Trump daddy


PR Elite
I am so sorry to all of our hard working, tax paying, American middle-class Democrats out there.
It is so unfortunate what has happened to your party.

Watching this whole impeachment effort by the Democratic leadership has been nothing less than stunning. There is just no boundaries as to how desperate they are, and how low they will go.

Kimberley Strassel: Democrats drop 'quid pro quo' from impeachment case to protect Joe Biden:

The whole time that they were slamming Trump in front of the TV camera's for "BRIBERY' and "Quid-Pro-Quo", was so incredibly hypocritical considering what Biden did with Ukraine, and they have him (Biden), on Video bragging about it.

I just can't figure out why it took them so long to figure out that, that was going to come back and bite them in the ass.
But now that they have backtracked, and changed the "Violations" for the Impeachment, does that now mean that BRIBERY, and QUID-PRO-QUO is Ok? Particularly since Biden did it?

And now it's no longer a "High Crime" or Misdemeanor?
And so now that it has finally dawned on the Democratic leadership that what Biden actually did, and bragged about openly, was worse than what Trump did, it's no longer illegal??????

And of course, as always........... They believe that the general public is so blind and stupid that we can't see what's really going on. They've lost their minds!
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PR Elite
Nearly everybody I hear within earshot is, they are all sick of all of this already. Most see that we have the best economy that we have seen in many years, and they wish the politicians would just knock off all of this BS and just do what the work that they are sent to Congress to do. They're actually tuning it all out.
Have to admit. They've wore me down and I'm sick of hearing it all as well.

I think the Dems are beginning to catch some heat about it all from their base as well.
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PR Founding Father
Hang out in an inner city ER. There’s plenty of them that think trump is the problem they’re sick. Hopefully they don’t vote.

Point is, being social creatures we usually hang out with people of the same likeness. The country really is divided 50/50. The entitlement class will outgrow working class. And if they all vote....we are screwed.

I live in the sticks. Few democrats out here that aren’t 70 year old Kennedy democrats. The rest are farmers. Vote republican. And then there’s a good amount of free loaders, but they don’t vote much it seems out this way.

Hell on my way to tvland I pass more trump flags then section 8 housing developments on the east side of Cleveland. And where these flags are waving you couldn’t tell much of a difference except probably nobody gave the people in Pierpont anytning and there still is a sense of pride knowing nobody handed them anything.


PR Elite
My father, (79 yrs old), swung in at my house a week and-a-half ago to evaluate a car project that I am working on. The news was on the TV.
He immediately started into a fevered rant about Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler. Stated that after a working lifetime, voting Democrat, for the party that supports the working class and unions, he now is waving a Trump banner. Says that the Dems have lost their minds and are corrupt as hell.

I never spoke a word. I just stared, and took in the moment. It's a historical time indeed.
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The crooked house of cards that had been built by establishment Republicans the ever more radical Democrats was obvious to Donald Trump. He's been masterfully dismantling their perverse restructuring of our Constitutional Republic since he began running for office. The results now speak for themselves and are bringing more onboard. Many are now willing to relinquish long held party alliance for a better way.


PR Addict
Some bad guys across town killed my dog, bullied my daughter, and cut the gas line that heats my house. I am afraid to do anything because if I do, those bad guys might do more harm.

I can’t believe what I am watching on the Sunday morning talk shows. The media hates Trump so much they have sided the terrorism.


PR Elite
Some bad guys across town killed my dog, bullied my daughter, and cut the gas line that heats my house. I am afraid to do anything because if I do, those bad guys might do more harm.

I can’t believe what I am watching on the Sunday morning talk shows. The media hates Trump so much they have sided the terrorism.

Saw that too......Stunning isn't it.
We had an American contractor killed and soldiers injured, an American embassy under attack, Trump send in the troops to handle the matter.
As sad as it is, the left wing talking heads and Democratic members of congress would of preferred that the whole situation turned into another Benghazi disaster.


PR Founding Father
Don’t worry about it. I’m a captain in a combat support hospital. Nobody is worried. They’re drumming up fear.

Remember saddam Hussein and Iran were at war for 8 years and ended in a draw.

We destroyed the Iraq military in 21 days. If Iran wants to keep up its bullshit it will
Feel the tax payer wrath. Wars are won on capital. We have the money and the equipment necessary to devastate them quickly. And because of this reason they’ll relax.


PR Founding Father
The liberal left has lost their damn minds. Now they are claiming Trump took out this Monster to take heat off the impeachment. The same impeachment that has proven nothing. No first hand evidence, but yet they scream that the Senate is not going to allow any witnesses, even though they did not present any witnesses in any of their numerous hearings.

Now Iran shoots some missals off to some bases in Iraq. My opinion, if one American is killed, then the US Air Force and Navy need to make Iran a parking lot. The whole damn country has caused turmoil in the middle east my whole life. They chant Death to America.......finish them off.


PR Founding Father
Problem is there are a lot of good people held hostage in Iran. We live by the values of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Doesn’t look good on us If we just indiscriminately wipe out an entire nation of people for what their totalitarian regime is responsible for. unfortunately, that’s why there needs to be a balance and I’m glad trump seeking peace through strength.

