W.T.M. - Weekly updates

Hit up OIR on Sunday.. track was perfect all day... just the right amount of ruts and roughness...they watered in between each group and i don't think there was any dust at all... good times..
was it as packed as the first opening ?
62 sx was fun!
I'm going to beat this topic up for.. hmm.. probably the rest of my life!

Holy SH*T! Go check out the SX track at RT62. Its extremely safe, plenty of good option lines and built for all levels of experience. I can't wait to get back over there and ride it again! Only regret is not being able to stay the extra night for outdoor motos today!

This was on my radar as soon as I heard they announced the SX series and I finally got to attend one. I will be going to check out the other tracks next!
Funny happening
at 62.. my daughter wanted to race her first race on her 65. Im a 0 pressure kinda dad, go have fun. Well there was 1 other girl in her 7-11 class. Turns out theyre like twins, on and off the bike. lol.. their mothers were even damn near twinning!


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Merp was a hoot! Woods were knarly for me but made the best of it. Felt like it took forever to get outa the woods lol. 25% less woods and more laps in total woulda been more up my moto alley. Rode in 4th awhile then made a couple mistakes and oplinger got me. Last lap got hung up behind a couple lappers n lost 1 more position finishing 6th.

Ill do it again but only if theyre dry like this was lol
MERP is doing a lot of things right.

Stupid proof sign up. With direction.

Fees are are absolutely reasonable.

I had a lot of fun today. My 300sx engine is great for the woods, but the suspension is not. Tree jumped out in front of me today. And I was completely smoked.

merps doin everything right. They stick to the time schedule. It’s awesome.
MERP has it going on. Finally tried one today and might’ve been the most fun I’ve had racing my dirt bike. Never raced in the woods before and maybe rode the woods a handful of times my whole life but this race opened my eyes to what I’ve been missing. I smoked a tree in +30 towards the end too. Pretty sure Crute had a front row view of that one. Western Reserve also had the Mx track dialed!

Really think it was a great mix of moto and wide woods. I’ll definitely be back for more!
Dirt Country made their comeback today with an outlaw race. Matthew went and they were done early. I am sure he will post about it tomorrow. His 21st birthday was today, so what better way to spend it than racing.

I raced at least one race a year at Dirt Country for like 33 straight years, then they have been closed the last three years. Unfortunately being in Florida now, I missed this one, so my streak of racing there is over. Talking with Rocky and Cindy, we think I have have the record. Matt Powers was like one year behind me. He was the referee today, so I guess my record is solid over him now too.
Went to dirt country a little local place down here in southern Ohio. Haven’t had a race in 7 years figured it’s got some nostalgia for me since I grew up racing there so figured I’d go race it. Track needs work just not anything special in the department everything is way to easy or has horrible faces but that’s a totally different topic. Dirts good. Would have been done before 12pm for both motos but someone ended up getting careflighted so hopefully that guys good I watched it happen. Didn’t look like anything too crazy he was just riding over his ability leading c class and ice picked a small tabletop of maybe 10 feet and high sided pretty good heard. Heard it was some sort of neck injury which is never good. Ended up having some fun and having some good battles.
Saturday - Supercoop
Sunday - ??
Nice turnout but not huge.
They have the toys to do track prep!
Rich Silvers and Scott Darling were there doing a final prep ride before LL
There was a pro rider there #47 can't remember his name, pro, rides some Canadian Nats, absolutely ripping
as well as a KTM rider, #2 Blackford from NW Ohio

Great catching up with some of the PR boys this last weekend.

Western guys crushed the track prep and we clicked off the motos.

A lot of positive comments on the woods loop this round - wish we could have had some rain earlier in the week. It was pretty blown out by the end of the day. Dusty and rooty in the woods.

Great racing all around!