Old D-12 Results Still Online

It was the s**t back in the day. Im sure he can turn it into that again and i hope he does. If he does he could have the best place in ohio. Certainly has the land for it. I love the elevation. Back in the day on a 125 that back uphill triple used to be soo gnarly!!! To hit it clean I think i had to cut over on the water truck road hahaha little trick kevin ot showed me lol
Oh man....... the days..... I remember the day tim put that triple in by the finish line..... vince karnow was jumping it and talked me into it.... I was on a 125....

Feel free to keep sharing old pics John... I miss those days.... I have very few pictures from back then for some reason.
I always wanted to ride that 12 pack at beans but never got a chance always seemed cool to me
So cool someone had a pic of the 12pk been years but it's still burned in my brain. That 12pk was scary as heck to me that's when I was just getting into motocross... I remember watching the fast guys quad into it awesome to watch when someone did it right.
Stock - Saturday Results:

51cc 4-6 Stk Shaft Drive: 1. Bryce Miller (Cob); 2. Austin Mckee (Yam); 3. Jackson Grove (Yam); 4. Jeffery Bouma (Yam); 5. Autumn Fiore (Yam).
51cc 4-6 AMA Stk Class 1: 1. Jacob Edison (Cob); 2. Dru Campbell (Cob); 3. Tristan Van Wieringen (Cob); 4. R. Louie Reicher (Ktm); 5. Bryce Miller (Cob).
51cc 7-8 AMA Stk Class 2: 1. Jared Jennings (Cob); 2. Shane Smallwood (Cob); 3. Jordan Smith (Ktm); 4. Cody Price (Cob); 5. Damon Fiore (Cob).
50cc 4-8: 1. Jacob Edison (Cob); 2. Tristan Van Wieringen (Cob); 3. Richard Stalnaker (Ktm).
65cc Beg: 1. Robert Demorest (Kaw); 2. Cody Purvis (Suz); 3. Austin Ogle (Suz).
50cc Beg: 1. Jacob Corpman (Ktm); 2. Nathan Ferrar (Ktm).
65cc Stock 7-9: 1. Nick Gaines (Ktm); 2. Sean Shalvoy (Ktm); 3. Brett Mcmichael (Ktm); 4. Austin Root (Ktm); 5. Jordan Smith (Ktm).
65cc Stock 10-11: 1. Cameron Reas (Ktm); 2. Sheldon Haudenshild (Ktm); 3. Charles Beamer (Kaw); 4. Cody Gragg (Ktm); 5. Daniel Lippman (Suz).
65cc Extra: 1. Nick Gaines (Ktm); 2. Travis Ingram (Ktm); 3. Joshua Hyde (Ktm); 4. Gavin Chinn (Ktm).
65cc 10-11: 1. Jacob Hicks (Suz); 2. Cade Clason (Ktm); 3. Grace Majkowski (Suz).
65cc 7-9: 1. Jared Jennings (Kaw); 2. John Allender Jr (Kaw); 3. Dean Lampron (Ktm); 4. Michael Dallaire (Suz); 5. Luke Mason (Suz).
85cc 7-11: 1. Chandler Lindsay (Suz); 2. Christopher Prebula (Ktm); 3. David Batistig (Yam); 4. Tayler Bustillos (Yam); 5. Talon Harper (Ktm).
85 Stock 7-11: 1. Jacob Grove (Suz); 2. Charles Beamer (Suz); 3. Jeremy Taylor Jr (Ktm); 4. Cody Gragg (Yam); 5. Tony Archer (Yam).
