Trump daddy


PR Elite
First, Biden opened the borders and now driving amnesty and voting rights for illegals.
Next, push permanent election law and voting law changes and trying to remove election control from the states.
And now, pushing to take total control of the US Supreme Court by expanding and packing.

People frequently blow off the predictions and claims of the conservative-right, but we're watching the complete take-over attempt happening right in front of our eyes.

Sadly......... most people that I talk with, aren't even paying attention to it. Clueless and glaze-eyed ignorant.
Americans better wake up and pull their heads out of ass...NOW!

I think they know that the 2022 mid-terms will be a democratic wipe-out unless they get the rules changed to prevent it, which they're frantic to get those changes done.

I also think they know the most powerful tool in their bag is to sew racial division, to make the Republican party and Conservatives enemies to the people. I hate seeing this the most. It is not who we are as a country.

Worst of all is the controlled media, has become a massively powerful propaganda machine for the Left.

And again, all of this is what got Trump elected in the first place.
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PR Founding Father
It is exhausting the blatant ignorance and stupidity of some. I try not to let it bother me, but in the end, my subconscious is very aware and troubled. I just pray to my maker, roll over for a few winks, and hope tomorrow is better...

I mean, what am I going to do? Storm the capital? That seemed to work well....


PR Elite
I mean, what am I going to do? Storm the capital? That seemed to work well....
Fair question that is asked a lot.

We all must get ourselves loaded with the truth and facts about everything that is going on. As I learn it, I repeat it.

As stated before, I find most that family, relatives, friends, coworkers, and people I meet that vote Democrat don't really keep up on much this. They don't understand how the Democrat party has changed, and evolved to what it really is today.
Many carry the long held belief that Democrat party fights for the rights of the working man. When it comes to legislature and labor laws there is some validity to this. This is enough for many to bear unwavering voter loyalty, for years on years. They also know that the Republican party has a long record of unscrupulous greed and corruption. Validity to this as well.

But where are the parties today?
I had a conversation a week ago with an older family member. He hates Trump. Voted Biden/Harris. So I asked him, aside from Trump being a blowhard bozo, how did you feel about his policies and how he governed for the country? He replied that he loved Trump policies, and was in full agreement with many issues that Trump fought for. This family member had strong criticisms/opinions about how Trump handled the China virus epidemic. But when I "humbly and respectfully" countered with a couple facts about Democrat party member's involvements, cover ups, and biased/slanted media reports he agreed, yea that's just wrong, and that's F'ed up!

I plug conservative talk radio just to get both sides of the story, and have had a few folks begin to come around on there views.
Just as on here, I'll get many of these folks to watch short video clips to get both sides of the story, and they're often set back and reply they had no idea?
Many people won't follow politics, especially from the news. For various reasons. And yet they'll vote as they always have. I get the biggest kick out of the people I know that vote Democrat, but they live truly conservative lives and have very conservative views. They are the easy ones to change, once you make them see just how liberal and "un-conservative"the Democrat party has become.

Many, many people voted Democrat last November. And many for the dumbest reasons, I have found.
Helping people wake up to what's really happening in our country is the best starting point.

From there we can unite and fight back.


PR Founding Father
F*ck political parties in general. They’re both divisive. Always us vs them. It’s ridiculous.
It’s a small club if 536 people think of themselves as leaders when they’re supposed to be representatives. The people are the leaders of the United States. The people.


PR Elite
Anybody watching the news lately???????
I'm laughing because friends, family and co-workers that hated Trump, voted for Biden, are commenting about how F'd up everything is getting. DUH!!!!!!

Is this how we make America better?
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PR Founding Father
Anybody watching the news lately???????
I'm laughing because friends, family and co-workers that hated Trump, voted for Biden, are commenting about how F'd up everything is getting. DUH!!!!!!

Is this how we make America better?
Yeah, but it's all Trumps fault somehow, right??? You just hope we can take the two steps back, one step forward method...too many steps back isn't good.

I'm with Porgie though. Personally, I'd rather watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse or Bluey than the news...I actually do like the Bluey


PR Elite
FOX News, Steve Hilton, and others have ran several segments on the lies and deception around the China-Virus. I've been saving the links as they've come out and have watched and re-watched several times. It's all pretty convincing. The most interesting part of it is that Obama actually issued a memorandum, or order to stop the US involvement in the virus research and experimentation in 2017, for fear of an incidental, or accidental release.

Watch this latest and see what you think.

Steve Hilton examines NIH ties to Wuhan lab research on coronavirus
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PR Elite
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PR Elite
The Democrat party, China Joe, and his clown administration are 1000% guilty of everything that they accused Trump of.
What used to be News Media outlets, morphed into Propaganda Outlets for the policies of the Democrat party and the left.

It's hard to watch the "real" news each day.
It's painful to watch the country go down the toilet like this.
It's painful to think that Americans are allowing this all to happen and how many actually voted for this.

I know there were people who absolutely hated and despised Trump. They could not accept that half of America voted for that man. Their hatred of him ran deep and very personal. They saw no value in his plans or policies for America. They wanted him GONE!