It’s the people of Iran who have to stand up to their govt within their borders. It’s the USA that delivers the same message when Iranian leaders decide to operate outside of their borders.

Clearly not an easy foreign affair. But we can’t wipe out innocent poor people, nor can we allow that regime to get a nuclear bomb.


PR Elite
I was a young teenager when the Iranian Hostage crises was happening in 1979. Watching the 51 Americans being paraded around while blind folded by the Iranian leaders in an act of public humiliation, and then held for over a year. That was a difficult time for the American public to sit back and watch on the news night after night. And then to get them released our government had to do something that was vowed that we would NEVER-EVER do, which is negotiate with terrorist.
I remember the anger people had over this whole situation. There were the Ayatollah Khomeini target posters being hung everywhere.

I believe for the older generations that remembered this and lived through that time, they're thinking today: Keep it up assholes, we've been saving a bullet for you for a long time!

For the average Iranian citizens, and really goes for all ordinary everyday citizens in the middle east, it's such a shame that they are raised under governments that brainwash and control them to think this way. They are all deprived of what could be a wonderful life, with wonderful, giving and sharing neighboring countries and nations. Their brainwashed to believe we are all evil.

On a side note, my 82 year old neighbor (Larry), worked for a local hotel after he retired from his job at our local Air Force base. This hotel owner was an older guy, native from somewhere in the middle east, but I can't remember where. Back during Operation Desert Storm, Larry asked him what he thought of the complications we were dealing with in the middle east? The hotel owner told Larry that them idiots have been fighting amongst themselves for a 1000 years, for no good reason, and not likely to end anytime soon.
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PR Elite
Got to hit the couch for some TV time last night just after nine Oclock, flipping through the tv schedule and came across this: Truth and Lies: ABC special on Jeffrey Epstein and victims ...

I had seen and read much of what was in the program before this, but there was some interesting parts that caught my ear. Most of all, the program left me wondering "why aren't they making more effort to uncover more info and facts of the involvement of many of Epstein's partners in crime"? They keep focusing on just what he and Maxwell had done.

Worst of all they did expose that there is definitely an ongoing, active, cover-up by some very powerful people tied to, or in, our government. Especially Trumps ex-Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta. He was the US Attorney that worked up the sweetheart deal for Epstein in Florida, that gave the scumbucket a cakewalk jail sentence and total immunity to all others involved.

I have grown to distrust the ABC television network, and at this point and time I wonder if the airing of this program wasn't just a distracting ruse to satisfy and throw off the American public.

Without a doubt, at this time, I'm thinking that this just might be, one of the largest government scandals and cover ups that this nation has ever seen because of all of the rich and powerful people involved in it, including the possibility of our current President. This whole mess looks like a humongous powder keg with the potential of taking out the current presidential administration and likely prominent members of congress and other high offices across the country. There's likely guilty players from both parties, along with heads of states of other nations. Who knows just how far this thing goes????? And they are going to great efforts to keep people silent about it.

And all the while, I keep picturing Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff all puking out the phrase: "NOBODY, AND WE MEAN NOBODY, IS ABOVE THE LAW".
What a load of crap. This is lying and deception on the grandest scale. The power players behind the curtain are certainly pulling the levers of society big time right now.


PR Addict
One thing I’m sure of is the importance of the next election cycle. People need to vote more than ever. It’s like a modern civil war with the battleground being the voting booth.


PR Elite
Got to hit the couch for some TV time last night just after nine Oclock, flipping through the tv schedule and came across this: Truth and Lies: ABC special on Jeffrey Epstein and victims ...

On Fox News today:
Dr. Baden: Why I believe Epstein's death was a homicide

I'm surprised they haven't knocked off Dr Baden yet.
Massive "HUGE" cover up going on here.


PR Member
Trump 2020.jpg


PR Elite
So I'm out at my Dad's house Sunday evening.
He's watching a golf tournament on TV and they cut to a commercial about the upcoming Iowa Caucus's on Monday. They show the candidates. I asked my dad and his wife what they thought of Sanders, Biden and Warren, all being older, white, and privileged, running for the Presidency? He say's too me............" You know.... I'm 79 years old, and have voted Democrat my whole adult life. I think they need to leave Trump the hell alone, and let him do his job!......... And then throw Pelosi and the other clowns out on their ass's!........................His wife was in full agreement. I didn't know how to respond. :D

Between the Iowa Caucus's results, the poorly thought out and desperately hacked impeachment debacle, and now their poor behavior displayed at the State Of The Union speech event, I would say that the party is in a self induced death spiraling crash-&-burn.
And let's not forget the post speech, "State of the Democratic Party" speech given by the Michigan Governor Whitmer. I've watched almost every SOTU speech's since the late eighties, and you always know there will be the post-speech rebuttal out in the Capital building hallways. But this was a little extreme I think. (as usual). I couldn't watch it, time for bed.

Boy they sure do hate TRUMP DADDY !!!!

( remembering back to the 2016 DNC fiasco and how they screwed Bernie, do you think that maybe the reason the Iowa Caucus App was malfunctioning was because people weren't hitting the "Biden Button"? ) :rolleyes: MAYBE ????
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PR Elite
NQ, your dad is not alone, plenty have decided to get away from that party and live in the real world.