TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

Regarding +45 -- 2021 was the only recent year that it was not designated Sportsman. You have to go back to 2015 for the last time points earning Pros were allowed in +45, prior to 2021.

College 16-24 is NOT a b/c class. It's a Sportsman class as well.
Funny. You guys care about old guy classes not allowing “pro” riders from 20 years ago. But no one has a problem with a supermini or schoolboy class that has kids that will be pro the next week….
if you are not a current pro then you are fine
You need to get with the program. You have two groups of kids on Superminis. You have the ones that have factory support that will be pro next week. Then you have the ones that raced, 50, 65, mini jr, mini sr, been racing for 7 or 8 years.............they go to C class!! You know, the novice class. So that they can go to Loretta's. If there was ever a rule that needs changed, it is the C class rules. How is a kid coming off Super Minis, been riding for 8 years, able to go into C class?

If I were king, C class would be gone from Loretta's or you would have to have a number 3 or less on your AMA card.
I'm holding out for the +50 125cc B/C Clydesdale (240lb +) class.....

And YES I did send that in an email suggestion to MXsports!
Better than me. I'm just holding out. Not sure what for quite yet. Besides, I got another year before I get into your class...
I can see them eventually adding a +60, when people are racing for longer nowadays. Full gate +50 and a full gate at 60+ would be all right in my book.
I bet they are testing the waters with the classes that race at the regionals. If they see those classes starting to need heats they might think about making them a national class.
Maybe testing. I've yet to see the +60 with more than 5-8 guys. But, with each year more become eligible.
I'll go out on a limb here and say ......Better tracks for the Vet regionals sure would help turn those numbers up.
I don't know if we will ever see a 60 plus at LL. Sure there are some guys that ride and race into their 60s, but my guess is that by 60, most of them are not interested in spending a week at the ranch racing. Sure a few would, but not as many as you think at that point in their life.
Rocket Robin will be in his 60s at the ranch. With his camera down by the creek Saturday before the week the starts….

Methinks there’s About 39 others would be doing the same….
Another year to gain weight or hit the age ??

Well, hopefully just the latter. Chasing Spencer around helped me go the other direction on the weight thingy...lol.
I don't know if we will ever see a 60 plus at LL. Sure there are some guys that ride and race into their 60s, but my guess is that by 60, most of them are not interested in spending a week at the ranch racing. Sure a few would, but not as many as you think at that point in their life.
You speaking personally or for everyone else your age and up John?...
It is now a B/C class ..... Oh Boy .... !!!
That opens things up -
No "A" riders and the top 5 from last year are out too
Sharc, where am I missing that verbage?

To me, it looks exactly the same as a sportsman class.