OMA X classes

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I am thinking the top 10 in the sport class at the battle of ohio should have all been in the regular Vet 40

So are the first 5-10 C riders at any given track on any given Sunday. Can't fix it. It is what it is.

If those sport classes had legit sport riders I really feel like I shouldn't of seen the same guys to the podium after each moto at battle of Ohio. You'd think it would be a fairly entertaining class to watch with guys everywhere finishing in no consistent order.
I didnt mean to shake the hornets nest, just making a suggestion. I'll race OMA X regardless of what classes Jason and Jeremy decide on. Both of their tracks are a blast to race and I'm sure with their input the rest of the field will improve as well. On another note, to those who took my suggestion and turned things negative
I didnt mean to shake the hornets nest, just making a suggestion. I'll race OMA X regardless of what classes Jason and Jeremy decide on. Both of their tracks are a blast to race and I'm sure with their input the rest of the field will improve as well. On another note, to those who took my suggestion and turned things negative

Nothing taken the wrong way from me. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed by everyones passion for our sport to put it politely. As much as i would love to run every class that is suggested I also feel compelled to reign that in too. Many many people feel that there are too many classes, and they are all for cutting classes until its their class that is being cut. In my mind it s a decision between having an open quad class as a second class or a Vet quad (30+) class as a second class. I chose the open quad, because it could serve as a second class for many more people, thus we could have a fuller gate. I will without a doubt run Quad 30+ at the Bc Battle final, becuase I want to race it, and hey thats the perks of owning BC.

The only class that has been suggested that I feel is needed is a girls class, 9-13 yrs. I do feel their is a need to include the children in the race day, and to make them feel like their is a place for them. I know I know, what about the mini jr/sr. classes? Get real, this is 2012.
Nothing taken the wrong way from me. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed by everyones passion for our sport to put it politely. As much as i would love to run every class that is suggested I also feel compelled to reign that in too. Many many people feel that there are too many classes, and they are all for cutting classes until its their class that is being cut. In my mind it s a decision between having an open quad class as a second class or a Vet quad (30+) class as a second class. I chose the open quad, because it could serve as a second class for many more people, thus we could have a fuller gate. I will without a doubt run Quad 30+ at the Bc Battle final, becuase I want to race it, and hey thats the perks of owning BC.

The only class that has been suggested that I feel is needed is a girls class, 9-13 yrs. I do feel their is a need to include the children in the race day, and to make them feel like their is a place for them. I know I know, what about the mini jr/sr. classes? Get real, this is 2012.

I understand the decision, and thank you for elaborating on it. It's nice to here an explanation, not just "this the way it is". As a father of 4 girls I like the idea of adding a girls class. It is intimidating for alot of girls to race the boys. To keep the sport growing new riders are needed, whether that be girls, or trail/rec riders.
I think you will be in a far better position to tweak and adjust classes after you have run a season. I think what many don't realize is that you don't create a bunch of classes based on who you want to come out, but rather try to anticipate who and what are coming, and the most logical way to split them into competitive classes. The logical time to create more classes is with groups that are large enough to probably require being split up anyways, and classes can make the splits more closely competitive than a random split. I guess thats the beauty of non-points classes is that you can tweak, adjust, create or eliminate them based on the day's participants.

I've seen classes created that consistanly have little turnout. I've also seen specific classes created that those who were eligible ran other classes because they wanted to run a classs where they had some competition.

I don't know about bikes, but I can say that when it comes to mini quads, there are nearly as many girls as boys, and they are every bit as competitive, if not more so. I doubt most of those girls would not want to be kicking boy butt. I guess polling some of those parents is tehb best way to find out.

As for senior quad, from my own experience, is that older racers, while most are highly skilled and experienced, they fear racing with young riders who do not have the same fear of injuries ond very long recovery times that realistic older guys have. Younger racers are far more aggressive and bigger risk takers in general, so for most senior quad racers, its a matter of safety over any issues about fairness in scoring. Senior quad classes tend to be some of the largest quad classes now, so if quad classes are large enough, its a logical place to make a split. My only personal difference with most places is that the age should be lifted from 30 to 35.
We joked about this the other day, but im seriously starting to think this might work:

Ok so here's the deal, you can sign up for any class your mind can make up, we will let you run all the practice groups, then we will give a 1st place trophy and you can go home! You dont even have to wait around or nothing. And forget about actually having to put in effort to race hard, because we know thats like work and stuff. Think about it, you wont be out anymore money, you get to feel like you actually accomplished something, and you'll have a trophy to prove it! I think this would work for about 50% of you.

Who's in??

I'm in! my class will be..." +35 too many kids not enough time and money, but still loves to race"....I think I'll be 2013 champion. Thank you jeremy for giving me the opportunity to finally win something.
Pit Pot stirring class

Cbb Brandon
665 ?
JO ( You know why your listed! LOL)

I think we could get a full gate grudge match going for sure!
Pit Pot stirring class

Cbb Brandon
665 ?
JO ( You know why your listed! LOL)

I think we could get a full gate grudge match going for sure!
What ? I made the list. I may have to re-read my posts, I try to stay positive and neutral. I am appalled, to be included with the likes that are on the list. I'm in! I'm sure that I will be the slowest, but I will use my weight and superior wrastlin' skills to get the win. Oh, can I race a quad. If anything I would ride around the track squishing any rut and blowing out every berm, creating slick spots, hard packing every corner I went around just so I could hear you "deuce" bags whine. How's that!
What ? I made the list. I may have to re-read my posts, I try to stay positive and neutral. I am appalled, to be included with the likes that are on the list. I'm in! I'm sure that I will be the slowest, but I will use my weight and superior wrastlin' skills to get the win. Oh, can I race a quad. If anything I would ride around the track squishing any rut and blowing out every berm, creating slick spots, hard packing every corner I went around just so I could hear you "deuce" bags whine. How's that!
lol! That is funny. Did you mean to put "deuce"?
Haha....No you dont belong on that list at all, maybe a Fashion bug class list! You are more than welcome to bring it on with a glorified lawn tractor if you'd like.

Takes a deuce to know one !
Pit Pot stirring class

Cbb Brandon
665 ?
JO ( You know why your listed! LOL)

I think we could get a full gate grudge match going for sure!

Is there a C class for this? If so I would smoke everyone lol. I got my big spoon with a grip on it ready to stir.
Keep on listing the pot stirrers, I got a 40 man gate, lets take the full gate philosophy to a new level!!!

What about Mosher, Rupert X, and DMX153?
So are the first 5-10 C riders at any given track on any given Sunday. Can't fix it. It is what it is

It can be fixed. The orgizations need to give the track operators the power to move up riders on the spot. This works in BMX. If a TO sees an obvious sandbagger they should have the power to move them up a class that day. If the rider refuses they would no longer be aloud to compete in the orgizations. Also if a rider is moved up in another organization (example CRA) they should send notification to the other orgizations.
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