Trump daddy

I know people have become conservative lately because of all the issues with entitlement. A good friend of mine was extremely liberal last year and now is a conservative. It is possible. To say Trump is a hard line conservative is a stretch for sure but I also believe he has been more of an independent believing there are good qualities on both sides of the fence, much like I do and many others. In my mind any one who claims they only believe in the values of one party is part of this countries problem, and congress too. The stall on passing important bills has been the strong divide there and the lack of working together on what is reasonable.

Do you not believe anything the democratic party has to offer in values is justified and a good thing for the USA?

The Democratic party in it's current form, no. They now are hard left and that's about all.

Leaving a party like that is understandable but again Trump has laid no foundation for many of his present positions. His speech and replies are always very shallow and give no confidence in his understanding and belief in the issues that he now supports. He has refused serious debate and the reason for that seems obvious. Does he even understand and believe in the Constitution? Does he ever speak about it?

Trump is relying on beating down opponents with unrelenting outrageous style over substance. That unfortunately is the stuff of a cult of personality.

Have I taken the time to think this through? Yes. Did I like what Trump was doing initially in this race? Yes. Did he totally turn me away as his tactics, lack of depth and absent conservative principles became clear? Yes.
So his AIPAC speech was not direct? What about his America First speech about foreign policy? Both of which were highly praised even by some of his opponents. And if you have watched any of his town halls or his victory speeches where he fields questions after you see the more down to earth Trump.

Is the guy perfect? No, but he isnt the liberal democrat you speak of IMO. His lack of depth is based on his tactics in his campaign. Obviously he isnt normally that way by the testimony of many around him that describe him differently. Its a reality show tactic to win support. Proof of his ability is in what he has built and his family around him. One thing I think, for what its worth, is he speaks what is on his mind. He makes mistakes and says the wrong thing now and again. Cruz , again in my opinion, is much too rehearsed and fake. All the pausing in his speech, the heartfelt over done caring for a persons problems. The same way Obama was in his campaign, a salesman. For me that is a person putting up a false agenda and I dont trust that.

Trump has made a lot of mistakes and changed a few views but for me he seems to be the candidate with the most realistic idea on what to do with the economy far.... than any others out there. I also believe he , more than anything else, wants to bring back some common sense to America. There is no question he is the most removed from the "establishment" than the others as well. If anything his ego wont let him be bought and controlled by anyone.
I agree. Trump is much more versed on the economy than anyone else. I do believe we will see a rebound under a Trump administration. Trump is not establishment. He is going to call someone out if need be and that is a good thing. I know I bring it up at the state level all the time, but I see that first hand. Even at the state level, guys like Bob Hackett, Chris Weidner, Rick Perales and Steve Austria are or were all influenced by lobbyist when in the state house and senate.

Anyone think it is odd that Chris and Steve both leave politics and walk into huge consulting contracts with State universities in Ohio? Nah, that was not an inside deal set up for them to stay on the money train.
Bottom line is, we are in way too big of a mess to " * * * * " around with politics as usual !
(fill in the blank with whatever four letter word you prefer)

If Hillary get's in, we'll have 4 or 8 more years of lies, deception, loss and damage to this country. We just can't afford it anymore.
I think trump is going to get elected
Cleveland might burn this summer. It'll be hillarys last shot at placing blame on him for the democratic protestors.
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I hate Cruz even more than Hellary.

Trump or we are screwed.

Here is my biggest fear, it has to get worse before it gets better.
I hate Cruz even more than Hellary.

Trump or we are screwed.

Here is my biggest fear, it has to get worse before it gets better.

Know the real problem Seymour?

Cruz has argued csases in the Supreme Court 8 or 9 times. And wins.

He was on a debate team in college. That was his hobby. That's why he's so damn good at debating. Hes not fake. Not part of the establishment. Look at the guys voting record in the senate for blank sakes.