85 Stock 12-13: 1. James Justice (Ktm); 2. Sean Cunningham (Suz); 3. Matt Babbitt (Kaw); 4. Broc Schmelyun (Yam); 5. Deric Dury (Suz).
85cc Extra 7-11: 1. Jeremy Taylor Jr (Ktm); 2. Michael Morello (Suz); 3. Alex Maldet (Suz); 4. Chaz Clingerman (Suz); 5. Tayler Bustillos (Yam).
85cc 12-15: 1. Jimmy Knisley (Suz); 2. Matthew Fisk (Kaw); 3. Cody Reas (Ktm); 4. Alex Hindle (Ktm); 5. Sean Kilkenny (Yam).
Super Mini: 1. Caleb Gaines (Ktm); 2. Jared Lautzenheiser (Suz); 3. Corey Miller (Hon); 4. Broc Schmelyun (Yam); 5. Alex Hindle (Ktm).
125 Schoolboy Stock: 1. Austin Stroupe (Kaw); 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Andy Blake (Ktm); 4. Kenneth Henry (Ktm); 5. Ryan Brumfield (Yam).
Girls 65cc-105cc (9-13): 1. Kaylynn Kotlar (Yam); 2. Taylor Levic (Yam); 3. Alexandra Atherton (Yam); 4. Amanda Brown (Hon); 5. Grace Majkowski (Suz).
Women 105/125cc & up: 1. Tayler Lacey (Hon); 2. Abbie Barbo (Suz); 3. Abie Loebich (Suz); 4. Samantha Farr (Suz); 5. Kelly Arthurs (Kaw).
Schoolboy Support: 1. Bobby Purpera (Yam); 2. Benjamin Cometa (Hon); 3. David Diehl (Hon); 4. Kory Hamilton (Yam); 5. Tim Glassburn (Suz).
125A: 1. Eric Miller (Hon); 2. Phillip Harris (Hon); 3. Hunter Shryock (Kaw); 4. Lee Westover (Hon); 5. Nicholas Prendes (Yam).
125B Stock: 1. Donald Buchter (Kaw); 2. Ryan Zimmerman (Hon); 3. Jimmy King (Hon); 4. Jesse Gustafson (Kaw); 5. Nicholas Basamania (Yam).
250/Open A: 1. Aj Hattery (Hon); 2. Phillip Harris (Hon); 3. Brandon Smith (Yam); 4. Cody Longwell (Yam); 5. Eric Bean (Yam).
250/Open B Stock: 1. Jesse Russell (Suz); 2. Todd Decker Jr (Ktm); 3. Bobby Roetzel (Kaw); 4. Matthew Townsend (Yam); 5. Corey Kiger (Hon).
125C Stock: 1. T J Yackey (Yam); 2. James Triano (Suz); 3. David Strausbaugh (Kaw); 4. Garrett Salandro (Suz); 5. Matthew Carruthers (Suz).
125 B Support: 1. Austin Stroupe (Kaw); 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Allen Mcclure (Hon); 4. Kyle King (Yam); 5. Sam Archer (Yam).
125 C Support: 1. Jeremy Calvert (Yam); 2. Brian Grier (Yam); 3. Joey Hicks (Hon); 4. George Jennings (Hbg); 5. Mike Knuth (Yam).
250/Open B Support: 1. Jimmy King (Hon); 2. Allen Mcclure (Hon); 3. Derek Schaar (Hon).
250/Open C Support: 1. Pat Cunningham (Yam).
Collegeboy: 1. Hunter Shryock (Kaw); 2. Chris Maynard (Hon); 3. Joseph Merrill Jr (Yam); 4. Tim Bishop (Suz); 5. Scott Schindler (Hon).
Plus 25: 1. Dave Kacmar (Hon); 2. Michael Lindsay (Hon); 3. Kevin Beloy (Yam).
Plus 30 A/B: 1. Christopher Opliger (Hon); 2. Dave Kacmar (Hon); 3. Robert Thomas (Kaw); 4. Michael Lindsay (Hon); 5. Jeffrey Grove (Hon).
Plus 30 C: 1. Samuel Oney (Yam); 2. Timothy Hughes (Hon); 3. Pat Cunningham (Yam); 4. Mark Farrar (Suz).
Plus 40: 1. Ted Fischer (Hon); 2. Dennis Maerkisch (Hon).

