GP Series coming back for 2022.....

Just charge a deposit.

Other forms of racing require transponders and subscriptions. I am totally ok if motocross would do the same and use transponders at all races.
For the Michigan Sprint Enduro I did this year I purchased an RFID for my helmet for $20 and they use LiveLaps. The scoring for their races in awesome and I was putting my bike on my stand, sitting down, picking up my phone and seeing how I just did.

Checking back in.

Have a few sponsors on board (still looking for more, if you would like a packet let me know) - waiting on schedules to drop but making headway with venues.

Shout out to Cory at Smooth Speed Wheels - if you are buying tires and wheels anywhere else you're messing up big time. Also it sounds like Hardings Park Cycle, AES and Bird Dog Forestry will all be involved with the program.

Golf Course is out - the property is going to end up with some air bnb cabins so having a motorcycle race is off the table.

BUT! Shout out to Dave at Grears for stepping up and rounding out our 4 round series. I think Grears is going to host the final round. The facility has potential for a long and fun GP course.
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What do you guys think about having open practice on the moto track Saturday before the race? No woods loop open I'm sure we'll be putting up arrows but it would give folks the chance to camp and try out the moto the day before the race?

Good idea - bad idea?

Right now the schedule is...

Crow Canyon
What do you guys think about having open practice on the moto track Saturday before the race? No woods loop open I'm sure we'll be putting up arrows but it would give folks the chance to camp and try out the moto the day before the race?

Good idea - bad idea?

Right now the schedule is...

Crow Canyon
If the tracks are willing, why not?
Didn't DaveFest already do something like this at Malvern? I seem to remember a big fire before camping there...
What do you guys think about having open practice on the moto track Saturday before the race? No woods loop open I'm sure we'll be putting up arrows but it would give folks the chance to camp and try out the moto the day before the race?

Good idea - bad idea?

Right now the schedule is...

Crow Canyon
It would be great if the tracks had open practice the day before. Battle Creek did that for their GP last month and it worked out well and made the race more fun.
I like the practice idea, however Fast Traxx does GP's both days and a SX race Saturday night. Not saying that is the best method, just a method...
First off I want to say I'm excited to hear about this series. I'm one of the guys that has been a open track day rider for quite a few years due to wanting more seat time in my day at the track. I started racing GP's and had a blast. I have ran a Sprint enduro too and thought that was great too. Last year I did more trail riding and got way more seat time than I have gotten in years.
The only down side I see to a practice day before is the guys driving 2 plus hours to get there and not camping are probably not coming the day before for practice. This gives an advantage to the people living closer or camping by allowing them to get the track dialed in before the race. Seeing the course for the first time the first lap is part off road experience vs Moto. It's been the same for every other GP I have raced. I'm guessing most people are just coming race day riding there race and heading home. After all that is what brings a lot of people to these types of races. You show up get lots of seat time in a short time then head back home.
If the venues need it to get more income in the form of a practice day I get that too. The race could be on Saturday and the practice on Sunday for the people that wanted to make a weekend out of it.
First off I want to say I'm excited to hear about this series. I'm one of the guys that has been a open track day rider for quite a few years due to wanting more seat time in my day at the track. I started racing GP's and had a blast. I have ran a Sprint enduro too and thought that was great too. Last year I did more trail riding and got way more seat time than I have gotten in years.
The only down side I see to a practice day before is the guys driving 2 plus hours to get there and not camping are probably not coming the day before for practice. This gives an advantage to the people living closer or camping by allowing them to get the track dialed in before the race. Seeing the course for the first time the first lap is part off road experience vs Moto. It's been the same for every other GP I have raced. I'm guessing most people are just coming race day riding there race and heading home. After all that is what brings a lot of people to these types of races. You show up get lots of seat time in a short time then head back home.
If the venues need it to get more income in the form of a practice day I get that too. The race could be on Saturday and the practice on Sunday for the people that wanted to make a weekend out of it.
Jack was talking about a motocross track practice only on Saturday. I always feel more comfortable when riding my second GP class of the day. And if I want to really get to know the course and feel like I'm cheating fast in the second GP, I ride a vintage bike first time out.
I thought these were great when EROC was doing them. It was catching on I think, then they got rid of them to concentrate on Harescramble only. The Harescramble series they put on has been amazing so I guess they made the right choice.
I thought these were great when EROC was doing them. It was catching on I think, then they got rid of them to concentrate on Harescramble only. The Harescramble series they put on has been amazing so I guess they made the right choice.

