OMA X classes

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So are the first 5-10 C riders at any given track on any given Sunday. Can't fix it. It is what it is

It can be fixed. The orgizations need to give the track operators the power to move up riders on the spot. This works in BMX. If a TO sees an obvious sandbagger they should have the power to move them up a class that day. If the rider refuses they would no longer be aloud to compete in the orgizations. Also if a rider is moved up in another organization (example CRA) they should send notification to the other orgizations.

That is a great idea....
I think one win in the c class does'nt qualify you to be a B class rider, maybe 5 or so wins with a min of 15 riders that race. or since its the first season for oma if you are top 2 to 5 winner this season your done in the c class til you become a vet rider, but its hard for the oganization to inforce this issue i bet. But every track could post next yr riders that have to move up so everyone can check it and protest if needed.
The RPV that is used by the AMA seems to be the best way to handle advancement until i think of something better. Essentially we take a riders average point finish across X number of races, lets assume his 10 best finishes, and if the point average exceeds, lets say a 20-21 points, which is a top three for OMA, then that rider is advanced for the next season.

I think everyone should get one year in C if they are new to motocross, now if they choose to remain in C class becuase they are still chasing LL, and feel they have no way in h3ll of making it in B, thats just plain wrong. However, if they are finishing not quite top three on average, thats a maybe for one more year, in C, Im not sure. What does everyone think here, top three average or top five average gets bumped?
5. But I still think in a track owners option or referee for OMA that OBVIOUS sandbaggers can be advanced. There are those that find ways to evade the point advancement thingy on purpose.
Then the same should be done for the B class, any vet class, etc. You win you bump. AMA is what we go by. We dont dodge point races like some more recognizable B riders in the nation, and i wont name names. Finishing Nationally and locally are two different deals. Looks like we will pass on Oma races as we are not B, and wont point out until later this year hopefully. Either way it will be on our or the AMA timeline, not the opinions of pitracer posters.

I believe I stated that we will follow in a similar fashion to AMA by using RPV, I dont quite follow your logic in your statement. I gather input from other sources, not just PR. This is more than likely an issue that we will discuss with all of the tracks at the next meeting for a final decision. I can tell you that I am not going to endorse tracks making advancement decisions on the spot. That turns into a personal decision in a hurry. We simply cant have tracks making gut calls like that, unless its as black and white as it gets. Say Ricky Carmichael shows up to run C. But that sounds like rule enforcement to me, no former Pro should run C ever, that should be a rule.

Either way, I still think we will nominate riders for sand bagger of the year in 2013, and I will have a big brown burlap bag of sand for the winner of that award.
Then the same should be done for the B class, any vet class, etc. You win you bump. AMA is what we go by. We dont dodge point races like some more recognizable B riders in the nation, and i wont name names. Finishing Nationally and locally are two different deals. Looks like we will pass on Oma races as we are not B, and wont point out until later this year hopefully. Either way it will be on our or the AMA timeline, not the opinions of pitracer posters.

Can you clarify? You speak of "point dodgers" and then go on to state you're gonna dodge the OMA so you dont point out...

Seems to me hardware and accomplishments are more important to most rather than good racing and getting faster:confused: WTF?
That's why I stand by my thoughts that there should be NO C class at Loretta Lynns. Just my opinion, and I even went to LL in the C class. But times have changed, and I know of one kid in particular that would be a top 5 B rider, that rides C class just for LL. He had issues at the regional and did not go to LL this year, but will continue to race C next year for that reason, and he is getting even faster than he was should he go B or stay C just because of LL......if there were no C class, that would fix the issue.
This is to early for a C class thread. If you are within the rules then its fine so why bitch about it? If OMA is the future then OMA should do away with the C class all together be the 1st group to make a stand, but thats a huge class and brings in alot of money so that class will stand, OMA will take the money over 3-4 pitracer anti C class members anyday. Let me ask Jason a question, What are your thoughts on the C class rules as you have a rider making a move up to big bikes? The B class is sandbagged way more than the C class as there are fast guys that spend a life time in B thats why if my rider dosent make it to LL in B this next season you bet he will move straight up to A as a 16 year old.
Zack is only 13 so our plans are too race schoolboy and super mini this year. When he wants to do away with the 150 he will run schoolboy and B. We were racing in Georgia earlier this month and for whatever reason they did not have a schoolboy class. So we discussed it and signed him up for B. In my mind C class is for beginners.
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