Trump daddy

Picked this up on Fox News the other day. I bet Biden/Harris voters aren't aware of all of this?

Glenn Greenwald tears into media, Schiff, other Dems for dismissing Hunter Biden controversy

Ingraham on election chaos: President Trump 'saw this coming'​

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Insane that Biden would go forward with a presidential campaign with baggage like this.

Tony Bobulinski interview:

Tucker: What's Joe Biden's excuse for slandering Tony Bobulinski?

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Not convinced yet.
Have to see what the federal judges and Supreme court does with it.
After all, this is the biggest political sham in our time of American History.
Scandalous campaign....Yes
But they didn't garner power to completely steal the election in November of 2015.
Explosive allegations by attorney Sidney Powell says they have enough evidence to throw this whole election.

So I wonder how this works, once evidence of corruption, manipulation, vote tampering and voter fraud are presented to the courts?
My thinking is that "if" this proves to be truthful, accurate and holds up in court, we are now in uncharted territory in election history.

And as sad as it is, when you run through all the dirty deeds of the democrat party over the last 12 years, it paints a really really ugly picture for the United States government and election system.

Hell just the fact that when the DNC server was hacked in 2015, and it was discovered that the Democratic party was rigging their own primary election for a Hillary Clinton victory shows that this whole mess is a house of cards waiting to come down. And then they get revealed and caught creating a fictitious scandal of Foreign Election interference and collusion, and then go so far as Impeaching and trying to unseat a legitimately elected President. And this was pathetically based on a fictitious "anonymous whistle blower" that never got to be revealed, testified or cross examined.

And you have mountains and mountains of evidence of extreme left wing media propaganda and corrupt journalism to support it and assist the party in their schemes.

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You're skepticism is warranted. Why shouldn't we be? That's how far, and long they've betrayed any trust.

But if this info that Powell and Trumps legal team has, holds merit and gets judicial due-process, it puts Republicans in a really tough spot, to stand with him, or turn their backs. And it won't be business as usual.

One thing about it, considering what happened in 2016, Americans will not forget!
After all, Washington bureaucracy has shown us that there is two standards for law enforcement. One level for them, and another level for us. And we're sick of it!
Im Convinced most republicans are fuckheads too. They’re Everglade hobbits. It’s the ultimate government job. You just talk about how to fix problems and pull heart strings and never fix anytning. FOREVER.

Freshman try to get in there and change s**t and realize quick they either fall in line or die by the sword.
Im Convinced most republicans are fuckheads too. They’re Everglade hobbits. It’s the ultimate government job. You just talk about how to fix problems and pull heart strings and never fix anytning. FOREVER.

Freshman try to get in there and change s**t and realize quick they either fall in line or die by the sword.
"Republican" promises got us where we are today.

The Everglades? You guys are too young to remember this one...

Donald Trump, moving, ever moving through the Everglades!
To all my Pitracer friends that have taken an interest in this thread, rather you are a Republican or a Democrat, with all due respect, I would like to ask, and suggest, that you do something for the sake of your own information accuracy, as well as an obligation as a voting American citizen.

Go to YouTube and watch the full Trump legal team press conference from earlier this week. Do not listen to the news medias version of highlights and opinions but go and watch it for yourself. (and when I say news media outlets, I mean all of them including Fox News). It is a fairly long presser event, but well worth sitting through for education and information.

The link: LIVE: Rudy Giuliani and Trump Campaign Officials Hold News Conference at the RNC - YouTube

Having watched it twice now, I will refrain from expressing any personal views or an opinion. What I will tell you is that if this were a press conference by the Democratic party legal team, I would sit through and take in the information in the same manner.

For America, this is an incredibly historic moment, to the likes that we have never seen before in our generation. There is a mountain of information here to at least consider and digest, rather you agree or disagree. And the courts WILL end up having to decide how this goes forward.

We are one country, and for the sake of our republic and democracy, we should be one people.
That news conference was far from educational but may be played in law school lectures down the road for other reasons. is a decent spot for some education.

This entire charade is embarrassing and damaging to us as a country.
Reading through the website info on your .Gov link is a pretty good read, but far from convincing or completely reassuring. I realize that sounds pretty paranoid and overly skeptical, but cheese&rice, look at what we're dealing with in this election.

In the past I'd have confidence in all that the .Gov website says. But the last 25 years has taught us that our intelligence agencies have fallen to corruption, and many of our other government agencies don't function correctly, with Immigration and homeland security probably being the worst. I mean come on.... you've had a sitting President being absolutely destroyed by congressmen and Congresswomen and the mass media for trying to enforce the existing federal laws that we have on the books. Brutally slandered for doing his job!

Any other election I would likely accept easily at face value. Based on what we're seeing this year, I think the general public is likely to doubt everything that he's claiming on the .Gov sites video. It never fails that once you have the mass of Americans believing that all is normal and well, we later find out that it was never normal and we should've trusted our intuition in the first place that we're all being lied to. These damn politicians are masters at lying and deception. And history is our most reliable teacher of that.

You have to be honest here, the Democratic Party has worked and manipulated to win this election "at all cost".
Thousands of sworn affidavits from election officials and poll workers nationwide, signed under oath spells trouble. Especially when many of the officials are Democrats. And when you have 50 individual states, and thousands of counties and precincts in charge of election compliance nationwide, you're vulnerable to election tampering.

And then how can you explain all of the voting law changes that were made in many states leading up to the election, that were done illegally or unconstitutionally. Mark Levin covered this in depth this weekend:

What is the civil litigation process of 2020 election suits?

I'm all for supporting the Biden administration if the election is won straight up, legally, and according to the norms of our American election history, but that is not where we are at.

And yes you correct: This entire charade is embarrassing and damaging to us as a country.
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A Biden Presidency. I can see it now.

It will be best remembered and described by the infamous Steve Martin movie line: YOU STOLE IT! YOU STOLE AN ELECTION!
With the crew of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe ..........Schumer, Pelosi, Nadler & Schiff by his side.

He'll be answering to 74+ million Americans for fraudulently stealing an election for the next four years. The investigations into the voter fraud schemes are only just beginning, and will grow deeper and bigger. This will hang over him and never go away.

And while were at it, let's not forget the Family Business..... Joe/Hunter Biden-China Scandal, that has just gotten started. Of which should eventually raise questions of possible Biden and Democratic party connections to the Corona virus release from the lab in Wuhan. After all, if you need to knock down a smoking hot economy to unseat a popular president, you begin with a national pandemic. They couldn't just wait four more years until Trumps terms were up. Gotta take him out NOW!

He will immediately move to re-secure, wrangle and lasso the immigration vote back for the Democratic party with his Open Borders and amnesty policies, along with many, many other poor policy decisions of past failed presidencies and misguided pressures from the hard leaning Liberal left.

No Worry.... it'll be fun.
The Trump Daddy thread will have plenty to talk about. (haha)
Year 9-12 of Obama’s administration coming right up.

How about 2024—12 of the last 16 years have had an Obama cabinet. Hooray. Swampanites being cabinetized again.