattern? At least trump is willing to put radical terrorism at the fore front.

I will choose Trump over Hillary to deal with radical Islamic terrorism any day.

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Not sure how many of you caught this on Friday, but this one is a biggy also. I warned you guys some time back about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, He's an absolute slime-ball !
( for those who don't remember, before he got his Governors seat he was the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and chairman to both Bill and Hillary Clinton campaigns, and major fundraiser and advisor.)

In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe Breaks the Constitution to Plump the Democratic Vote

In what is likely an unconstitutional state action seemingly calculated to ensure that the purple state of Virginia goes blue in the November election, Governor Terry McAuliffe (D.) signed an executive order on Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons in Virginia, including those convicted of murder, armed robbery, rape, sexual assault, and other violent crimes. The order also restores their right to sit on a jury, become a notary, and even serve in elected office.

The New York Times inadvertently gave the game away when it said that McAuliffe’s “action effectively overturns a Civil War–era provision in the state’s Constitution.”

Caught this in the news last evening:

First on CNN: Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe under federal investigation for campaign contributions

Washington (CNN)Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and prosecutors from the Justice Department's public integrity unit, U.S. officials briefed on the probe say.

The investigation dates to at least last year and has focused, at least in part, on whether donations to his gubernatorial campaign violated the law, the officials said.

McAuliffe wasn't notified by investigators that he is a target of the probe, according to the officials.
"The Governor will certainly cooperate with the government if he is contacted about it," said Marc Elias, attorney for McAuliffe campaign, in a statement to CNN.
As part of the probe, the officials said, investigators have scrutinized McAuliffe's time as a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a vehicle of the charitable foundation set up by former President Bill Clinton.

improper; the probe has focused on McAuliffe and the electoral campaign donations, the officials said.
Spokespeople for the Justice Department and the FBI declined to comment.
Speaking to reporters Tuesday, McAuliffe said he was "shocked" by the investigation and that it "has nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation."
"This was an allegation of a gentleman who gave a check to my campaign," McAuliffe said. "I didn't bring the donor in. I didn't bring him into the Clinton foundation. I'm not sure if I've even met the person, to be honest with you."
Among the McAuliffe donations that drew the interest of the investigators was $120,000 from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, through his U.S. businesses. Wang was previously delegate to China's National People's Congress, the country's ceremonial legislature.
"Neither the Governor nor his former campaign has knowledge of this matter, but as reported, contributions to the campaign from Mr. Wang were completely lawful," Elias said.

Wang also has been a donor to the Clinton foundation, pledging $2 million. He also has been a prolific donor to other causes, including to New York University, Harvard and environmental issues in Florida.
U.S. election law prohibits foreign nationals from donating to federal, state or local elections. Penalties for violations include fines and/or imprisonment.
But Wang holds U.S. permanent resident status, according to a spokeswoman, which would make him a U.S. person under election law and eligible to donate to McAuliffe's campaign.
Neither Wang nor his company used to make the donations have been contacted by U.S. investigators, according to the spokeswoman.
McAuliffe is the second consecutive Virginia governor to be investigated by Justice Department and the FBI. In 2014, Bob McDonnell was convicted of corruption charges related to $175,000 in loans and gifts he received from a donor and friend. The Supreme Court is weighing an appeal of the conviction.
It couldn't be learned what else the FBI and Justice Department are investigating as part of the probe in McAuliffe.
The officials say the investigation remains active and ongoing.
so Trump calls the air Egypt crash Terrorism. All the talking heads go crazy. Comes out today, evidence is showing the plane blew up. Looks like Trump was right yet again.

What evidence is that? So far I've not seen any evidence come out that it was a terror attack, no matter
that it seems likely. The fact that nobody has claimed responsibility, something they've done in hours in
other cases, is odd.

Trump speaking out of ignorance is typical though.
Well Sturd, cmon. You know it Takes a good while for the fat poppy huffing toga wearing carrier to take the scroll across the desert to notify their leaders of a successful bombing.
Got to love trump giving the media a big FU by reading every single vet organization that received money from his speech where he skipped the debate. media said donations were not paid, and he has passed out 5.8 million to vets. 1 million from him. So the media can kiss his ass.

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