OMA X classes

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Zack is only 13 so our plans are too race schoolboy and super mini this year. When he wants to do away with the 150 he will run schoolboy and B. We were racing in Georgia earlier this month and for whatever reason they did not have a schoolboy class. So we discussed it and signed him up for B. In my mind C class is for beginners.

hes definitely not a c rider lol
If OMA is the future then OMA should do away with the C class all together.

I don't think that is reasonable. The C class applies directly to me and other true C riders. If you abolish C then you have B riders complaining that racing conditions are not safe because you have riders that don't hold their line and that just don't belong in B. If you want to draw in new riders and they only have the B class as an option, you will lose riders and not grow the sport. and besides all that; it will just not fly. I am planning on doing some racing next fall. I think if I have a few months of practice under my belt after not really riding for 5 years, that I could come out and be in contention for the win in 450C. If I did get some big wins, I would move up to B for 2014. If I don't get big wins then I would race C in 2014. I have never won a race. If I am Loretta bound, then I wouldn't mess with B at all because I know I wouldn't qualify. I think the end result for me aside from Lorettas would be a top 10 B rider locally, maybe cracking the top 5, and by some long stretch a win or two. C class has to stay. Heck, throw out some more classes because riders won't pony up and race the appropriate class for their skill level, age, and machine. You need better reasons then sand-baggers to justify scratching a class. So how do you promote and execute a true C class?
This is my personal opinion and no way reflects the opionion of the OMA or its affiliates, but i think you give slower C riders at most 2 seasons. And the faster C riders 1 season. C class should be a beginner class, not a "well I cant win B class".
This is my personal opinion and no way reflects the opionion of the OMA or its affiliates, but i think you give slower C riders at most 2 seasons. And the faster C riders 1 season. C class should be a beginner class, not a "well I cant win B class".

I am not calling you out here, just asking for an example. What do you figure on my situation regarding C if I was accurate in my post about my skill level? I like the idea of regulating C as you stated here.
I am not calling you out here, just asking for an example. What do you figure on my situation regarding C if I was accurate in my post about my skill level? I like the idea of regulating C as you stated here.

How many years of racing experience do you have?
How many years of racing experience do you have?

21 yrs. Had a 74' Honda Trail 70, 85' XR80, 83' YZ80, 89' YZ80, 96'CR80, 98' YZF400, 99' YZ250, 02'CR250. Out of that 21 yrs, you could take away prolly 10-12 years with no riding. So lets just say 10 years of riding experience, mostly trails around home as a boy with some mx. I have probably raced a total of 20-30 times, maybe more during those years. Prolly half is moto and half is scrambles. I think I have some skill, just need a bike consistantly. If I had practiced for 3 months riding once or twice a week, I think I could jump right into B but not cracking the top ten for a little bit maybe or be right their in top ten. So I am looking for a building block. With my age I wouldn't have to race the C or B, but in another class. I wouldn't be in C class long though. This is all dependant on where my speed ends up and a good gate size in either class. Their is an outside chance of one Loretta attempt in 2015. If I can't race C, then i wouldn't race B with Lorretta hope, or just race in B and don't attempt Lorretta's.
No offense here either, but as an "back in the day" kinda guy. C was for total beginners. I hated C class, no one wanted to be in C class. It meant you were either new or a total squid. We didnt need rules to be forced to move up, we done it as soon as you could buckle your own helmet. Yep , I got pounded in B for a few. Glad I did it, I got to race some killer riders back in the day! Heck, I bet I raced a few of the deuce bags on here! Lol. For the record, if Jack sticks with it he would go straight to B on my ole clapped out YZ 125 not no lazy mans tractor ride for him.
How about trophies for reading all the posts on OMA/CRA/class threads ? Kinda feels like when I " Iron-manned " a 4 hour harescramble .
Zack is only 13 so our plans are too race schoolboy and super mini this year. When he wants to do away with the 150 he will run schoolboy and B. We were racing in Georgia earlier this month and for whatever reason they did not have a schoolboy class. So we discussed it and signed him up for B. In my mind C class is for beginners.

