DMXS Radio - Coach Robb Podcast


PR Founding Father
Good stuff - just soooooo easy to fall back into bad habits.
Every little thing helps though - I try, try and try again to get better with it.

Your nutrition and hydration advice for down at the ranch was greatly appreciated.
Both the rider & I think it helped tremendously.


PR Addict
I'm glad someone is listening to these!

There is a lot of good nutritional/hydration info here to help riders of all levels. An hour well spent.

Originally he was an occasional guest on the DMXS podcast, then recently they have split his segment off.
I find his comments are straightforward and appreciate that his explanations are in non-medical terms.

A couple years ago there were initial discussions for him to make comments here but just couldn't pull it together
so the podcasts are a great alternative.
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