Must Read...Ask the experts!

I'm not the one worried and whining, nor do I have a problem with the system. Just doesn't make sense to complain about. The alternate system is in the rules. Top 8 is guaranteed, that doesn't mean that's all they take. If you're focused on making it to the ranch and you have to run the LCQ at a regional, your chances are over at that point.

Idk, I don't really care. Being an alternate isn't my goal. Less complaining more racing, if you don't like it don't race it.

Sorry, that wasn’t a jab at you. It was a blast at the system.
I could see them limiting it to 40 only to regionals If and only if there were 90 guys showing up to the qualifiers.

At the end of the day there are a lot of fast guys but they can’t be everywhere. I used to think it was dumb to overbook regionals but really it does create the best racing. Even if you don’t make it to Loretta’s you still got 3 competitive motos out of a weekend race.

IMO it's nice that they take so many people for regionals.
There's 2 types of riders that go to regionals: People genuinely trying to grab a top 6 spot, and people that are there to battle with the best competition around to see where they stack up while enjoying the regional experience. For many people racing regionals is the goal.

Anyone worried about having to run a qualifier at the regional I have to question why you'd even bother showing up, clearly you're not shooting for the top 6 so you're there to enjoy close competition racing right? You'll get it, maybe you won't make it out of the lcq, but at that point you still had 2 great motos of the best racing around.

I know the next argument, you "earned" a qualifying spot and paid for 3 motos, now you want your 3 motos right? Well, race for them. If you were fast enough to qualify, you should be fast enough to get on the gate for that 3rd moto, if not maybe the competition is closer than you think- which is what you came for.

A racers view
F power rankings, F taking #12, F giving everyone a spot! This is a National! PERIOD! If the rules that have been printed before hand say top what ever qualify then so be it. Stop being winning pieces of S*IT, and follow the rules. Life isn’t a bowl of cherries. Play the cards your delt. The world will be a better place!

Moto - Rules - cherries - cards...the world oh my ??
They're not the ones whining about rules - they are the ones willing to race.
LL Regionals are capped at 64 per class. If more than 64 show up from running an Area and sending their money in, they use power ranking to determine the 64 racers that get put on the gates for qualifiers.

Yes, I've seen people get turned away and receive a refund at a Regional. Let me say that again --- YES IVE SEEN PEOPLE TURNED AWAY AT A REGIONAL with my own eyes.

I always find it interesting that the people with the strong opinions are the ones that will never race these events in the first place. I race a LL Regional almost every year and I like the way they work.
Overbooking makes more money for the host track.
Overbooking gives more folks a chance to ride great tracks with an abundance of competition.

That' s the idea behind all this -have fun riding dirt bikes fast -
Just my opinion . Everyone has them. I just don't remember any over booking for regionals when I went to lorettas,, and I also remember the gates at the qalifers being pretty full that year
You have plenty of them for every topic John...we understand !!
If they are going to only take 40 entries at the regionals they are going to have to have less area qualifiers, or take less from each one. Not sure either of those things is a good idea. We went to LLs 13 years in a row with my son and the 64 at the regional thing never bothered me. It gave more people the chance to experience the program at the regional level and, in general, the fastest 6 or so still made it. Over the years we had some times when one division was stacked with talent compared to the other which made it harder to get a good first moto score, but had about the same amount of times where he was in the easy division. 3 motos generally has the crème rising to the top.
Hello experts ...It’s been awhile ...I have a big question here! Although you do not own any of the tracks in Ohio .....How should the OMA ..CRA AND THE BUCKEYE SERIES run the series next year ? Please I need a great schedule .....Flame on!!
Hello experts ...It’s been awhile ...I have a big question here! Although you do not own any of the tracks in Ohio .....How should the OMA ..CRA AND THE BUCKEYE SERIES run the series next year ? Please I need a great schedule .....Flame on!!
Ask the Plessinger, he is the only series that is making improvements and increasing rider turnout out of the 3 you listed.

Maybe a better question is.....attention all pro practicers, since you don't race what is your thoughts on people who do making suggestions to improve racing ?
Ask the Plessinger, he is the only series that is making improvements and increasing rider turnout out of the 3 you listed.

Maybe a better question is.....attention all pro practicers, since you don't race what is your thoughts on people who do making suggestions to improve racing ?
I can say one thing about Scott. He has definitely improved the series and how it operates every year. Perhaps that is some of the growth, covid actually helped in my opinion. People wanted to get out and racing was one thing that was normal in life this year. Scott took on the health department early in the year to be able to continue to hold open practice and races. But the other thing is, Scott is always willing to listen to suggestions from anyone. He will reach out with a text and ask, hey what do you think about this or that. They even mentioned that if there was a large interest in Puchetta being in the series that they would consider it. So that is refreshing that he never gets offended if someone suggest something to him, and he seeks suggestions for improvements. The banquet has also improved each year, and they gave away a ton of awards and product to the riders last year.
Ask the Plessinger, he is the only series that is making improvements and increasing rider turnout out of the 3 you listed.

Maybe a better question is.....attention all pro practicers, since you don't race what is your thoughts on people who do making suggestions to improve racing ?
My only suggestion is buy all the tracks yourselves and run the ultimate series. No track runs the same day as the others ....No open practice on weekends . Boom recipe for Millions already !
I can say one thing about Scott. He has definitely improved the series and how it operates every year. Perhaps that is some of the growth, covid actually helped in my opinion. People wanted to get out and racing was one thing that was normal in life this year. Scott took on the health department early in the year to be able to continue to hold open practice and races. But the other thing is, Scott is always willing to listen to suggestions from anyone. He will reach out with a text and ask, hey what do you think about this or that. They even mentioned that if there was a large interest in Puchetta being in the series that they would consider it. So that is refreshing that he never gets offended if someone suggest something to him, and he seeks suggestions for improvements. The banquet has also improved each year, and they gave away a ton of awards and product to the riders last year.
I’m not sure on this by any means ...But do you race every weekend or at all John250?
I’m not sure on this by any means ...But do you race every weekend or at all John250?
Been racing for almost 40 years without stopping. I did not ride as much as my son, some weeks I take him and don't ride, or am out of town. My son probably rode 25 or 30 races in 2020. He rode every round of the buckeye series, road the battle series, then we raced the regional, and some other large races out of state and Daytona. So to answer your question, I do race and most weekends we are at a race some where during the season.
Been racing for almost 40 years without stopping. I did not ride as much as my son, some weeks I take him and don't ride, or am out of town. My son probably rode 25 or 30 races in 2020. He rode every round of the buckeye series, road the battle series, then we raced the regional, and some other large races out of state and Daytona. So to answer your question, I do race and most weekends we are at a race some where during the season.
Right on .....I didn’t really know at all !