TENTATIVE LL's classes for 2022

At this point in my racing, I race, and it really does not matter where I finish. Sure I want to do good, but it is not the end of the world if I don't.
Did you even race this year?

There's more of that going on than you think too. Lost revenue because of it. The way Daytona has it set up works flawlessly. 30+ (with no designation after it), and 30 B/C.. If the B guys comfortable with being on the track with ex pros or A riders, they still can without being in an actual A class.. If not comfortable, and more on the C side of things, they can just ride the B/C class..
So, In overall top 5 30+, 2 A riders, 3 B riders this past season, I believe it was the same in battle…….so…….what is the point locally? Honestly the vet classes shouldn’t even have ABC designation, after your 30, it should be high gear or low gear. I wanna go fast, or I’m good at cruising speed, 30+ 1, or 30+ 2. especially on a national level. what in the hell is a beginner or even entry level vet doing racing a national?
Let's throw the opinion that you have aside. What you personally THINK doesn't mean crap nationally, while it could directly effect those who do ride local and nationally. You're a quad guy, of course you think along the lines of their class structure. I know on my end it looks like a conflict of interest, but I am trying to think of ways to better the local stuff to give it a bigger feel. Especially at battle type stuff. I mean, I'll be honest, how many local races did I even ride this year? Half of them were so my daughter could ride to get her feet wet. This means, what you do or don't do is sort of irrelevant to me. Just trying to help get the big feel back.

If you want to do something other than I suggested, my plan B suggestion would be to ditch the 30 "C" designation. Make it 25+ (or 30) D or Beginner no points. Back to no triple life. That class originated as that but has evolved into a class that carries a good pace for the top 5-7 guys. Put those 5-7 guys in +30 (with no designation) and you're back to a bigger turn out, probably in both classes. Going to 30 and 30 bc would do the same but flopping ends of the spectrum. Doing 30 beginner wouldn't align nationally as well though. I'm sure I'll get s**t from my 30c friends for even suggesting plan b. Lol

I'm mainly thinking it may help you in the bigger picture. You may attract more guys from both sides of the fence. It (30 bc and 30) will align more nationally, not that every one cares about that, but if they end up venturing out, it could make it more seamless. There are guys that don't find joy in "racing" or getting lapped by Gibby at a battle. I'm also sure Gibby or the like can get sketched at times coming up on slower B riders.
Let's throw the opinion that you have aside. What you personally THINK doesn't mean crap nationally, while it could directly effect those who do ride local and nationally. You're a quad guy, of course you think along the lines of their class structure. I know on my end it looks like a conflict of interest, but I am trying to think of ways to better the local stuff to give it a bigger feel. Especially at battle type stuff. I mean, I'll be honest, how many local races did I even ride this year? Half of them were so my daughter could ride to get her feet wet. This means, what you do or don't do is sort of irrelevant to me. Just trying to help get the big feel back.

If you want to do something other than I suggested, my plan B suggestion would be to ditch the 30 "C" designation. Make it 25+ (or 30) D or Beginner no points. Back to no triple life. That class originated as that but has evolved into a class that carries a good pace for the top 5-7 guys. Put those 5-7 guys in +30 (with no designation) and you're back to a bigger turn out, probably in both classes. Going to 30 and 30 bc would do the same but flopping ends of the spectrum. Doing 30 beginner wouldn't align nationally as well though. I'm sure I'll get s**t from my 30c friends for even suggesting plan b. Lol

I'm mainly thinking it may help you in the bigger picture. You may attract more guys from both sides of the fence. It (30 bc and 30) will align more nationally, not that every one cares about that, but if they end up venturing out, it could make it more seamless. There are guys that don't find joy in "racing" or getting lapped by Gibby at a battle. I'm also sure Gibby or the like can get sketched at times coming up on slower B riders.

When I make decisions I look at the big picture, but I do it with our members in mind. I look at the results from 2021, 2020, 2019. You know what I see? A weak 30+. You know what will happen if we pull the B's out? We will have what Scott has, 2-3 guys in 30+.