No plans on trying for LL ?
Forget the C or B debate.

Where the hell is the 200lb + class!!!! I demand it!!! Let's make this like wrestling!!! Lol

JK of course lol..
Well there is no winner in the C class debate ever, to many people with to many ways to look at it. But for a local rider that just turned 14 moving up to a big bike no matter how many years he has rode to try for LL should be backed by the local racers there is a HUGE diff between a local fast C rider and a national C rider just the way it is. If you take your true local C rider trying to go for LL he wouldnt even make it out of a LLQ.

In my case with how things rolled out with my rider he learned a ton trying for LL in C class built confidence gave him some great seat time with very fast riders. I guess the mistake I made was having him race a couple local C class races and then I took offence when people like George started talking down on C riders and yes I admit I took it alittle far trying to plead my case that my son wasnt sandbagging and took alot of s**t from alot of people on this site but in the end it made my rider a better racer, in our program its allways been about building confidence because if your rider dosent have it he has already lost before the gate dropped. If infact the C class was a true beginner class we would of skipped it as would of many others nationaly but to take a 14 year old kid and put him in B with full grown adults who have been racing for more years than my son has been alive just didnt seem fare at the time and I believe a ton of dads feel the same way as I do about this but just dont step up and post it in fear of the s**t I have taken trying to express my opinion of the C class. Again I admit I have been wrong about alot of stuff but helping my son get to his goals is not 1 of them.

Merry Christmas everyone and yes even you George.
I should prolly just stick with +25 and Vet Sport instead of trying to play things out to my advantage.

Dont mean this in a bad way to offend you, but if your 25+ and have not been to Lorettas your probably not going. The C class is FULL of young fast talent at LL. And you would have to get VERY fast at an older rider to ever make it in the Vet save your money, and dont worry about LL.

Kentucky used to run a D class for "1st year beginners".........those guys would be jumping triples! So no matter HOW MANY classes you add, there will always be sand baggers. They want to show their girlfriend how fast they are by getting 1st place!
Dont mean this in a bad way to offend you, but if your 25+ and have not been to Lorettas your probably not going. The C class is FULL of young fast talent at LL. And you would have to get VERY fast at an older rider to ever make it in the Vet save your money, and dont worry about LL.

Kentucky used to run a D class for "1st year beginners".........those guys would be jumping triples! So no matter HOW MANY classes you add, there will always be sand baggers. They want to show their girlfriend how fast they are by getting 1st place!

It's cool. I am realistic about qualifying. I believe I could get the help for a low-budget but calculated effort as well as my own money, If I am smart about it, it could work. OMA is my proving grounds. I am getting old, but your not going to find many people that want to ride as much as I do right now. If I do good in OMA, I will give Loretta's a shot. The reason is my older brother, family, friends, the mx community, and the Church. I think I should go the distance with the opportunity in front of me to ride. I don't want to kill myself or anyone else, but I intend to be a tough competitor wherever I end up. I am gonna give the next three years of my life dedicated to MX before it's time to move on.
It's cool. I am realistic about qualifying. I believe I could get the help for a low-budget but calculated effort as well as my own money, If I am smart about it, it could work. OMA is my proving grounds. I am getting old, but your not going to find many people that want to ride as much as I do right now. If I do good in OMA, I will give Loretta's a shot. The reason is my older brother, family, friends, the mx community, and the Church. I think I should go the distance with the opportunity in front of me to ride. I don't want to kill myself or anyone else, but I intend to be a tough competitor wherever I end up. I am gonna give the next three years of my life dedicated to MX before it's time to move on.
Power to ya my friend! Your new forum name is kinda scary though! What happen to the whole love thang? Miss ya, have a fantastic Christmas!
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