2016 Mini o's by the numbers


PR Founding Father
I agree. That's probably why the successful ones for the most part go live at the millsaps facility or where ever.


PR Founding Father
Ok. Well if you're working on foundation and fundamentals you truly need to do these classes repeatedly.

If you already have a good foundation. You can get away with doing one day camps with them and you will see a difference.

Mitchy and the kids I see working with WC (whitcraft) are attacking portions of tracks they're at and gaining functional skills that they can take to any track. It might not be "fun" riding but they still are having fun, but more importantly they're expanding skills. WC gives them the repetition they need. I've seen it in action.

Wc gets his noodle out and runs drills through sections. And WC IS GREAT AT KNOWING WHEN TO SWITCH IT UP. Not only for safety/fatigue reasons but also the fun factor.

I creeped around to see what kind of program WC runs and i wouldn't have any problem giving him my money for a one day camp. He can dissect what you're doing on the track.

It's up to you to practice what he teaches psat the camp to retain it. But it's more important to attend more of his camps.

I don't know. But what I saw happening was progression and repetition. That isn't burning the kid out. Hope that helps.

I'm stupid critical, it's hard to impress me. But WC impressed me the day I saw them at tvland the week before lorettas.

Zaremba, the current 51cc national champ, mulavey (that's not his name damn it I can't think of it but it's an M, and he's locally fast 85-105 rider) were all there doing repitition drills and attacking pieces and parts of the track.