And lets face Jeff rides at more of 30+ Super A level. Not even regular A. Your safer out there with him getting lapped than you are in the ultimate Warrior 30 B/C. Sounds like you got the 50 parent thing down already. Congrats.
If the 50 parent thing is because you think I'm complaining, you're misunderstanding. This 50 parent doesn't give two craps. Lol. Just trying to help!
id love to see 30 locally just be 30, not the 30 C stuff separate. regardless of where I finish, its just not fun to race 5-6 guys. Im all for anything that puts more riders on the gate at once. I have no interest in racing locally mostly because of that.
If you need a 30b/c to win a state or local series maybe it’s time to train harder?!

30c is good, it gives the not serious or weekend warrior, and beginners/late bloomers a class. You just get back to sending those emails to Morgantown to keep that B/C!!!
Icks the 30c.
Vet beginner 30-60 years old. Solved.
realistically Nobody wants to race 3 people, or do they? There’s too much spread on local 30 and National 30. And both structures incentivize you not to race either.

i still don’t understand why more superminis aren’t lining up in the 125 class in oma. They just not know it’s possible ? That one was designed to get more people on the gate but only seen a handful of of 105s out there taking advantage of it if they’re not on a 125.
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I said for a long time, on a local level in the vet classes, it should be 25+, 35+. and 45+. Add in a Vet 30-60 C class for beginners. For the most part a vet can ride two of those without any issues. If I wanted to ride two classes, 45 and 35. Yeah, I am not going to finish as well in 35, but it is what it is. You would have much bigger gates in all those classes and racing throughout the class. And the age difference is not a big deal. The 50 plus guys towards the front are always way faster than mid pack 30 plus guys. So the speed difference is not an issue doing this.
id love to see 30 locally just be 30, not the 30 C stuff separate. regardless of where I finish, its just not fun to race 5-6 guys. Im all for anything that puts more riders on the gate at once. I have no interest in racing locally mostly because of that.
Personally, if you going to have 2 30+ classes, it should be like it was back in the day IMO. 30+B/C and 30+A. Sure, we would more than likely run them together every race, with another class potentially, but score them separately. A 30+B- rider wants nothing to do with being scored against the likes of Gibby and the like. An automatic -1....or more...lol.

Do what you will. Is what it is. The Battle Series gives me some options. Well, going on last years class structure anyway. https://omxa.net/racing/classes/

Just getting some gate drops and laps in. All good. :)
So, In overall top 5 30+, 2 A riders, 3 B riders this past season, I believe it was the same in battle…….so…….what is the point locally? Honestly the vet classes shouldn’t even have ABC designation, after your 30, it should be high gear or low gear. I wanna go fast, or I’m good at cruising speed, 30+ 1, or 30+ 2. especially on a national level. what in the hell is a beginner or even entry level vet doing racing a national?
Obviously you have zero clue what C class is at a national level. It's anything but beginner, these guys would wax almost every B rider we have in the area. It's a complete joke.

I think what most people on here are missing is classes don't matter, how many guys you're racing in your class doesn't matter. What matters are 2 things.

1. Gate drops. I don't care if you have 100+ classes at the race, how many gate drops are we having decides the length of the day. Promoters already put multiple classes on the gate per drop. So stop crying about extra classes until it means the 16-20 gate drops turn into 25-30 for the same 250 riders that sign up.

2. It's not always about classes either. People want to race other people with their similar ability and speed. So staggering +30 A and +50 like CTMX did a couple years ago....bad idea. But putting +50 and +30c together is a good idea. You get the idea, 3 riders in my class is fine as long as the gate is full of people in the same realm of speed and ability to race and battle with. I will always have more fun battling hard for 8th place than winning 1st out of 3 riders whether the 7th place guy is in my class or another.
This has nothing to do with the LL B/C stuff but to add to Hershey's post about gate drops, above,
in the results, in addition to where you finished within your class, is it possible to show an overall finish for that gate drop?
If so, you could then see where you finished relative to everyone on the gate regardless of class.
This has nothing to do with the LL B/C stuff but to add to Hershey's post about gate drops, above,
in the results, in addition to where you finished within your class, is it possible to show an overall finish for that gate drop?
If so, you could then see where you finished relative to everyone on the gate regardless of class.
I don't believe that to be possible, technically. You may be able to disect it with a transponder system, or if you snuck in the scoring tower and asked the girls if you could see their hand written sheets. Looking at a results page, you wouldn't be able to I dont believe.