Modified - Sunday Results:
50cc Beg: 1. Maxwell Parker (Ktm); 2. Cody Collins (Yam); 3. Hank Hays (Yam); 4. Kaelan Kreger (Hon).
50cc 4-6: 1. Jacob Edison (Cob); 2. Dru Campbell (Cob); 3. Mitchell Harrison (Cob); 4. Tristan Van Wieringen (Cob); 5. R. Louie Reicher (Ktm).
50cc 4-8: 1. Jacob Edison (Cob); 2. Tristan Van Wieringen (Cob); 3. Gunner Setterstrom (Yam); 4. Richard Stalnaker (Ktm); 5. Klay Prager (Cob).
50cc 7-8: 1. Brady Patterson (Cob); 2. Brice Hottle (Cob); 3. Darrin Yerian (Ktm); 4. Luke Mason (Cob); 5. Grae Setterstrom (Ktm).
65cc Beg: 1. Cody Purvis (Suz); 2. Josh Lafleur (Kaw); 3. Austin Ogle (Suz); 4. Darrin Yerian (Suz); 5. Luke Mason (Cob).
65 Modified 7-11: 1. Nick Gaines (Ktm); 2. Cameron Reas (Ktm); 3. David Lampron Jr (Ktm); 4. Chris Canning (Kaw); 5. Shayne Cunningham (Ktm).
85 Modified 7-11: 1. Jacob Grove (Suz); 2. Jeremy Taylor Jr (Ktm); 3. Chase Kilbarger (Ktm); 4. Aj Green (Yam); 5. Blane Saeler (Suz).
85cc Extra 7-11: 1. Curt Gaski (Yam); 2. Zak Williamson (Kaw); 3. Michael Morello (Suz); 4. David Mohr, Jr. (Suz); 5. Grace Majkowski (Yam).
85 Modified 12-13: 1. James Justice (Ktm); 2. Sean Cunningham (Suz); 3. Jimmy Knisley (Suz); 4. Matt Babbitt (Kaw); 5. Broc Schmelyun (Yam).
85 Modified 14-15: 1. Caleb Gaines (Ktm); 2. Colten Maynard (Suz); 3. Corey Miller (Hon); 4. Cody Reas (Ktm); 5. Matthew Fisk (Kaw).
105cc Super Mini: 1. James Justice (Ktm); 2. Caleb Gaines (Ktm); 3. Jimmy Knisley (Suz); 4. Cody Reas (Ktm); 5. Alex Hindle (Ktm).
125 Modified 12-15: 1. Austin Stroupe (Kaw); 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Gary Radford (Yam); 4. Tyler Newton (Suz); 5. Patrick Wastler (Yam).
Schoolboy Support: 1. Tj Phillips (Yam); 2. Kyle Kennedy (Yam); 3. Sam Archer (Yam); 4. Casey Miles (Yam).
Womens: 1. Danette Miles (Yam).
Collegeboy: 1. Joseph Merrill Jr (Yam); 2. Andy Sczypta (Yam); 3. Joshua Davis (Yam); 4. Jimmy Bissett The 4th (Yam); 5. Ryan Ford (Ktm).
125A/Pro Sport: 1. Phillip Harris (Hon); 2. Warren Laney (Yam); 3. Hunter Shryock (Kaw); 4. Fletcher Shryock (Kaw); 5. Matt Lee (Suz).
125B Modified: 1. Austin Stroupe (Kaw); 2. Ricky Renner (Yam); 3. Donald Buchter (Kaw); 4. Jesse Gustafson (Kaw); 5. Ryan Zimmerman (Hon).
125C Modified: 1. T J Yackey (Yam); 2. Jason Owens (Yam); 3. James Triano (Suz); 4. Garrett Salandro (Suz); 5. Kyle Jamiel (Yam).
250/Open A/Pro Sport: 1. Jay Weller (Hon); 2. Aj Hattery (Hon); 3. Brandon Smith (Yam); 4. Eric Bean (Yam); 5. Phillip Harris (Hon).
250/Open B Modified: 1. John Higbee (Hon); 2. Corey Kiger (Hon); 3. Jesse Russell (Suz); 4. Philip Kinnison (Yam); 5. Ryan Zimmerman (Hon).
250/Open C: 1. James Triano (Suz); 2. Kyle Jamiel (Yam); 3. Matthew Carruthers (Suz); 4. Jon Witherspoon (Hon); 5. Mark Krchmar (Kaw).
Four Stroke 201-650cc: 1. Jay Weller (Hon); 2. Phillip Harris (Hon); 3. John Higbee (Hon); 4. Chris Maynard (Hon); 5. Ryan Zimmerman (Hon).
25 Plus: 1. Mike Katin (Suz); 2. Greg Smith (Yam); 3. W Robin Mcclain (Ktm); 4. Richard Silvers (Yam); 5. Dave Kacmar (Hon).
Vet 30 Plus: 1. Mike Katin (Suz); 2. Richard Silvers (Yam); 3. Christopher Opliger (Hon); 4. Chuck Nicholson (Suz); 5. Dave Kacmar (Hon).
Vet 35 Plus: 1. W Robin Mcclain (Ktm); 2. Cliff Walker (Hon); 3. Chuck Nicholson (Suz); 4. John Kreps (Ktm); 5. Roland Lohr Jr (Hon).
Senior 40 Plus: 1. Ted Fischer (Hon); 2. Rick Hopkins (Yam); 3. D Jeffrey Barley (Yam); 4. Chip Stevenson (Yam); 5. Wayne Hartle (Suz).
Senior 45 Plus: 1. D Jeffrey Barley (Yam); 2. Rick Hopkins (Yam); 3. Dennis Maerkisch (Hon); 4. Tim Boryk (Hon); 5. Larry Plas (Ktm).
First race I ever announced...
The very first rendition of Beans was pretty cool too before he leveled the mountain and made parking area!!! Used to go down into a valley and around this wooded area up to the where the tunnel jump is...... I remember that early layout still and how cool it was then!!!

