Indy sx

Negative Sharcrider....These Hollinger boys are 11 and 8 years old (Bryce) and Hux is 10 months.
Too cool for Bryce! Kid has some good speed. I'm sure a little quicker now. Was in Spencer's classes when we rode PW and Jr. His mom and dad are way cool. They lived in FL in the winter last I knew. Did you mean his older bro was 10 years old? I though Bryce had a bro on 65's?

Go get 'em Bryce!
Both were super fast.
They would roll into Smith Road with a pair of Elsinore's in the back of a pickup truck and clean up in the money classes.
I'm thinkin it was Tim & Terry ....
I've confirmed the relation, all the same family. The boys have natural speed dating back to the 70's.
I've confirmed the relation, all the same family. The boys have natural speed dating back to the 70's.
AHHHHHH - thank YOU -!! So rad-

I can still see them - clear as day.
I was in Mini's and we would all watch the Money classes.
Soon as ya saw the two Elsi's in the back of the truck, ya knew it was them !