TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

Obviously you have zero clue what C class is at a national level. It's anything but beginner, these guys would wax almost every B rider we have in the area. It's a complete joke.

I think what most people on here are missing is classes don't matter, how many guys you're racing in your class doesn't matter. What matters are 2 things.

1. Gate drops. I don't care if you have 100+ classes at the race, how many gate drops are we having decides the length of the day. Promoters already put multiple classes on the gate per drop. So stop crying about extra classes until it means the 16-20 gate drops turn into 25-30 for the same 250 riders that sign up.

2. It's not always about classes either. People want to race other people with their similar ability and speed. So staggering +30 A and +50 like CTMX did a couple years ago....bad idea. But putting +50 and +30c together is a good idea. You get the idea, 3 riders in my class is fine as long as the gate is full of people in the same realm of speed and ability to race and battle with. I will always have more fun battling hard for 8th place than winning 1st out of 3 riders whether the 7th place guy is in my class or another.
That was me doing my best CK1 impression about the C class. I think you donkeys need to take a couple steps back, I know more than most of you would like to admit.

I think my real point here is that it doesn't need to align nationally, its apples and oranges. We cant compare 30+C at the summit county fair, amherst, SVR, or even the CT Battle to a Regional or National caliber event. D11 did the whole 30A, and 30+BC. I think at one point didn't we have an Vet A for OMA?? Either way, I have seen it throughout the local MX Scene, its the same thing. 3 guys take off (Vet 30+), then 15 in the second drop (Vet 30 B/C). So Im actually agreeing with you National level racers are fast!
This has nothing to do with the LL B/C stuff but to add to Hershey's post about gate drops, above,
in the results, in addition to where you finished within your class, is it possible to show an overall finish for that gate drop?
If so, you could then see where you finished relative to everyone on the gate regardless of class.
Yea like they do in gncc and harescrambles. One gate drop. Look at the overall.
That was me doing my best CK1 impression about the C class. I think you donkeys need to take a couple steps back, I know more than most of you would like to admit.

I think my real point here is that it doesn't need to align nationally, its apples and oranges. We cant compare 30+C at the summit county fair, amherst, SVR, or even the CT Battle to a Regional or National caliber event. D11 did the whole 30A, and 30+BC. I think at one point didn't we have an Vet A for OMA?? Either way, I have seen it throughout the local MX Scene, its the same thing. 3 guys take off (Vet 30+), then 15 in the second drop (Vet 30 B/C). So Im actually agreeing with you National level racers are fast!
Then make it one gate drop with thise classes. Problem solved, one drop, less time and guys get to race their class they want and other get to race the A guys while winning B.
Now I'm really confused. Lol..

Is 35+ b/c? Lol.

I’m bummed about the change back but more pissed they changed 40+ to an open class…
I think if everything falls just right I can sneak in the 30+ sportsman but zero chance in an open 40+.
So the A rider that told MXSports to "suck it"...........now does HE have to "suck it?" Or does nobody suck it now? Just curious how that all works.
So the A rider that told MXSports to "suck it"...........now does HE have to "suck it?" Or does nobody suck it now? Just curious how that all works.
Its blatantly obvious that someone that was an ex pro got pissed and Coombs is saying sorry. It isn't about money, the gates are always full. They made the change originally because they thought it was more fair for the average rider trying to qualify for an amature event and didn't take into account some ones feelings.
There were a large amounts of complaints, and understandably so given it was not in the proposed list, etc etc. I just know that I saw one racer really going overboard on it LOL.
There were a large amounts of complaints, and understandably so given it was not in the proposed list, etc etc. I just know that I saw one racer really going overboard on it LOL.
Broc Peterson was being the biggest bitch about it. Chad Wages and a few others weren’t far behind.
I did find the Facebook bashing and it was laughable. I swear johnny and kenny are probably the only two fast guys who expressed their thoughts on the matter in a respectable manner.