Some Old Helmet Vids

Thanks John, very cool!!!

Is there still old race results from some of those tracks posted somewhere?
Good stuff. Reminds me why I didn't like Scenic all that much lol. And why i suck at ruts, none of those tracks had real ruts back then and nobody really complained about prep, that's all we had !

So many good memories from back then, it's hard to believe I've been racing since 1988! I have some old harescramble videos from back then I should get transferred to digital. Same with some early mx racing.
That Red Bud vid makes me wonder the year I actually made it. My maiden voyage to Vet one and only at this point. I am always hanging one leg out shaking all Good shtuff! ;)
Its amazing how far on board cameras have come. None the less, awesome to see stuff like this.
I seem to recall McGrath wearing a helmet camera at the Cleveland SX back in 1995 and I think they even had a real-time feed to the scoreboard from it. I have to imagine the resolution was horrible but fairly impressive that was even an option back then. I was only 7 at the time so I may be wrong. Anyone else able to confirm that?

Last time I remember McGrath wearing a helmet camera. Atlanta '95. 20 minutes into the video crashes into Craig.

Don't think he rode with it after that