Trump daddy

A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below. She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Republican!"

"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you're not much help to me."

The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Democrat."

"I am, replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"

"Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault."
Anybody wanna volley an opinion of where we are going to end up on this current Build the Wall/Government shutdown issue?

Does anybody here really believe we have an illegal immigration problem?
Does anybody in the Democratic party, (or even the Republican party) really want to make changes in this area?

Seems to me that Trump is working against a lot of opposition all across the country, in most every state.

I have grandkids, and the thought cross's my mind frequently that they are growing up in a very different America than I grew up in. Saddens me.
I believe trump is in step with most mainstream Americans. He is doing what he promised he would do and having success.

I believe the house freedom caucus believes in the president and agrees with more of what he is doing than anyone. Hard to believe but the most conservative members in DC are behind the president.

Then you have the progressive socialist. Well they are pulling the Democrat party gar left in primaries, and hurting the Democrat party when they win. Probably helping Republicans get elected long term.

Then you have establishment Republicans and Democrats. There is not a whole lot of difference in either and I have no faith in any of them. They are about power and money. They really have no care for the American people. Remember for them, the majority it's about money, and power and keeping it.
Trump is playing Nancy and Chuck. At this point he gave them a no refuse offer and they are passing on it. So the American people are seeing the Democrats for who they truly are.
You know I believe that I am tolerable and try to be respectful to all of the people that I am come in contact with, but I find myself stunned that there are so many people out there that actually believe in and support the liberal Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer. I struggle to keep a straight face when I end up talking to these folks.
They honestly don't see that we have a problem with how the country has been ran for the last 25 years. The Trump haters.

How can they not see the value in what he is trying to accomplish with changes in our politics, foreign trade policies and immigration. Are these people living under a rock?????

We have 20million illegal immigrants living amongst us.
We are housing and supporting 57,000 illegal immigrants in our federal prisons.
Almost every thing you buy at the store has a damn "Made in China" sticker on it.
We have an annual 70 million dollar trade deficit, with just Mexico alone, say nothing of China and the rest of the world.
Other countries tariff the hell out of American imports coming into their country.

And to me the Big Prize is....... We are moments away from hitting 22 trillion in our National Debt.

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Debt schmebt. In 30 years people will be bitching about 220 trillion in debt. And the ceiling will get raised again. If we aren’t socialists and starving by then.
Back in 2013 the democrats in congress voted to approve 42 billion for 700 miles of border fencing. That was pelosi and schumer.
This ain’t about whats right. It’s about how you present yourself to opposition. Trump had an aggressive campaign. Now the democrats want to play ball as well. So they’re stepping up their , dad stronger than your dad and dick measuring game. And will flip flop flap flup Phuq up the entire system so idiots will come out in droves to re elect these s**t heads.
You know I believe that I am tolerable and try to be respectful to all of the people that I am come in contact with, but I find myself stunned that there are so many people out there that actually believe in and support the liberal Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer. I struggle to keep a straight face when I end up talking to these folks.
They honestly don't see that we have a problem with how the country has been ran for the last 25 years. The Trump haters.

How can they not see the value in what he is trying to accomplish with changes in our politics, foreign trade policies and immigration. Are these people living under a rock?????

We have 20million illegal immigrants living amongst us.
We are housing and supporting 57,000 illegal immigrants in our federal prisons.
Almost every thing you buy at the store has a damn "Made in China" sticker on it.
We have an annual 70 million dollar trade deficit, with just Mexico alone, say nothing of China and the rest of the world.
Other countries tariff the hell out of American imports coming into their country.

And to me the Big Prize is....... We are moments away from hitting 22 trillion in our National Debt.

View attachment 60112
Every time... Unfunded liabilities!
Debt schmebt. In 30 years people will be bitching about 220 trillion in debt. And the ceiling will get raised again. If we aren’t socialists and starving by then.
Fundamental transformation isn't cheap. Those involved have found the process lucrative in some form. But it's now funded through debt and deficit. Future generations are literally going to pay for the power play we see today.
Fundamental transformation isn't cheap. Those involved have found the process lucrative in some form. But it's now funded through debt and deficit. Future generations are literally going to pay for the power play we see today.

