Regional Thread?


PR Founding Father
Was there too many differences of opinions, or am I the only one that doesn't see it anymore?
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Original poster deleted the thread. Mods weren't involved. Not vital like in the slightest. We don't censor at
It's gotta still be on the server somewhere.;)

I miss 6 hours of pitracer and this happens?:p
It's still there. Not sure what to do. lol. I mean mama OP brought the thread into the world I suppose OP can take it out. Right? :rolleyes:
I stayed on topic. I may have replied to some off topic, but then in the same post brought the topic back up.

I thought there was some good dialog going on.
Realistically, $293 for a weekend like that isn't s**t. I've dropped more than that on a bar tab in one night before.