He came from nothing. Saw the damage a broken family can cause as his parents divorced. His dad then came back to the family after years, his mother worked her ass off as a programmer. The list goes on. The guy isn't fake. He isn't Obama. He should be the president.
Might I remind you John Boner, I think that's how you spell it....hates him as well. As does Mitch McCockel. Sorry If i'm getting the spellings wrong. Point is, establishment guys hate him because he won't agree to unaminously change the vote count in the senate to make a bull s**t bill pass so that he can go back to his constituents and say SEE I STILL VOTED LIKE I SAID I WAS GONNA VOTE, BUT IT WAS MY COLLEAGUES THAT MADE IT PASS. That's as corrupt as it gets when you're changing the damn minimum number of votes for a bill to pass to shield what you campaigned on. Who gives a flying s**t about the majority when they're pulling that crap....they're all the same. D's and R's......Dicks and Retards.That's what all these d-bags do. Shield what they campaign on by changing the rules behind closed doors. F them all. The media gives trump a hard time on s**t that doesn't matter, it looks negative on the surface but the people love it. But when it comes to Cruz they dig up s**t that isn't even true but still makes him look like an arsehole.
He's not a saviour. He's a man concretely founded in principle. It's so funny my mom hates the fact that I'd vote for a republican.
Cruz is delusional these days. pissed me off, Chuck Todd asked him to state he would support the Republican nominee....he signed a pledge to do so. But he would not say he would. Said trump was not going to hit 1237. Not sure what numbers he is looking at, but it's becoming pretty clear trump will have 1237.

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BTW, this is Conservatism 101.

Cruz has battled the monster his entire career. Trump's career has ensured it's growth.
Trump's position papers and speeches may say one thing but when off the cuff, old liberal big government Donald shows through.
The drunken fool John Boehner could at least stick to establishment fake conservative narrative when he opened his mouth while campaigning. But that's over and now he speaks and does as he pleases. Very comfortable among the liberals and of course he's all in for Trump. He hates that pointy nose devil Cruz.

How about that blood sucking monster sporting this hairdo?
2016-04-30 22.12.36.png


The fear of many.
But maybe they're just delusional too...
I guess I just dont get the Liberal Trump thing, I dont see it. I see a businessman who has used the system to his advantage..... think Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford and Edison. All used every means possible to expand their empire. Including supporting democrats in the government. Yet they were all members of the republican party or had republican views. Reading about Trump you find he is extremely generous and supportive. You still have yet to show me proof he is a liberal waiting to pull the rug out from under our feet. He isnt an extremist republican who wont bend and maybe that is the appeal to the masses as well.

Cruz on the other hand is an extremist. I am having a tough time finding anything out about his generosity and support system for those around him. And while I agree with most of his views I dont believe he can work with people well to pass bills with congress. The reason Boehner and others hate him is because he is too rigid and doesnt know how to compromise well, a valuable tool in government. Just watch any video with him in the debates when he isnt getting his way or is cornered to answer a question he doesnt want to....he is like a little kid who wont stop arguing and its extremely irritating. He isnt good at selling his point of view.

And honestly Cruz doesnt give me the impression he understands the economy and how trade effects it. The main reason I support Trump is I believe he has the best grip on how to fix the economy and that is my #1 priority at this point.
Cruz had some direct questions over the weekend on the Sunday morning shows, and this morning also. I am so sick of him NOT answering the question! When he gets the "But Mr. Cruz, you need to answer.........he responds with, if you quit interrupting me, and let me answer.......then he NEVER answers the question.

Cruz was at it over the weekend yet again in Arizona. There were shenanigans again at the Arizona convention over the weekend, and Cruz is stealing what was supposed to be bound delegates. One thing this whole election process is showing, is how flawed the primary, caucus and convention system is. Changes need to be made in my opinion.

Cruz said that he does not want a President to embarrass the US. Well if that is the case, than Cruz should drop out today. Because him and Kasich are becoming a joke! They obviously both use common core match and have not tried to figure out how to get to 1237!