The cost of all this will be carried on the backs of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the USDebt Clock there is a data field that shows "Liability per Tax Payer", and right now it's at $999,294.

In my understanding a significant cause in the start of World War 1 was brought about by issues and friction between Dynasty's that existed in Europe.

What I see in American Politics today, and really for the last 50 years, these Dynasty's exist here, and are always in the process of growing in wealth, power and influence. They can't get enough! And they will do whatever it takes to stay in power and control. From the Kennedy's to the Bush's, to the Clinton's and now to the current bunch that are in working the forefront as well as those hard at it behind the curtain, like the Soro's brothers and others.

I can handle being asked to be open minded to the views and beliefs of those on the far (and extreme) left, but I become very short tempered when being lied to, and talked to as though I am so stupid that I can't see what's really going on here. And that's how Pelosi, Schumer, and many of their caucus and media play it. Unfortunately the Republican party has their share of these self-centered Dynasty members as well.
What sucks is how many people out there buy into this garbage at face value.


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Another thing I've come to understand with more clarity than ever before, and I can give thanks to our Pitracer brother John250 for helping me consider this, is that what happens in our national politics tomorrow, most often has it's beginnings at the State level.

I'm beginning to pay a lot closer attention to who in the hell is in office currently and on our ballots tomorrow.
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Legalize pot at the federal level tax the crap out of it. Use that money for the wall. Not only will pay for the wall. But it will also give less reason for people to try to sneak into the country with pot. Besides. We are government spends money. Just buy him his wall for 7 billion or whatever. 7,000,000,008 nothing anymore. Besides at 7 billion is going to go back to steel workers laborers military anybody working on wall
On the wall issue, it will forever be shoved in Trumps face that he campaigned that Mexico would pay for the wall. That is if he doesn't come back and re-address the issue.

I recall in an interview Trump stated that "Remittances" (immigrants sending money back to family in their home country) was a massive source of revenue for Mexico. And that the bulk majority of this money being transferred back was coming from immigrants who crossed into the United States illegally, and even includes many who overstayed work Visa's. Basically makes the point that what Mexico will be losing in Revenue, will pay for the wall.

And to Double D's points:
I couldn't agree with you more. A STRONG, STRONG, FORMIDABLE BORDER WALL PROJECT, along with other high technology controls in itself is a major revenue generator for a lot of employment, materials, and development for the American economy. As long as everything is sourced from within our country and not imported.
You wouldn't think twice on appropriating 50 Billion for a Interstate/Highway, Bridges and infrastructure Bill. Isn't your border wall a part of your infrastructure ????????

Just the same as alcohol and prohibition, It's time! What good is having federal laws on your books when you won't enforce them. Allow Marijuana to be decided at the State level, and then govern it just as you do with booze.

Like it or not, a booming legalized marijuana agricultural industry could be the solution to many problems, including the $22 Trillion debt.
Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia), was on one of the talk shows this morning.

He stated that a Bill needs to be passed that anytime there is a government shutdown, that the All members of Congress should be the first ones required to work without getting paid until the government re-opens!

Kudo's...Way to go Joe !!!!
Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia), was on one of the talk shows this morning.

He stated that a Bill needs to be passed that anytime there is a government shutdown, that the All members of Congress should be the first ones required to work without getting paid until the government re-opens!

Kudo's...Way to go Joe !!!!
Add term limits to that bill too. Bet it won’t pass. And I wonder why?

Sherrie Brown gonna go for the presidency. Glad to know he’s gonna be more worried about his national Campaign than worrying about Ohio. They all suck.
Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (West Virginia), was on one of the talk shows this morning.

He stated that a Bill needs to be passed that anytime there is a government shutdown, that the All members of Congress should be the first ones required to work without getting paid until the government re-opens!

Kudo's...Way to go Joe !!!!
He didn't mention the Indiana freshman Republican cosponsor? A couple of other Republicans started the ball rolling on this.