And now look at what we got???????
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PR Elite
And once again, where in the hell is the public outrage in all of this??????????????????
It has been confirmed that the China-Virus is a MAN MADE mutation, and the work to create it was supported and funded from the USA. Our own government labs and institutions.
Our government knew this when the outbreak occurred, and they knew it when China lied about it to the world. They knew this would happen back in 2014, during the Obama Administration.


White House to Cut Funding for Risky Biological Study​

Prompted by controversy over dangerous research and recent laboratory accidents, the White House announced Friday that it would temporarily halt all new funding for experiments that seek to study certain infectious agents by making them more dangerous.

It also encouraged scientists involved in such research on the influenza, SARS and MERS viruses to voluntarily pause their work while its risks were reassessed.

Opponents of this type of research, called gain of function — for example, attempts to create a more contagious version of the lethal H5N1 avian influenza to learn which mutations made it that way — were elated.

“Brilliant!” said Peter Hale, the executive director of the Foundation for Vaccine Research, which opposes such experiments. “The government has finally seen the light. This is what we have all been waiting for and campaigning for. I shall sleep better tonight.”

And now you have Senator Rand Paul pinning down Mr Word Twister, Dr Fauci in denial about it.
Senator Rand Paul presses Dr. Fauci on COVID origins:

This is freak'n insane!!!
Talk about a situation that resembles "tumbling down the rabbit hole"!
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PR Member
Tucker: Fauci lied about the Wuhan lab for more than a year
Of course he did. The people who were calling out the Wuhan lab from the beginning were deemed "conspiracy theorists". Now that some investigating and FOIA inquiries have come through, suddenly Fauci knows he has to change his story on the lab because it's leading back to him and his funding approvals of the gain of function research being performed in that lab.

Unfortunately, there are too many people with their heads in their ass to realize, or even care. Just like Corporate Media being the Democrat propaganda machine.


PR Elite
So now, what in the hell is Biden trying to hide here?????

Biden State Department quietly shut down team probing COVID origin
Investigation was examining if virus stemmed from leak from Wuhan Institute of Virology

((Fox News has learned that David Asher was the contractor leading the investigation. Asher has a history of investigative work tracking money for the AQ Khan network, North Korea's nuclear program, and top Al Qaeda leaders, but has fallen under scrutiny from former State Department officials.))

In a statement to Fox News, Asher defended the investigation, and said that, at the time, some State Department colleagues "were deliberately playing down possible links to China’s biological weapons program."??????

"It is U.S. law to engage in effective arms control and nonproliferation, not facilitate it via ‘scientific cooperation’ in the name of threat reduction or refusal to engage in effective compliance with Communist countries that openly aim to incorporate synthetic biology into the future of warfare (apparently with our naive material and scientific assistance)," Asher said.

David Asher: "We don’t know for certain what happened in Wuhan but we had every reason to investigate and ask questions," Asher continued. "As the State Department's Jan. 15 statement said – and as additional disclosures and expert analyses of the last few months have underscored – there is probable cause for deep suspicion."

Asher, who left the State Department at the end of the Trump administration, had been hired as a contractor, but had helped to put together the Jan. 15 memo released by Pompeo, using declassified intelligence. CNN first reported the shutdown of the probe.

That memo said the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) collaborated on "secret projects" with China’s military, and claims that "despite the WIV, presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV has collaborated on publications and secret projects within China’s military" since "at least 2017."

Asher told Fox News that "certainly the Chinese Communist Party engaged in a huge coverup over the stealth ability of COVID to transmit human-to-human."

"The coverup continues via refusal to allow WHO access, accept CDC offers to assist, and simply tell the truth of this pandemic’s endemic dangerous, incessant and pernicious injurious traits, which has caused huge injury to the American people and citizens of the world, Chinese citizens included," he said. "Does anyone sane doubt that?"

Asher added that he doesn’t "know why the Biden team would doubt an effort to carry out a fair and accurate investigation into a subject that increasing numbers of leading scientists are now also calling to study."?????
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PR Member
So now, what in the hell is Biden trying to hide here?????
I currently have two thoughts on this. 1: He's under China's thumb, and is trying to protect their government. Why else would you want the W.H.O. to reopen their investigation in China, and not continue our own? We know the W.H.O. is under China's thumb. 2: When it is proven that it came from that lab, that will be a big win for Trump and the Republicans. Can't have that. Hell, CNN had two of their idiots say that Trump was to blame for the lab theory not getting any legs from the beginning because he offered no proof when he stated that it came from the lab. I'd bet that the President is privy to some information that we are not.

Slowly but surely the lies, misdirection, and gaslighting the media and the Democrats have been doing the last 4.5 years is coming to light. Those two factions are trying to destroy you, your way of life, and the country. I don't know how anyone can vote Democrat at this point. If you are for full on socialism and the government controlling everything, and everyone, move to one of those countries. They still exist, some anyway. Get the hell out of our country where the people control what they do, not the government.


PR Elite
This is getting Good! Fox News is getting over the target, and it appears many are getting nervous.
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy nailing it down, once again. (2:20 minute mark in the video).

Tucker: Why did the White House shut down ongoing COVID origin investigation?
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