Trump daddy

NBC’s Brian Williams Quits With Strange Farewell Message: America Being Burned Down “With Us Inside”​

Dec 10, 2021

NBC’s Brian Williams Quits With Strange Farewell Message: America Being Burned Down “With Us Inside”​

Dec 10, 2021
The one time network top dog talking head finally realizes that he no longer checks all the right boxes to squawk and spill the beans on his way out the door...

NBC’s Brian Williams Quits With Strange Farewell Message: America Being Burned Down “With Us Inside”​

Dec 10, 2021
Well don’t worry Brian. You can always say you were there when america was burned down with us all inside.
Now I'm really f*****g pissed because it has finally dawned on me. I caught myself trying to excuse those who took the jab; I told myself it was due to medical ignorance, fear of the infection, etc. How wrong I was. It was in fact out of sheer selfishness and by extension, with an utter disregard for the sacrifices our forefathers made. The real reason people threw away, literally, every last remnant of their freedom, and mine, purchased with the blood of patriots, was so that they could whip out the faggot smart phones that run their lived and go to dinner, or a football game, or school, or whatever the f**k! Even if they rationalized that it was for work and they couldn't afford to get fired, they should have banded together with other employees to refuse. You f*****g sniveling Cowards have doomed us all with your selfishness and cowardice! Now my grandchildren will have to battle robot booster injectors from Skynet. Was it worth your entry into Starfucks Café? You literally traded the freedoms that 99% of humanity never tasted for cheap coffee and blood clots. Happy now? You worthless Motherfuckers! The reason I know now that the main motivation for your capitulation wasn't medical ignorance is simple; no one is that stupid! The most heavily vaccinated places are the sickest! The idiots who are now getting boosters aren't idiots after all, just cowards. The have literally traded their health and our freedom, for a little convenience. I never thought the human spirit could be extinguished over something so stupid; yet here we are. When 'the man comes around' will you be counted? Voices callin', voices cryin'. Some are born and some are dyin'. It's Alpha and Omega's Kingdom come.


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Get to the point gentleman. Fox and CNN are controlled by the same pedophiles!


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☠️ every hospital is controlled by a Jesuit. Research
The world's ran by a bunch of sick fucks. I woke up at 17.


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The Matrix is falling.


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That's a dude.


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WTF ????

"The federal government has cornered the entire market. They basically took control of the supply in September."

DeSantis noted that the administration had stopped sending both Regeneron and Eli Lily monoclonal antibody treatments. The department later said it would allow states to order those products from HHS.

The governor's press conference came nearly a week after his surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, sent U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra a letter requesting the federal government restore distribution of monoclonal antibodies treatments to the state.
"The federal government has cornered the entire market. They basically took control of the supply in September."
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I might be able to agree with that if there weren't so many vaccinated folks still getting sick.
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