Fastest MX Rider in Ohio


PR Member
Jimmy Jarrett
This was at Beans 2010 week after Highpoint. There were other privateer pro's there that day and Jimmy would pass all of them and leave them for dead and he would be riding for over a hour non stop.
Think he won Loretta's +45 a few years ago as well.
Jimmy was a great racer especially in the woods, but I saw Tyson Leggett pass and gap him a few times in mx.
Denny Swartz from Reno, Ohio was a pro in the 70s, Todd Perkins from Duncan Falls, Ohio was an Am National Champ in the 70s (125s I believe) and went pro he was 10th overall in the 125 National for 1978.

September 24th,1978​

To no one's surprise Bob "Hurricane" Hannah wins the opening round of the 1978 Trans-AMA Series at Mid-Ohio aboard his works 425cc OW39 Yamaha, but the runner-up is a big surprise: Maico's semi-privateer Denny Swartz, an Ohio native. Hannah was a dominant force in '78, and likely a big part of the reason why the field of Europeans that used to follow the series had dwindled down to just two riders, Belgium's Roger DeCoster and Honda's Graham Noyce. Swartz led much of the second moto, urged on by his friends and fans, and he ended up with 7-2 moto scores that were good for second overall. Team Honda's Marty Smith was third with 5-4 scores while DeCoster ran 3-8 for fourth.

Tod Perkins​

Duncan Falls, OH, United States​

10th Overall 125MX Points Standings in 1978

Individual Race Results​

14Broome-Tioga Sports Center125MXAugust 12, 1979Yamaha
16Rio Bravo MX Park125MXAugust 5, 1979Yamaha
15Omaha Moto Park125MXApril 22, 1979Yamaha
21Canyon Raceway125MXpril 8, 1979Yamaha
14Sunshine Speedway125MXAugust 27, 1978Yamaha
12Metrolina Speedway Park125MXAugust 20, 1978Yamaha
6Agency Motocross125MXAugust 13, 1978Yamaha
7Pine Top Motorcycle Park125MXAugust 6, 1978Yamaha
7Atlanta International Raceway125MXJuly 16, 1978Yamaha
15Moto-X 338125MXMay 7, 1978Yamaha
17Omaha Moto Park125MXApril 30, 1978Yamaha
10Rio Bravo MX Park125MXApril 23, 1978Yamaha
15Racing World125MXApril 16, 1978Yamaha
11Hangtown Motocross Classic125MXApril 9, 1978Yamaha
11Agency Motocross125MXJuly 3, 1977Yamaha