I take a few months off... man, you guys are boring....or gay jet ski thread

So your gonna complain about Ohio MX being dead, but you dont even support Ohio MX by racing? Your spelling is absolutely terrible. ITS COMMENT NOT COMMIT! Your just as bad as the promoters you talk about. Last year all you did was brag about your damn chili and noone could find you, apparently (if i remember correctly) "it wasnt my fault i had no where to set up", sounds like a poor ass excuse of not wanting to lose your "#1 chili" title by letting the people down. If you want drama and to stir the pot go get on Axell Hodges instagram and join in the whole debate of who did a trick first. Half the reason people dont post on here anymore is because arrogant people that cant ever realize people have different opinions and argue like 13 year old school girls.

There is that less boring for you?
YES!!! That’s more like it.
And my spleeling is gooder than most.
How could anyone not find me last year. Not a lot of fat guys on old 125’s. My chili lost. It was too hot for those pansy judges.
After reading the above .
You've got the useless thing covered ....

How's that?
/\/\/\...LOL - now it's got a goat!!!

I got myself a Wave Blaster a few weeks back and the first thing Cameron said after seeing it was:
You've GOT to get an image made of the Napster logo and put it on the ski.

Last weekend was 3 sessions of Moto at OIR from 9 till-noon .....then ripping West Branch by 12:30 for the afternoon.
Bunch of us douche nozzles are having a grand time on the water.

Anyone still got a ski ???? Come on out and join us.
/\/\/\...LOL - now it's got a goat!!!

I got myself a Wave Blaster a few weeks back and the first thing Cameron said after seeing it was:
You've GOT to get an image made of the Napster logo and put it on the ski.

Last weekend was 3 sessions of Moto at OIR from 9 till-noon .....then ripping West Branch by 12:30 for the afternoon.
Bunch of us douche nozzles are having a grand time on the water. View attachment 58803

Anyone still got a ski ???? Come on out and join us.

DUDE IVE BEEN TRYING Greg always go to Erie instead of West Branch!!!
Great, I aim to please!! Wish you the best of luck, not bashing, the track just isnt my cup of tea. From the looks of your pre entry list you should have a good turn out.

What? You mean you don’t enjoy a dead flat piece of field worked 6” deep and the top 2”is slop. Or do you not like the mid day prep that consists of flooding the track and drop the gate! But hey, the pits are paved.

Before Joe Easter gets on here and starts getting lippy, RUTTS FULL OF STANDING WATER DOES NOT EQUAL PREP! PERIOD

Is that what you are looking for Knox?
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What? You mean you don’t enjoy a dead flat piece of field worked 6” deep and the top 2”is slop. Or do you not like the mid day prep that consists of flooding the track and drop the gate! But hey, the pits are paved.

Is that what you are looking for Knox?
And to think, they out draw your track by triple...

More like that.
What? You mean you don’t enjoy a dead flat piece of field worked 6” deep and the top 2”is slop. Or do you not like the mid day prep that consists of flooding the track and drop the gate! But hey, the pits are paved.

Before Joe Easter gets on here and starts getting lippy, RUTTS FULL OF STANDING WATER DOES NOT EQUAL PREP! PERIOD

Is that what you are looking for Knox?

Boom. Mic drop. True story.
What? You mean you don’t enjoy a dead flat piece of field worked 6” deep and the top 2”is slop. Or do you not like the mid day prep that consists of flooding the track and drop the gate! But hey, the pits are paved.

Before Joe Easter gets on here and starts getting lippy, RUTTS FULL OF STANDING WATER DOES NOT EQUAL PREP! PERIOD

Is that what you are looking for Knox?
Sounds like someone is butt hurt! I bet it really does sting that you never could get your numbers above 500. The "if you build it they will come" attitude doesn't work. Yes, Malvern was a great track when you had it but great track prep doesn't put riders on the gate... Being a good promoter does. They tracks that value all their riders and not just their buddies are the ones filling the gates. Try putting more effort in your awards and having more than gate drops. It's also hard to make a living running a race track and some promoters think they can make it work if they flood the schedule with meaningless races to make sure they can pay the mortgage. Sorry... Doesn't work that way.

Am I getting lippy? Nope. I don't care what the Rogers or Osborn clan thinks of me. We took their game and outscored them everytime. I can't help it they got greedy and kicked out the OMA cash cow because they didn't want us being a part of making decisions.

All I can say to you Rogers365 is move on and don't be a hater.

Hope you find a track that makes you happy.

Bye Felicia
WOW this got really fun really fast!!!! Telling Rogers he is butt hurt for his comment was a good one. I really love how you are too though. I mean to call me out the way you did says a lot also. Awesome stuff!!!

Truth is everyone likes something different. I honestly love everything about CTMX except the track. Rogers hit the nail on the head on how i feel about it. The kid that won a class last year at the youth regional was a riot on the Mic too.... Anyway, It's a 3 hour hike for us and not worth it to me. For others...it is. I'm sure you'll do really good. You are an exceptional promoter no doubt. And you put as much effort into your facility as any track I've ever seen. Extremely professional looking and feel. But for an outlaw race it's not enough to draw riders who aren't in it for the pro money or the 50cc win package if they aren't having fun on the track.

Great thing about Ohio ( and all its slow non LL capable riders Knox ) we have more tracks in our state than any other I've been to. Lots of choice to have fun!!! We'll be at Malvern for the EROC series! I'll get over an hour of seat time spend far less, have more fun and be home before 3pm!!