That's exactly why they got rid of them. They said the market was growing but the harescrables are doing too well and adding in the GP races would be spreading themselves too thin.
First off I want to say I'm excited to hear about this series. I'm one of the guys that has been a open track day rider for quite a few years due to wanting more seat time in my day at the track. I started racing GP's and had a blast. I have ran a Sprint enduro too and thought that was great too. Last year I did more trail riding and got way more seat time than I have gotten in years.
The only down side I see to a practice day before is the guys driving 2 plus hours to get there and not camping are probably not coming the day before for practice. This gives an advantage to the people living closer or camping by allowing them to get the track dialed in before the race. Seeing the course for the first time the first lap is part off road experience vs Moto. It's been the same for every other GP I have raced. I'm guessing most people are just coming race day riding there race and heading home. After all that is what brings a lot of people to these types of races. You show up get lots of seat time in a short time then head back home.
If the venues need it to get more income in the form of a practice day I get that too. The race could be on Saturday and the practice on Sunday for the people that wanted to make a weekend out of it.

I am thinking Moto only on Saturday. I am a Moto guy and I don't like sending jumps on the first lap of a GP but sometimes the racing gets in your head and you kind of have to.

The woods however would be untouched by riders on Saturday. I think only a couple tracks on our list would be interested.

Bicycles or walking the woods permitted of course.
GNCC Schedule just dropped EROC should follow soon. Any idea when OMA/Race Ohio/Loretta's is coming?

Meeting this week to pencil in some dates.


Crow - April or May
Beans - July
Malven - September
Grears - October
The series with the best attendence GP in Ohio.
GNCC Schedule just dropped EROC should follow soon. Any idea when OMA/Race Ohio/Loretta's is coming?

Meeting this week to pencil in some dates.


Crow - April or May
Beans - July
Malven - September
Grears - October
AQ/Regional schedule is in its final stages, i heard a release soon, maybe this week (??). OMA has Battle dates, working on the rest. Scott has Buckeye, but I think he might be waiting on us to post battle, or possibly holding it for his banquet. Not sure. I will likely put the Battle schedule out tomorrow, perhaps that will help some things flow out there.
You topic, but I wish the kids baseball, football, etc. schedules would come out as soon as the MX, etc. schedules As much as we are chomping at the bit to get a look at how next year will play out MX wise, if your kid(s) is a multi-sport type, all those "ball" sports schedules blow some of what you had planned MX wise up.

Well, I guess depends...priorities. Although I do remember last year going to baseball in the morning, maybe even a double header, getting home, leaving the house a little after noon or close to one, dragging the camper as fast I could up to Malvern, etc. to just miss practice, hit racing, yada, yada...

Guess in the end, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'll be old one day with no kid in the house, struggling to get my wheelchair/walker to the crapper before I do not need to and just get into the shower when I can get
Guess in the end, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'll be old one day with no kid in the house, struggling to get my wheelchair/walker to the crapper before I do not need to and just get into the shower when I can get
Word, Preach it brother - !
and we're old for more than one day .....
Anyway to get tvland in on it ?
I would love to get TV land on but I don’t think it’s in the cards this year.

Right now we are narrowed down to 7 sundays we can hold 4 races and we are waiting on two more schedules to drop. Also the 4 venues we have are all close to tuscarawas county so it makes it really easy for us to drive and cut trail/mark course/set up scoring etc.

Scheduling is tough, so many races and only really 7 months to fit them all in.

We have a meeting tonight I will discuss and let you know.
What are yinz opinion on classes? What do you need? what do you want? Any input on start times?

Tonight’s meeting will be a gnarly one we are going to get a lot of stuff ironed out. Classes, prelim schedule, etc.

Need to reach out to PCWorks Crute and see what my options are with building a website. I’m using gsuite right now but maybe there’s an easier way.
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