Old D-12 Results Still Online

Jack had some of his first rides on a big track there.
I remember the downhill after the start was high speed WFO to the bottom.

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I was working at Midwest Motorsports at the time and Tim was good friends with the owner. We got to go check the property out before the track was even laid out. We were in aw! There wasn't even a driveway up the mountain yet. We had to park down at the road and hill climb our bikes to the top and the you could see the vast estate! It really was amazing! Once the track was laid out it was pretty much unridable. There were so many rocks it was rediculous! We were out there many weekend loading rocks into Jordan Dukes truck bed... It was futile. Tim eventually got a rock picker and ran it constantly! For those who rode there, I'm sure you remember the ROCKS! But it really was Amazing what Tim did with that place! We had a few years of fun out there before Tim had enuff. I think he was even commuting from the Cleveland area to newcomers Town! Yikes! It was really fun while it lasted! I've even got a nice scar on my eyebrow from a boulder smashing through my goggles! Good times!
I melted down my first and only suzuki 125 on one if them days.
I also loved that horsepower hill all the way to the bottom. But one time I made the mistake of pulling out behind dave and Carl and thought I was riding into a meteor shower up that hill. One of my first times experiencing 4 stroke roost.

Chris "the original" miller caught a rock to the sweet spot and had to have someone else check for fear of what might be found. Lol. And didn't Hause get a rock pierce a hole in a goggle lense there?
I do remember later into the 2000's that it was much more noticeable, especially the boulder that pop up after the infield triple before dropping down the hill. I guess my point was that it didn't seem that bad in the early days. Must have been prepped better then. First time I pulled in, I s**t a brick, it looked amazing.
Yep, rocks were very much dependent on prep.

Tim did many “if you guys show, I’ll open” rides throughout the nasty months.

We would hound him early in the week (on here) and he would make the call.

Those were always fun!
Loved scenic, had the most natural terrain of any track in ohio. Will always remember my first time up horsepower hill back before he shortened it. I always thought it was rocky but no worse than most tracks in that area.
The regional at Scenic in 2005 or 06 hurt that place a lot. Many "big" names from amateurs showed up that weekend such as Bowers. The water truck broke Friday during practice and the track was just a dust bowl the rest of the weekend. It was dangerous. I believe that left a sour taste in a lot peoples mouths. I don't believe I went back after that race in fear of it being in the same conditions.
That Regional DID have a big negative impact....and as illustrated by the above post it was so bad on Friday most people don't even remember that new watering equipment was brought in Saturday and the track late Saturday and all of Sunday was probably one of the best prepped Scenic days I've ever seen.

The two pics I posted on page 4 with all the campers were taken at the Regional on Saturday after the new water equipment arrived, you can see the track is in good shape at that point.
I raced that regional, I remember the heat more than anything. It was a scorcher. Loved riding at Scenic.
People didn't notice how rocky tracks were untill gates began to fill up with four strokes. I remember getting pelted with rocks when the gate was 100% two strokes, I didn't enjoy it but it was nothing like getting blasted by a gate of 450's.
I don't remember it being to rocky at all... Tim all ways gave it 100% when it came to prep... lots of memories there from my sons first ride on a big motocross track to breaking my leg and driving home 2 hours with my left foot... wish i could go back 10 years and ride a few more laps...

I drove home from there TWICE with my left foot. Lol

It's pits fault I ever rode a 450. One early spring day I had my cr250 there. No one was hardly jumping the middle triple because of a mud hole on the landing. Well, I hit it a few times, then over shot it.. My bike stuck in the ground like a lawn dart and I kissed my front tire immediately. Bike stayed standing. Broke the exhaust flange clean off and once I made it back to the trailer, I had to see if my boys were still there. Serious. Thought I was done as a man. Lol so shortly after that, when feeling returned, I rode pits 02 crf 450.. That week I bought my first one and raced the area qualifiers on it. Miss that place..
The doubles around the hill were great....But John is right,After the dozer broke down I never went back. The rocks yes they hurt....those pictures of beans amazing!!!! Wish there was a way to hold in the sand!!!!!jon16 that picture is amazing looking !!!! poster time!!
How about some luscious pics of Beans from back in the day? Remember when he used to cover it with a bunch of sawdust and sand?

Beans is up there with my all time favorite tracks, so much fun!
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I think that's me going through that gnarly left hander at Beans on the RM with red plates? Thanks for the trip down memory lane John! Almost gets my juices flowing again!
The very first rendition of Beans was pretty cool too before he leveled the mountain and made parking area!!! Used to go down into a valley and around this wooded area up to the where the tunnel jump is...... I remember that early layout still and how cool it was then!!!
Yep, rocks were very much dependent on prep.

Tim did many “if you guys show, I’ll open” rides throughout the nasty months.

We would hound him early in the week (on here) and he would make the call.

Those were always fun!

Remember when he opened in February and he said: It's gonna be dusty, the Ponds frozen solid. That was an awesome day. Place was packed.
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I wish I could have rode beans when it looked that way it's never looked anything like that when I've been there
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