I found a pic of that in my archives! You used to go through the old 10 pack in the front and then go straight, and then left up the hill before coming back down and heading toward the tunnel jump in the center.


Here's another pic of the original "10 pack" too.

Here's another of the original 10 pack and uphill woods section.

View attachment 51373
It's funny how some other threads are so much about people complaining about track prep or whatever but the level of prep that most tracks do now is world's better than 20 years ago... Looking at the early pictures of beans reminds me, that track was dusty at times and the dirt wasn't perfectly tilled, but it was a new and fun track and everyone jus wanted to ride not complain
Here's another of the original 10 pack and uphill woods section.

View attachment 51373
I remember that layout. Very fun track. I was just starting out in mx, so the 10 pack was challenging me for sure. Felt awesome when I finally jumped all the way through them. That uphill double in the earlier pic was fun too.

John, what year are those pics from? The mx scene was very exciting back then. Many new tracks and the formation of D12. Great mx memories for me.
I feel like the 2001 version of Scenic Highlands and of Beans Bike Park were the best. As far as other former AMA District 12 tracks from "back in the day" (2001-2004)
2002 for Dirt World, Sandusky Valley when they first joined, Crow Canyon, and Broken Spokes really enjoyed the night races under the lights.
2003 for Western Reserve, though I wasn't a big fan of track in any year...
2004 Spring Valley joined.
Keep in mind I started riding in 2001, and seemingly exited in 2005.
Those old photos of Spokes and Scenic are classic, and make me wish those days weren't 15 years ago. Age 15, my family, my friends, my dirt bike. The good old days.
Props to 261 for a great thread!
Awesome that you had pics of the original Beans!!!! Most people on here won't even know where that is!!! Very cool.

I found a pic of that in my archives! You used to go through the old 10 pack in the front and then go straight, and then left up the hill before coming back down and heading toward the tunnel jump in the center.

View attachment 51371

Here's another pic of the original "10 pack" too.

View attachment 51372